Job(s) Audit

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Audit Reports

Encompassing Visions has two audit reports.  The first details changes made to the selected Job over the life of that Job. The second documents all changes made to any area of any job in the Jobs module within a specified time frame.


Three tables are created within each report: Jobs, Job Skills and Job Questionnaire(s).  The auditing listing in each table is sorted by date, with the newest entries at the top of the table.  Each change will create a separate line on the table in the report.


Administrator Note: The audit tracking in Jobs is driven by the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Job, Job Skills and Job Questionnaires?  This policy is defaulted to NO.  Audit tracking will begin with the policy is set to YES.  If this policy is not enabled, the Job Audit reports menu items will be hidden from the list.

Accessible for Users with a level 5 on "Jobs" in their assigned Profile.

Job Audit Report

Report sample:



Jobs Audit

To run the report, select Jobs Audit in the menu.


Enter the Start and End dates for the report either in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd or by using the calendarbutton.


Report sample:

Audit Report - Current Filters


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.

Note: Refer to the Job Related Reports found in the Job module for all other reports that are listed in the actions box.