Job Related Reports

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emploiThe selections are enabled and disabled based on the access rights assigned to the user for the Jobs function and the status of the Job. This function is used to generate/print confidential reports regarding jobs.

Generating Job Related Reports

Job Data Verification

Job Data Veirfication

Questionnaire Responses

Displays the summary of the Job Questionnaire Responses for the selected Job (or their average when more than one Job Questionnaire is completed).

Available to users Access Level 3 for non-confidential Jobs and  Access Level 4 or 5 for confidential Jobs.


The View Questionnaire Responses report is used to view the results:


The Selected Job is displayed at the top of the report.

Note: When viewing the Questionnaire Responses for a specific Questionnaire (from within an Automated (Job) Questionnaire or from the Questionnaire list), you will see the results for the one selected Questionnaire. When viewing the Questionnaire Responses from the Jobs screen you are viewing consolidated results of all completed questionnaires for the Selected Job.

The responses to the questions from the Job Questionnaire are listed on this screen.

The Questionnaire must be complete in order for the the Job Totals and Response Validation reports to be enabled.

Click Print icon for a printable copy of the results or option for saving to PDF.


Click Save2 to export the Questionnaire Responses report to your computer as HTML.


Selection Rationale

Displays a printable Job Questionnaire for the selected Job, identifying the responses chosen for each question and any justification entered.

Available to users with Access Level  5 only.


selection rationale report


The report generated is the same as the hard copy questionnaire printed in the Job Related Reports>Blank Job Questionniare under the  heading Staff and Management Communication except that it also includes the notes entered in the Justification field in the Automated (Job) Questionnaire.


selection rationale report2

Response identifies the selection chosen.

User ID is the user who completed the questionnaire (or the user who entered the justification if done separately).

Justification is the notes entered by the user.

Click the Print Report link to print a copy of the report.

Click the Close link to close the Selection Rationale screen.


Job Totals

Displays the breakdown of evaluation points for the selected Job.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users with Access Level 4 or 5 only.


Prior to generating the report, you will be asked whether you want to include Job Level Information in the report.



When checked checked the report will include the table of Job Levels in the system and indicate which Job Level the job falls into.

When unchecked uncheckedthe report will not include this information.

Click OKButton to generate the Job Totals report

Click CancelButton to return to the Job List without generating the report


Refer to the Report Viewer section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Job Total Points_graph


Job Total Points_graph2


The first page is a listing of the breakdown of points. The second page is a graph of the breakdown of points. These reports are displayed using the installed Report Services Viewer  in the software.



Job Competencies

Displays a listing of all active Competencies and the Importance Rating assigned to each Competency for the selected Job.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users with Access Level 4 or 5 only.


Refer to the Report Viewer section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report  Viewer.


Competency List Page 1


Competency List Page 2

The first page is a graph of the Competencies for the Job while the second page is a listing of the same information in tabular format.  These reports are displayed using the installed Report Services Viewer installed in the software.

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

The Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report shows the Questionnaire Responses, Job Total Points and Job Level for the selected Job.  The report is enabled from the Jobs list screen ONLY when there is more than one Job Questionnaire completed for the selected Job.  If only one questionnaire is complete, the Job Questionnaire Cross Reference report can be printed from within the Questionnaire.


Note: There is an option/filter for the Job Total Points and Job Level to be shown on the report. Check the required box.

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report

Questions are grouped into four broad categories:




Working Conditions

The report also shows how the specific Questions link to the categories.


The report now shows the name of the individual who completed the Job Questionnaire.


The first table in the report shows the average of all questionnaire responses for each question.

The second table details the individual responses for each question in the questionnaire.


Job Audit

This Job audit report details the changes made to the selected Job over the life of that Job.

Three tables are created within each report: Job Details, Job Skills and Job Questionnaire(s).  The auditing listing in each table is sorted by date, with the newest entries at the top of the table.  Each change will create a separate line on the table in the report.


Administrator Note: The audit tracking in Jobs is driven by the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Job, Job Skills and Job Questionnaires?  This policy is defaulted to NO.  Audit tracking will begin with the policy is set to YES.  If this policy is not enabled, the Job Audit reports menu items will be hidden from the list.

