Organization Structure

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This function is used to set up and maintain the Organization Structure.


To build the Organization Structure:

1.Establish your Company Name. The default setup of Encompassing Visions defines Organization Unit 'XYZ Inc.' with the Organization Level 'Organization' to make it the highest level of the Organization Structure (Organization Name).  Change the Description of this entry to your highest level in the Organization Structure (using the Edit Organization Unit instructions below).

2.Define the Organization Levels. By default, Encompassing Visions defines Organization, Division, Department and Section as Organization Levels. You can customize these Organization Levels or add more as required by your Organization.

3.Define the Organization Units for the Organization.  E.g. Human Resources, Accounting, and Operations. For each Organization Unit identify which Organization Level the Organization fits into and what Organization Unit the current Organization Unit is a sub-unit of. This creates the hierarchical Organization Chart.


Employees are incorporated into the Organization Structure in the Employees Module function Employees by:

Choosing the appropriate Organization Unit for the Employee.

Identifying the Employee as a Lead if they are the leader for the Organization Unit they are linked to.


Jobs are incorporated into the Organization Structure by virtue of being linked to an Employee. Jobs can also be assigned to an Organization Unit (see Edit Jobs) but this is optional and strictly used for filtering jobs.


Maintenance Tips:

Figure out your reporting relationships from the bottom up. Starting at the lowest levels, the leaders of each organization unit should be in the same Organization unit as their employees. If your organization uses or has an Org Chart developed, you can use it as the basis for the Organization Structure as long as reporting relationships follow the organization structure.  If they don't, please contact for additional help.

Once all of the Organization Units have been determined, you add Organization Units from the top down.

Change or delete information from the bottom up.

Reorganizing your Organization Structure involves moving an Organization Unit and all of its Sub-Units to a new Organization Unit. This is done by changing the Sub-Unit of field for the highest Organization Unit to be moved. All employees and jobs associated with the re-organized unit will stay with that unit and be re-located in the Organization Structure. See instructions in Edit Organization Unit below.

Loading the Organization Structure into Encompassing Visions can be automated using the Import Data function.

Contact Encompassing Visions Support Staff ( for instructions if you wish to export the organization data from this system to an external organization chart software for alternate formatting.



If your organization has divisions that include departments, departments that include sections and sections are the lowest level in your organization, you will set it up as follows:

each division will be a "sub-unit" of the organization.

each department will be a "sub-unit" of the division it is related to.

each section will be a "sub-unit" of the department to which it belongs.

Create the Organizations in the above order to build the Organization Structure.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over the Administration Module icon and click the System Setup function Organization Structure:

Organization structure

The selected Organization Unit is identified at the top of the screen.

The Organization Structure is defined on the left.

The Employee and Lead information for the selected Organization Unit is defined on the right.

Any Inactive Organization Units will have (Inactive) after the Organization Unit Name.

Organization structure1

Click View Actions > Add New Organization Unit to add a new organization unit to your Organization Structure.


Organization structure2


Double click the desired Organization Unit or select the desired Organization unit an click View Actions > Edit Current Organization Unit to edit the selected Organization Unit.


Organization structure3


Click View Actions > Delete Current Organization Unit to delete the selected Organization Unit. Confirmation Response is needed before the Organizational Unit can be deleted.

Organization structure_delete1   Organization structure_delete2

Click View Actions > View Linked Jobs to view a list of Jobs linked to the selected Organization Unit.

Organization structure5

Click View Actions > View Linked Employees to view a list of Employees linked to the selected Organization Unit.


Organization structure6


Click View Actions > View Level Type Maintenance to Maintain the Organization Levels


Organization structure8


Click View Actions > View/Print Organization Structure to view and print the complete Organization Structure with or without Employee information (Leads only).


Organization structure7


Note: Organization Level Types are maintained on the Maintain Organization Structure screen. This maintenance function is accessed using the View>Level Type Maintenance.  See Level Type Maintenance for details about maintaining Organization Level Types.


Navigating the Organization Structure

The organization structure is displayed in a hierarchy of file folders.

