Job Settings>Job Levels

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Job Settings_Job Levels


The Customization of Job Levels has been removed from the Administration Module and made apart of the Job Settings. The Job Levels is established from Job evaluation points awarded to evaluated jobs and based on the Automated (Job) Questionnaire responses for each Job. Each Job Level (or point band) is assigned a minimum and a maximum number of points based on the Organization's value system.

Please see: Job Levels section.


Click the Customization toggletoggle to open the Customize Job Levels Screen.


Ignore gaps in the Job Levels list? This policy has been removed in Version 2022.3


In the Job Levels function, point bands are set to reflect a minimum and a maximum for the Job Level.

The system will normally check to make sure there are no gaps in points between bands (for example, the minimum for point band 2 is 1 point more than the maximum of point band 1).

The Encompassing Visions application will check for gaps in points,

o The Consistency Check will be green with a white check mark indicating that a gap does not exist/no overlap.


oThe Consistency Check will be red with no check mark indicating a gap exists.



Enable multiple Pay Band Groups?        

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:



When set to Yes, the fields and processing for the Multiple Pay Band Groups functionality are turned on.

When set to No, the fields and processing are not shown.