Accessible for Users with a level 5 on "Jobs" in their assigned Profile.


Report sample:

Job Audit Listing single

Linked Jobs

Displays a listing of the Jobs that are clones of the selected Job.

Available for Benchmark Jobs.

Available to users with Access Level 5 for both non-confidential and confidential Jobs.


Job Listing 1


Linked Employees

Displays a listing of the Employees that are assigned the selected Job.

Available for any Job.

Available to users with any Access Level  for non-confidential Jobs and  Access Level 4 or 5 for confidential Jobs.


view linked employee sample


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.



Staff & Management Communication


Staff and Management Communication

Please note: The three Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guide) gives the user the option to change the Font size displayed on screen. This is done by using the Enlarge and Compress toggle option. Based on the selection, this will then be exported to the Print and to Word.


font size and compact mode toggle

Job Description

Displays the standard Encompassing Visions Job Description.

If an alternate term is being used for Job Description then the alternate term will appear in the pick list.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users who have been given at least Access Level 1 to the Print Job Reports function.

Available for Confidential Jobs for users with at least Access Level 4 to the Print Job Reports function.


Note: This report was printed from the Print Job Reports function - a separate screen in the Jobs Module - in older versions of Encompassing Visions. The security module for this function still exists and controls the ability to print the Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide), not the Access Level Assigned to Jobs. Users can be granted access to view jobs but not given access to print the Job Reports (by setting the Access Level for Print Job Reports to zero).



Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Job Posting

Displays the standard Encompassing Visions Job Posting.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users who have been given at least Access Level 1 to the Print Job Reports function.

Available for Confidential Jobs for users with at least Access Level 4 to the Print Job Reports function.


Note: This report was printed from the Print Job Reports function - a separate screen in the Jobs Module - in older versions of Encompassing Visions. The security module for this function still exists and controls the ability to print the Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide), not the Access Level Assigned to Jobs. Users can be granted access to view jobs but not given access to print the Job Reports (by setting the Access Level for Print Job Reports to zero).



Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this this Report Viewer.


Selection interview Guide

Displays the standard Encompassing Visions Interview Guide.

Available for Complete Jobs only.

Available to users who have been given at least Access Level 1 to the Print Job Reports function.

Available for Confidential Jobs for users with at least Access Level 4 to the Print Job Reports function.


Note: This report was printed from the Print Job Reports function - a separate screen in the Jobs Module - in older versions of Encompassing Visions. The security module for this function still exists and controls the ability to print the Job Reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide), not the Access Level Assigned to Maintain Jobs. Users can be granted access to view jobs by granting access to the Maintain Jobs function but not given access to print the Job Reports (by setting the Access Level for Print Job Reports to zero).


Administrator Note: The number of competencies printed in the Selection Interview Guide is determined by the Reporting Policy "The Number of Behavioral Competencies to Include in Job Reports" plus any ties. The competencies are sorted from highest Importance Rating for the Job to the lowest. For example, if the policy is 5 and there are 2 competencies that are ranked 9 and 4 that are ranked 8 (with all the rest less than 8, 6 competencies will be printed. The top 2 (ranked 9) plus the next 4 (because they are all tied at Importance Rating 8).


Selection Interview Questions are designed to seek past demonstrated ability to perform the related competency. The listed question(s) are unique to the competency, but may be further customized/enriched by your organization according to Job Groups. Customization can be done through the Job Settings > Competencies>Add/ Edit Selection Interview Questions and click Question Mark .  


For more information contact




Note: The Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guide can have alternate terms defined so the names displayed on this Help page may not match what is in your installation of Encompassing Visions.


Job Questionnaire Input Sheet (The Blank Job Questionnaire has been replaced by the Job Questionnaire Input Sheet due to proprietary reasons.)

Input Sheet

With this report you can print a hard copy version of the JPS Job Questionnaire© Question Number with Response Options. The hard copy allows Job reviewers who do not have online access to complete a Questionnaire that can then be entered into Encompassing Visions by a User with access.


