Actions Box

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The Actions Box contains all of the actions that can be performed in the Jobs screen. The buttons are enabled and disabled based on the access rights assigned to the User and the status of the job (Not all access levels can select all functions and some functions can only be performed on completed Jobs.)


When a selection is unavailable,

the icon will be disabled and it will show a Tool Tip that explains why it is not accessible.

the report will be grayed out if generating Job-related reports


Hover over a selection to see the tool tip describing its function.



Access Level Notes:

Not all access levels can perform all functions and some functions can only be performed on completed jobs. All Action buttons or check-boxes that are disabled will show a tool tip with explanation.

Users with access level 1 can only view information for non-confidential Jobs and only the ViewButton button will be enabled. (NOTE: The user will only be able to view the job description and print the description if they have access to the print job reports). If the selected job is marked Confidential the user will  be able to see the job on the list but not view or edit the details.

Users with access level 2 can only edit details for non-confidential jobs so the EditButtonand Certification buttons will be enabled. However, the skills will only be viewable. If the selected job is marked Confidential the user will be able to see the job on the list but they will not be able to view or edit the details.

Users with access level 3 can add or edit details for non-confidential jobs so only the bs84, EditButton,Certification and Job Questionnaire buttons will be enabled. If the selected job is marked Confidential the user will be able to see the job on the list but they will not be able to view or edit the details.

Users with access level 4 can add, edit or copy any job so the bs84, EditButton and CopyButtonbuttons will be enabled. Cannot delete jobs.

Users with access level 5 can add, edit, delete or copy any job so all buttons are enabled.



Only Level 4 or 5 user can change the Benchmark status of a job.

Only Level 4 or 5 user can change the Confidential status of a job.

Only Level 4 or 5 user can change the Approval status of a job.


Only a Level 5 user can change the Confidential status of a job, make a job active or inactive or approve a job. However, any user that has access to change a Job Questionnaire can cause the approved status of a Job to be removed if they make a change to a Questionnaire (and the system will advise them that the approval has been removed). This does not mean that they can remove the approval on a job from the Job Details screen.


Insert a New Job

Click bs84to add a new Job.


The Job Details screen is displayed with all of the information that can be entered about the Job displayed in one scrollable screen.


Important Note about Job Reference: The Job Reference is the primary key for the Job in the database. It must be unique and can not contain any special characters (e.g. /*& etc). The system will not allow you to enter a duplicate or invalid key.



All of the fields default to blank (or 'Not Applicable' which is treated like blank) except for:

The Organization Unit which defaults to the highest level of the organization structure.

The Gender which defaults to 'Gender Neutral'.

The Pay Band Group will default to the first pay band group listed in drop-down.

Active defaults to checked(active). To inactivate the job, click the checkbox ( unchecked).

Confidential defaults to unchecked (not-confidential). To mark the job confidential. click the checkbox ( checked).

The Approved box will only be shown if your organization uses the Job Approval Process. However, it will be disabled when inserting a new job because a job cannot be approved until there is at least one completed Job Questionnaire.


Note: Job Reference will always be converted to uppercase on this screen for storing in the database. This ensures consistent identification of the jobs.



The Nature of the Work field will only be shown if the Job Policy Do you use Nature of the Work in your Job Descriptions? is set to Yes. By default this policy is set to No.

The Pay Band Group Field will only be shown if the Job Policy Enable multiple Pay Band Groups is set to Yes. By default this policy is set to No.


General Accountability, Specific Accountabilities, Technical Requirements and Nature of the Work Fields


New with v9.4.1, these text fields are now editable using content editors, allowing formatting to be completed within the field.  The formatting will carry over to the printed reports (Job Description, Job Posting, etc).  



The editbutton icon opens the field.  It is an unlimited text field in which you can copy and paste from Word,  other text programs, or directly enter information.  This allows you to easily create the jobs documents using words describing the job located in any existing document.  In addition, a basic formatting tool is provided to allow you to customize the reports.



Text can be bolded, italicized, underlined, and left, center or right justified.  Standard bullet and numbering functions are provided as well as indenting.  Finally, sections can be cut, copied and pasted using the active icons or your keyboard shortcuts.


okbutton to save and close.


The BalloonHelpIconicon beside the field provides elaboration regarding the information that is to be included in each of the fields.



Click OKButton to close the window.


