Job Settings>Alternate Terms

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The policies in this group allow System Administrators to customize many of the terms used in Encompassing Visions to better suit the organization. By default, Encompassing Visions will assign the default value to match the term (e.g. the default value for the alternate term for Job Family is Job Family). The only exception is if the term is more than the maximum length of 50 characters. In some cases, additional possible values are included with the install but for the most part, it is expected that organizations will want to define their own custom terms. In order to use a custom term, the new term must first be added to the list of possible values for that term in the Add/Revise Optional Data function. When an alternate term is selected (see Edit Policies), that term will be displayed throughout the system in menus, screens and reports in place of the Encompassing Visions default term. All terms are defined in the Glossary of Terms.


Note: The use of many of these fields is optional and dependent on other policies in the system. If you do not plan to use a field you should  leave the term as the default. All of these entries are phrased in the form of a question: "What term do you use for the Visions Term: xxxx".


Job Settings_Alternate Terms


Visions Term



Job Family

Job Group

Job Level

When Job Level is customized, both the Administered and Evaluated Job Levels will show the customized term for Job Level in the Edit Employee screen.

Work Unit


Job Description

Used in the Job Reports to provide an alternate name for the Job Description report.

Job Posting

Used in the Job Reports to provide an alternate name for the Job Posting

General Accountability *

Used in Jobs.

Specific Accountability *

Used in Jobs.

Technical Requirements *

Used in Jobs.

Nature of the Work *

Used in Jobs but can be turned off in the Job Definition Policies.

Benchmark (as in Benchmark Job)

Used in Jobs and Missing Job Information Report (Admin Reports) but can be turned off in the Job Definition Policies

Selection (in Selection Interview Guide)

Used in Jobs.


Note: Items marked with an * above (General Accountability, Specific Accountability, Technical Requirements and Nature of the Work) all have information defaulted into their Memo Notes field. This information is displayed as the Elaboration when the BalloonHelpIcon button is clicked for any of these four fields in the Job Details window.



Add/Revise Alternate Term Data

This function maintains the options (or choices) for each of the alternate terms in the system. The Terms which can be changed are listed in the Add/Revise Optional Data menu:


Administration_policies_alternate terms

Select the desired term to view and alternate.

All alternate names currently available for the selected value are listed in the drop down menu.


All items from this menu use the Add Alternative Term screen to add Alternate Terms, add icon .  

edit a policy screen for alternate term3

You may add iconor delete icon an alternate term policy value.

When you are finished making changes, click on the Save button.

Click on the Cancel button if you do not want to save the changes.

Cancel or Save


Deletion of an Alternate Term Data


The tool tip "Delete the selected alternate term from the available options" will display when you hover over the Delete button.

Click Delete (delete icon ) to delete the selected entry (you will be asked to confirm the deletion). alternate terms delete screen for policy value


To add a new alternate name for the selected value, type the name in the "Add Alternate name (in text box)" and click ok. The new name will be added to the list, and will now be available when selecting other user-defined values.
Note: The maximum length of the alternate term is 50 characters.

Click Cancel to close the Add Alternative Term screen and return to previous screen..