Note: Questions 6.0,. 7.0, 12.0 and 13.0 are calculated by the system (based on responses to their sub-questions) and are not shown on the printed Input Sheet.


Use print capability from within the screen to print the report. Save the Input Sheet to your computer.


Evaluation and Analysis

Evaluation and Analysis


Evaluation and Analysis Reports contain very confidential information. They are only available in the Administration Level Functions. Access to these reports should be extremely limited.



Click a report to open the parameter screen for that report. Default will be "All" depending on the parameters of the selected report.



For the Job Related Reports in this version of Encompassing Visions (not including the Incomplete Job Information Report and the Blank Job Questionnaire Report):

The reports can be filtered by Job Family, Job Group, Organization Units, Gender by selecting the desired option through the drop down menu.

Pay Band Group (if policy enabled)

Place a check mark check marked box by Confidential Jobs, if these jobs should be included on the report.

The Jobs displayed in the report will be displayed based on the filter (slider), to include or not to include all Job Levels (Job Points), or by ascending/descending order.

Place a check mark check marked box by Show Pay Ranges, if these jobs should be included on the report.



Click btn_resetfilter_24 to clear filters, btn_ok_24 to accept the selected filter(s)from the drop down menu and generate the report.






Place a check mark check marked box in the box by the desired filter(s) that the report should be generated by or select "All" to apply all of the filters.

Select Filter By with the option of including sub-units. (This process determines how the information is grouped and by which filters included).

Click btn_resetfilter_24 to clear filters, btn_ok_24 to generate the report orCancel to close the window.



Available Reports

Job Related:

Job Total Points Report

Job/Points Matrix Report

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report

Job Competency Cross Reference Report

Job Skills-Current Filters

Jobs Audit

User Assigned Jobs

Incomplete Job Information Report



Each of the reports has one or more pages of options or filters available to customize the results. For the job related reports ( not including the Incomplete Job Information Report and the Blank Job Questionnaire Report) the options and filters screen is displayed in the middle of the screen.

When the Incomplete Job Information Report is selected, the parameter screen is displayed on the right half of the screen. Select all the desired parameters and filters and click btn_resetfilter_24 to clear filters, btn_ok_24 to generate the report orCancel to close the window.

For the Job Related Reports, select all the desired options and filters and click btn_resetfilter_24 to clear filters, btn_ok_24 to accept the selected filter(s) from the drop down menu and generate the report.


Incomplete Job Information Report

While the reports all have different content,  they all have several things in common:


Job-Related Reports (not including Incomplete Job Information Report and Blank Job Questionnaire Report):

Generate the desired Report based on filters selected.

Export report from the Export Icon drop down menu to PDF. Print from the selected software chosen.

Clicking Close tab will close the report and return to the Job Related Reports screen.

The Organization Name is displayed at the top.

The date the report was generated is included.

Vertical scroll bars are used to scroll through the report.


All Other Reports

Clicking Print will open a Microsoft Windows Print screen to allow you choose options for printing and print the report. Reports will not print with the proper formatting if you print them using the print button on your browser.

Clicking Save will open a Microsoft Windows Save HTML Document to allow you to choose a location to save the report to and choose the type of file. Save all reports as HTML files. The default file name will be the name of the generated report. Saved reports can be opened with your default browser for viewing.  

The selected Parameters and Filters after the title of the report.

The date the report was generated is included.

Vertical scroll bars are used to scroll through the report.


Filtering and Grouping

Most of the reports allow you to filter the results and define how you want the information grouped together. These filters and groupings function the same regardless of the report being generated.


Report by (Job-Related)

Choose how to organize the report: Organization Unit, Job Family, Job Group, or Gender include Confidential Jobs, Job Points  and highlight Unapproved Jobs.

Choosing Organization Unit, Job Family, Job Group or Gender will change this screen to include a selection for All values or a Specific value.

Filters for all the various job evaluation reports have correspondingly been updated to accommodate job analysis using this significantly enhanced classification and compensation management functionality, if policy enabled. See Job Level Groups.