Administrator Note: The information displayed in these Balloon Help windows comes from the memo notes field of the alternate term policy for each of these four fields. It is populated by Encompassing Visions when the system is initially installed but should be modified to mirror the terminology relevant to your organization. Refer to Alternate Terms in the following section of the Help Topic: Jobs>Job Settings>Alternate Terms


Click SaveButton save the new job. Refer to the Error Handling section in the Interacting With Encompassing Visions page to learn how the errors are displayed and how to correct them.

Click CancelButton to close the window without saving the job.


Note: When a new record gets saved, it gets inserted into the list at the top of the list rather than refreshing the entire list and it gets set as the selected record. This is so that you are automatically positioned at the newly inserted Job and ready to perform other functions like completing the Questionnaire or Attaching Job Skills.


Edit An Existing Job

Select the desired job on the list and click EditButtonor double-click the job to make changes.


The Job Details screen is displayed with all of the information that has been entered about the job displayed in one scrollable screen.




The Job Reference number can not be edited as it is the primary key for the job.

The Nature of the Work field will only be shown if the Job Definition Policy Do you use Nature of the Work in your Job Descriptions? is set to Yes. By default this policy is set to No.

The Pay Band Group Field will only be shown if the Job Policy Enable multiple Pay Band Groups is set to Yes. By default this policy is set to No.


Job Statuses


Checked checkedmeans the job is active; unchecked uncheckedmeans it is not. Change the status of the job by checking or un-checking the box.



Checked checkedmeans the job is confidential; unchecked uncheckedmeans it is not. Change the confidential status by checking or un-checking the box.  A job marked Confidential can only be viewed or maintained by a user with access level 4 or 5 to the Jobs function.



Checked checkedmeans the job is approved; unchecked uncheckedmeans it is not. Change the approval by checking or un-checking the box.  A job can only be approved if it has at least one completed Job Questionnaire (i.e. it is Complete).  When the job is approved the Date Approved field is displayed and defaulted to the current system date. This date can be updated if required.


Click editbutton to edit the General Accountability, Specific Accountabilities, Technical Requirements and Nature of the Work Fields.


These are unlimited text field in which you can copy and paste from Word or other text programs as well as directly enter information.  This allows you to easily create the jobs documents using words describing the job located in any existing document.  In addition, a basic formatting tool is provided to allow you to customize the reports. Text can be bolded, italicized, underlined, and left, center or right justified.  Standard bullet and numbering functions are provided as well as indenting.  Finally, sections can be cut, copied and pasted using the active icons or your keyboard shortcuts.


The BalloonHelpIconicon provides elaboration regarding the information that is to be included in the General Accountability, Specific Accountabilities, Technical Requirements and Nature of the Work Fields.



Click OKButton to close the window.


Administrator Note: The information displayed in these Balloon Help windows comes from the memo notes field of the alternate term policy for each of these four fields. It is populated by Encompassing Visions when the system is initially installed but should be modified to mirror the terminology relevant to your organization. Refer to the Alternate Terms section of the Help Topic: Jobs> Job Settings > Alternate Terms.


Click SaveButton to save the changes. Refer to the Error Handling section in the Interacting With Encompassing Visions page to learn how the errors are displayed and how to correct them.

Click CancelButton to close the window without saving the changes.


View a Job

If the user has only Access Level 1 to the Jobs function, the Edit EditButtonbutton becomes the ViewButtonbutton. Click this button or double-click a job will display the Job Details screen but not permit any changes to be made. Only jobs not marked Confidential can be viewed.



Click OKButton to close the window.


Job Skills

This function displays the Skills and Certifications that are linked to the selected job and, if Access Level permits, allows maintenance of that information. This functionality is defined in detail in the Help Topic Job Skills.

Available for all Jobs.

Available to users with any Access Level  for non-confidential Jobs and Access Level 4 or 5 for confidential Jobs.


Job Questionnaire(s)

This function displays the list of Job Questionnaires for the selected Job and, if Access Level permits, allows add, update or delete of Questionnaires. This functionality is defined in detail in the Job Questionnaires topic.  

Available to users with Access Level 3 for non-confidential Jobs and  Access Level 4 or 5 for confidential Jobs.


Copy a Job

Select the desired job on the list and click CopyButton to copy the job.


The Copy Job Details screen is displayed for entering the new Job Title and Reference with options to deselect the defaulted copy of information from the text fields of the current copied Job.



1.Keep selected the Nature of Work (policy driven), General Accountability, Specific Accountabilities, Technical Requirements and Skill and Certifications if you wish to have the text copied to the new job.