JobTotalPointsReport_filters_gender1      or   JobTotalPointsReport_filters




JobPointsMatrix_filters_genderOr JobPointsMatrix_filters



JobCompetencyCrossReference_filters  Or   JobCompetencyCrossReference_filters1



JobQuestionnaireCrossReference_filters    or   JobQuestionnaireCrossReference_filters1




Group Information By & Filter


Note: When running Job related reports, the Job Family, Job Group, Location, Organization Unit and Gender grouping and filtering applies to the fields on the Job record.


Job Family



To group the information on the report by Job Family, check checked the Job Family box.

To run the report for a specific Job Family, select a Job Family from the list.


Job Group



To group the information on the report by Job Group, check checked the Job Group box.

To run the report for a specific Job Group, select a Job Group from the list.


Organization Unit



To group the information on the report by Organization Unit, check checked the Organization Unit box.

To run the report for a specific Organization Unit, select an Organization Unit from the list.

To include the Sub-Units for the selected Organization Unit, leave the Include All Sub-Units box checked checked.

To exclude the Sub-Units and report on just the selected Organization Unit, uncheck unchecked the Include All Sub-Units box.




To group the information on the report by Gender, check checked the Gender box.

To run the report for a specific Gender, select a Gender from the list.


Other Parameters


Other Parameters


The total job points are calculated based on the answers to the Job Questionnaire using a proprietary formula defined by Encompassing Visions. There are four major components:Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions.

The Job Levels may be customized to your Organization.


Include Confidential Jobs

Other Parameters2

To include Confidential Jobs, leave the Confidential Jobs box checked checked.

To exclude Confidential Jobs, uncheck unchecked the Confidential Jobs box.


Include Inactive Competencies        

Other Parameters3


To include inactive Competencies check checked the (Include) Inactive Competencies box .

To exclude inactive Competencies leave the (Include) Inactive competencies box unchecked unchecked.


Job-Related Reports

The Job-Related Reports provide information about Jobs in the system. A Cache feature has been added as an optional feature based on the record volume.  This cache feature speeds up the rendering of the reports for organizations with large volumes of records.  This feature is hidden as  default.


live data cache


Click on the settings icon to bring up the settings screen.


live data cache2

Check the check marked box box to use the cache.

The cache will indicate when the data was last used and if you would like to update.  


live data cache3

The estimated time is the amount of time it may take to refresh the cache.  A progress bar verifies the refreshing of the cache.

live data cache4


Printing the Evaluation and Analyses Reports



Within the Report Viewer you have the ability to print the said report using the Print icon.

This will open up the message above indicating a print-friendly PDF version will be generated.

Click the Print button to generate.  

oNote: the application will reference that "Your PDF is ready" before it really is.



Clicking "Done" too early stops print from proceeding.

You will know when your report is ready to be printed when your 'Printer' sends a message to your computer to indicate that adjustments can be made to the Printer settings.


Please note this is a Microsoft extension and we don't have the ability to override the issue.



Job Total Points Report

The Job Total Points Report shows the calculated points for each Job including the breakdown by Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions (the same as is shown on the Job Totals screen in Maintain Jobs).


Available Options and Filters:

Report By:

Job Family

Job Group

Organization Units


Pay Band Group (if policy enabled)

Include Confidential Jobs

Job Points (Range and Sort (Ascending/Descending))

Highlight Unapproved Jobs




Job Total Points Report_Pay bands

job total points report02



Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report

The Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report shows the Questionnaire Results, Job Total Points and Job Level for the selected group of Jobs. Questions are grouped into four broad categories:




Working Conditions

The report also shows how the specific Questions link to the categories.  

    Other Parameters4


Available Parameters:

Show Job Points

Sort by Question

Include Confidential Jobs

Include Job Points (Ascending or Descending)

Organizational Unit

Job Family

Job Group


Pay Band Group (if policy enabled)

Highlight Unapproved Jobs

Include Highlight in Print


Generated Report:

job questionnaire cross reference repor2t

Please note: If the Questionnaire is being filtered by "Sort By Question", it will display only questions 1 through 13 due to sort by question in that range. If it is being filtered by; for example, Question 23 then it will only display questions 14-28 due to sort by question in that range.

job questionnaire cross reference repor2ta


adminreports_job questionaire cross reference report



Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report_Payband


Note: A new functionality has been added to The Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report. Located right by the Filter icons.