2.Deselect those fields you wish not to have copied to the new job.

3.If Skills and Certifications have not been attached to the selected job you wish to copy, the option will not be available.  


Click SaveButton to save the new job.

Click CancelButton to close the window without saving the new job.


Delete a Job

Select the desired job and click DeleteButton to delete the job.


The Confirmation Message Window will be displayed asking for confirmation of the delete:




Click OKButton to confirm and proceed with the delete.

Click CancelButton to cancel the delete.


If the delete is confirmed the system will check to see if the job is linked to any Employees or Competency Reviews and display the Information Message Window if it is:



Click OKButtonto close the message. The Job will not be deleted.


Refer to the Delete Job topic for more information about deleting Jobs and recommended actions.



It is important to consider carefully whether jobs should be deleted from Encompassing Visions when they are no longer used in your organization or whether they should be inactivated. Inactive jobs, will not count towards the Job Constraint. However, if they are made active again they will count against the constraint. Deleting a job permanently removes all record of that job from the database and is irreversible.


Use the Search iconsearchbutton to search for a Job either by Job Title or Job Reference Number. The Search box allows you to find specific items in the list.

Filtering The Job List

Click the FilterButtonbutton to open the filter window for jobs.  




The Approved and Date Approved Filters will not be shown if the Job Policy Use Client Job Approval Process is set to NO.

The Benchmark and Benchmark Filters will not be shown if the Benchmark Job Processing Policy Enable the Benchmark Job Processing is set to NO.

The Pay Band Group Filter will not be shown if the Policy Enable multiple Pay Band Groups is set to NO

When an organization unit below the (All) level is chosen, the Sub-Units filter controls filtered jobs.

When the Sub-Units filter is checkedthe jobs assigned to sub-units of the selected Organization Unit will be included in the listing.  When it is unchecked unchecked only jobs assigned to the Organization Unit chosen will populate the list.

Click the CalendarButtonbutton to open a calendar and choose a valid date for the Date Approved filter.

Any combination of filters can be applied to make your list of jobs smaller.


To clear all filters and display the full list of jobs, click ResetFilterButton.



Percentage of Male/Female Dominant Jobs

To determine the Percentage of Male/Female Dominant Jobs throughout your Organization

Filter your job list by Gender (done on the Job Screen)

odetermine if by the whole organization or by different organization units (include Sub-Units)


Filter for Female_Male Dominant Jobs_Percentage


Click Filter filterbutton_zoom79 icon

Will generate jobs as selected from the filters chosen.


Filter for Female_Male Dominant Jobs_Percentage2


Click Print printbutton1icon to print the job listing.

The header will indicate the percentage of Male or Female Jobs (based on selection).


Filter for Female_Male Dominant Jobs_Percentage3

Print a Job Listing

Click printbutton1 to print a listing of the jobs shown on the screen including the filtering and sorting. The report can be printed or saved to a file.


Job Listing Sample


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Job-Related Reports






Job Questionnaire(s)

Displays a screen which allows you to view and maintain the Job Questionnaire(s) for the selected Job.


Job Skills

Displays a screen which allows you to view and maintain the skills and certifications for the selected Job.


Questionnaire Responses

Displays a report which provides a summary of the Job Questionnaire responses for the selected Job.  This report can be saved or printed.


Selection Rationale

Displays a report for the selected Job which identifies the responses chosen and any response justification entered for that job.


Job Totals

Displays a report showing the breakdown of evaluation points for the selected Job.


Job Competencies

Displays a report showing the competency importance ratings for the selected Job.


Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

Displays a report showing the average Job Questionnaire results for the selected Job compared to individual results when multiple Questionnaires are completed for the job.  This report is only active when more than one Questionnaire is completed for the selected Job.


Job Description*

Creates the Encompassing Visions Job Description for the selected Job.


Job Posting

Creates a one-page posting for the selected Job.


Selection Interview Guide*

Creates the interview guide for the selected Job.


Linked Employees

A list of the employees that have been assigned the selected Job


Linked Jobs

Only available if the policy for Benchmark Jobs is turned on. Displays a report showing clones for the selected Benchmark Job


Job Audit

Displays a report showing all changes to the selected Job.

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Job Total Points Listing

Displays a report that shows the calculated points for each Job including the breakdown by Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Job/Points Matrix

Displays the Job Evaluations results in the form of a grid. Jobs can be filtered within the Job/Points Matrix Report in a number of ways, including by Job Family, Job Group, Organization and Job Evaluation Points.  Within each cell of the Matrix Report, the order of the Job Title’s printed is based on each Job’s total job evaluation points.  Jobs that have been evaluated but not yet ‘Approved’ (based on Policy settings) are highlighted in the report.

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

Shows the Questionnaire Responses, Job Total Points and Job Level for the selected group of Jobs. Questions are grouped into four broad categories:




Working Conditions

The report also shows how the specific Questions link to the categories.

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Job Competency Cross Reference

Identifies the Competency Importance Ratings calculated for each Job. Competencies are grouped into five broad categories:





Working Methods

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Job Skills - Current Filter(s)

View a list of skills/certifications for the current Jobs list

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

User Assigned Jobs

The report will enable the Administrator to see who has been assigned which job and if the Questionnaire has been completed by the user and the date it was completed.


Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Jobs Audit

Displays a report showing all changes to all jobs within a selected date range.

Evaluation & Analyses Reports

Incomplete Jobs Information

Displays a report showing information missing Job details. Options given to check for missing details.


Note: The Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guide can  have alternate terms defined so the names displayed on this Help page may not match what is in your installation of Encompassing Visions.


Job Data Verification

Questionnaire Responses

Displays the summary of the Job Questionnaire Responses for the selected Job (or their average when more than one Job Questionnaire is completed).

Available to users Access Level 3 for non-confidential Jobs and  Access Level 4 or 5 for confidential Jobs.


Select Questionnaire Responses to view the results:


The Selected Job is displayed at the top of the report.

Note: When viewing the Questionnaire Responses for a specific Questionnaire (from within an Automated (Job) Questionnaire or from the Questionnaire list), you will see the results for the one selected Questionnaire. When viewing the Questionnaire Responses from the Jobs screen you are viewing consolidated results of all completed questionnaires for the Selected Job.

The responses to the questions from the Job Questionnaire are listed on this screen.

The Questionnaire must be complete in order for the the Job Totals and Response Validation reports to be enabled.

Click Print icon for a printable copy of the results or option for saving to PDF.


Click Save2 to export the Questionnaire Responses report to your computer as HTML.

Selection Rationale

Displays a printable Job Questionnaire for the selected Job, identifying the responses chosen for each question and any justification entered.

Available to users with Access Level  5 only.


selection rationale report


The report generated is the same as the hard copy questionnaire printed in the Job-Related Reports except that it also includes the notes entered in the Justification field in the Automated (Job) Questionnaire.


selection rationale report2

Response identifies the selection chosen.

User ID is the user who completed the questionnaire (or the user who entered the justification if done separately).

Justification is the notes entered by the user.

Click the Print Report link to print a copy of the report.

Click the Close link to close the Selection Rationale screen.


Job Totals Points

Displays the breakdown of evaluation points for the selected Job.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users with Access Level 4 or 5 only.


Prior to generating the report, you will be asked whether you want to include Job Level Information in the report.



When checked checked the report will include the table of Job Levels in the system and indicate which Job Level the job falls into.

When unchecked uncheckedthe report will not include this information.

Click OKButton to generate the Job Totals report

Click CancelButton to return to the Job List without generating the report


Refer to the Report Viewer section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Job Total Points_graph


Job Total Points_graph2


The first page is a listing of the breakdown of points.  The second page is a graph of the breakdown of points.. These reports are displayed using the installed Report Services Viewer installed in the software.


Competency List  (Job Competencies)

Displays a listing of all active Competencies and the Importance Rating assigned to each Competency for the selected Job.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users with Access Level 4 or 5 only.


Refer to the Report Viewer section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report  Viewer.


Competency List Page 1


Competency List Page 2

The first page is a graph of the Competencies for the Job while the second page is a listing of the same information in tabular format.  These reports are displayed using the installed Report Services Viewer installed in the software.

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

The Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report shows the Questionnaire Responses, Job Total Points and Job Level for the selected Job.  The report is enabled from the Jobs list screen ONLY when there is more than one Job Questionnaire completed for the selected Job.  If only one questionnaire is complete, the Job Questionnaire Cross Reference report can be printed from within the Questionnaire.


Note: There is an option/filter for the Job Total Points and Job Level to be shown on the report. Check the required box.

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report

Questions are grouped into four broad categories:




Working Conditions

The report also shows how the specific Questions link to the categories.