Export All to CSV

oWhen selecting the above functionality, all jobs within your Encompassing Visions database will be exported to a CSV (comma separated values) file.

oSort and Filter the exported information as needed.


Export to CSV

Job/Points Matrix Report

The Job/Points Matrix Report displays the Job Evaluation results in the form of a grid. Jobs can be filtered within the Job/Points Matrix Report in a number of ways, including by Job Family, Job Group, Organization and Job Evaluation Points.  Within each cell of the Matrix Report, the order of the Job Title’s printed is based on each Job’s total job evaluation points.  Jobs that have been evaluated but not yet ‘Approved’ (based on Policy settings) are highlighted in this and all Job Evaluation Reports including the Job Total Points Report, Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report and the Job Competency Cross Reference Report.


Note: An Analysis tool to help analyze the different jobs, compare the points and to be able to look at the organization as a whole or with certain aspects of it.  All other Job Related reports are the supporting documents to the Job/Points Matrix Report.  This is the "Dashboard" for Job Evaluations.


Available Parameters:

Column Mode (Job Family, Job Group or Organizational Unit)

Job Family

Job Group

Organizational Unit


Pay Band Group (if policy is enabled)

Include Job Points

Include Confidential Jobs

Highlight Unapproved Jobs



Job Points Matrix Report_Pay Band Group



Job Competency Cross Reference Report

The Job Competency Cross Reference identifies the Competency Importance Ratings calculated for each Job. Competencies are grouped into five broad categories:





Working Methods


Available Parameters:

Organizational Unit

Job Family

Job Group


Pay Band Group (if policy enabled)

Include Confidential Jobs

Include Inactive Competencies

Include Employee Names

Show Job Points

Highlight Unapproved Jobs


Generated Report:

job competency cross reference report4


job competency cross reference report5


Job Competency Cross Reference Report_pay band


User Assigned Jobs

Displays a list of Jobs that each user has access to as defined by the System Administrator. The report will enable the Administrator to see who has been assigned which job and if the Questionnaire has been completed by the user and the date it was completed.


User Assigned Jobs Report



Jobs Skills Listing - Current Filter(s)

Displays the skills/certifications attached to each Job in the application, and is useful to see Skills per Job at a glance.  

The Jobs Skills and Certifications Listing identifies the Job Reference, Job Title, Skill Reference, Skill Title, Active flag and Type of Skill or Certification.

Jobs Skills Listing - Current Filter(s)

This reports will always show all skills/certifications attached to all Jobs.

The report can be printed, saved as a HTML file.

To load the report into Excel (making it sortable), copy all and paste into an excel worksheet.


Note: Accessible for Users with a level 5 on "Jobs" in their assigned Profile.


Audit Report - Current Filter(s)

The Audit Report - Current Filter(s) documents all changes made to any area of any job in the Jobs module within a specified time frame.

Three tables are created within each report: Jobs, Job Skills and Job Questionnaire(s).  The auditing listing in each table is sorted by date, with the newest entries at the top of the table.  Each change will create a separate line on the table in the report.


Administrator Note: The audit tracking in Jobs is driven by the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Job, Job Skills and Job Questionnaires?  This policy is defaulted to NO.  Audit tracking will begin with the policy is set to YES.  If this policy is not enabled, the Job Audit reports menu items will be hidden from the list.

Accessible for Users with a level 5 on "Jobs" in their assigned Profile.

To run the report, select Audit Report - All Jobs in the view menu and click gobutton.


Enter the Start and End dates for the report either in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd or by using the calendarbutton.


Report sample:

Audit Report - Current Filters


Incomplete Job Information Report

The Incomplete Job Information Report will identify any Jobs with missing information. The first step is to choose which fields to test for:


Choose the fields to test for; checked checked fields will be included in the report, unchecked unchecked fields will not.

Click Select All to select all of the fields.

Click btn_resetfilter_24 to clear all the selections.

Select all the desired parameters and filters and click btn_ok_24 to generate the report orCancel to close the window.



Generated Report:

Incomplete Job Information Report