The first table in the report shows the average of all questionnaire responses for each question.

The second table details the individual responses for each question in the questionnaire.



Staff and Management Communication

Job Description

Displays the standard Encompassing Visions Job Description.

If an alternate term is being used for Job Description then the alternate term will appear in the pick list.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users who have been given at least Access Level 1 to the Print Job Reports function.

Available for Confidential Jobs for users with at least Access Level 4 to the Print Job Reports function.


Note: The security module for this function controls the ability to print the Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide), not the Access Level Assigned to Jobs. Users can be granted access to view jobs but not given access to print the Job Reports (by setting the Access Level for Print Job Reports to zero).


job description_compressed

Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Job Posting

Displays the standard Encompassing Visions Job Posting.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users who have been given at least Access Level 1 to the Print Job Reports function.

Available for Confidential Jobs for users with at least Access Level 4 to the Print Job Reports function.


Note: This report was printed from the Job-Related Reports function - a separate screen in the Jobs Module. The security module for this function still exists and controls the ability to print the Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide), not the Access Level Assigned to Jobs. Users can be granted access to view jobs but not given access to print the Job Reports (by setting the Access Level for Print Job Reports to zero).


job posting_compressed

Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this this Report Viewer.


Selection interview Guide

Displays the standard Encompassing Visions Job Posting.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users who have been given at least Access Level 1 to the Print Job Reports function.

Available for Confidential Jobs for users with at least Access Level 4 to the Print Job Reports function.


Note: The security module for this function controls the ability to print the Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide), not the Access Level Assigned to Maintain Jobs. Users can be granted access to view jobs by granting access to the Maintain Jobs function but not given access to print the Job Reports (by setting the Access Level for Print Job Reports to zero).


Administrator Note: The number of competencies printed in the Selection Interview Guide is determined by the Reporting Policy "The Number of Behavioral Competencies to Include in Job Reports" plus any ties. The competencies are sorted from highest Importance Rating for the Job to the lowest. For example, if the policy is 5 and there are 2 competencies that are ranked 9 and 4 that are ranked 8 (with all the rest less than 8, 6 competencies will be printed. The top 2 (ranked 9) plus the next 4 (because they are all tied at Importance Rating 8).


Selection Interview Questions are designed to seek past demonstrated ability to perform the related competency. The listed question(s) are unique to the competency, but may be further customized/enriched by your organization according to Job Groups. Customization can be done through the Administration module>Competencies>Selection Interview Question (hmfile_hash_c04f89f2) .  


For more information contact


Interview Guide_compressed


Linked Employees

Displays a listing of the Employees that are assigned the selected Job.

Available for any Job.

Available to users with any Access Level  for non-confidential Jobs and  Access Level 4 or 5 for confidential Jobs.


view linked employee sample


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Linked Jobs

Displays a listing of the Jobs that are clones of the selected Job.

Available for Benchmark Jobs.

Available to users with Access Level 5 for both non-confidential and confidential Jobs.


Job Listing 1


Audit Reports

Encompassing Visions has two audit reports.  The Job Audit details changes made to the selected Job over the life of that Job. The Jobs Audit, documents all changes made to any area of any job in the Jobs module within a specified time frame.


Three tables are created within each report: Jobs, Job Skills and Job Questionnaire(s).  The auditing listing in each table is sorted by date, with the newest entries at the top of the table.  Each change will create a separate line on the table in the report.


Administrator Note: The audit tracking in Jobs is driven by the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Job, Job Skills and Job Questionnaires?  This policy is defaulted to NO.  Audit tracking will begin with the policy is set to YES.  If this policy is not enabled, the Job Audit reports menu items will be hidden from the list.

Accessible for Users with a level 5 on "Jobs" in their assigned Profile.


Evaluation and Analyses

For the Evaluation and Analyses Reports see Job Related Reports.

Jobs Skills - Current Filter(s)

Displays the skills/certifications attached to each Job in the application, and is useful to see Skills per Job at a glance.  

The Jobs Skills and Certifications Listing identifies the Job Reference, Job Title, Skill Reference, Skill Title, Active flag and Type of Skill or Certification.

Jobs Skills Listing - Current Filter(s)

This reports will always show all skills/certifications attached to all Jobs.

The report can be printed, saved as a HTML file.

To load the report into Excel (making it sortable), copy all and paste into an excel worksheet.


Note: Accessible for Users with a level 5 on "Jobs" in their assigned Profile.