Clicking an Organization Unit selects it (the Organization Unit name will be in blue).

When there is (Organization structure9) beside the Organization Unit, the Organization Unit has Sub-Units that can be viewed (except for the top entry in the structure)

Clicking on an Organization Unit with a  (Organization structure9) will:

1. Select it

2. Change the arrow picture from closed (Organization structure9) to open (Organization structure10)

3. Display the list of Sub-Units for the selected Organization Unit

4. Organization structure11 indicates there are no Sub-Units for the selected Organization Unit


Add Organization Unit

The Create New Organization Unit screen is used to add Organization Units:

Organization structure13

The Level Type defaults to the first entry in the list

The Org Ref is the Primary Key for the Organization Unit in the table and must be unique (reference code for the Org unit. It is up to organization to decide how they want to number them.  It is a text field so it can be a combo of letters/numbers)

The Sub-Unit Of defaults to the highest level of the Organization Structure.

The Active box indicates whether the Organization Unit is Active or Inactive; Active is checked checked, Inactive is unchecked unchecked

Enter the Description and Memo Notes in the text boxes

Click btn_save_24 to add the Organization Unit and return to the Maintain Organization Structure screen where the new Organization Unit will be included

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to the Maintain Organization Structure screen without saving the Organization Unit


See Edit Organization Unit (below) for details on changing the entries on this screen.


Edit Organization Unit

The Edit Organization Unit screen is used to Edit Organization Units:

Organization structure12

To change the Level Type, select a new entry from the list

The Org Ref is the Primary Key for the Organization Unit in the table and can not be changed

To change the Organization Unit selected in the Sub-Unit Of field, select a new entry from the list. This will move the selected Organization Unit (and all Sub-Units) to be underneath the Organization Unit selected in the Sub-Unit of field. This is how you reorganize your Organization Structure.

Change any other information in the appropriate text box

Make the Organization Unit Inactive by clicking the Active box to make it unchecked unchecked

Make the Organization Unit Active by clicking the Active box to make it checked checked

Click btn_save_24 to save the changes and return to the Maintain Organization Structure screen where the changes will be reflected

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to the Maintain Organization Structure screen without saving the changes


Delete Organization Unit

An Organization unit can only be deleted if it is not linked to any Employees or Jobs and no employee reviews connected.

Use the View Linked Jobs and View Linked Employees functions to determine which Employees or Jobs need to be moved to a different Organization Unit before you can delete the selected Organization Unit

If the selected Organization Unit is linked to any Employees or Jobs a message indicating the links are present will be shown and the deletion will be canceled

If the Organization Unit is not linked to any Employees or Jobs you will be asked to confirm the deletion

If the deletion is successful the Organization Unit will be removed from the Maintain Organization Structure screen.


Note: An organization can be made Inactive if there are no current jobs or current employees attached to it, but there is employee review history.


View Linked Jobs

When viewing the Jobs that are linked to the selected Organization Unit, there are some report options to select first. This is done on the Select Report Options screen:

Organization structure5


Checking checked Include Sub-Units on the Report will display the Jobs linked to the selected Organization Unit as well as all of the Sub-Units of the Organization Unit.  The Header of the report will identify whether the Sub-Units were included or not.

Checking checkedInclude Employees on the Report will display the Employees that are linked to each Job reported. Note: This is different from the View Linked Employees report which identifies all of the Employees Linked directly to the Organization Unit.


The Report will be displayed in the Report Frame. Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


The report without Employees appears as follows:

Organization structure 15_report without employees


The report with Employees appears as follows:

Organization structure 14_report with employees


Note that if there are no Employees linked to the Job a message appears in the report detail.

View Linked Employees

When viewing the Employees that are linked to the selected Organization Unit, there is a report option to select first. This is done on the Select Report Options screen:


Organization structure6


Checking checked Include Sub-Units on the Report will display the Jobs linked to the selected Organization Unit as well as all of the Sub-Units of the Organization Unit.  The Header of the report will identify whether the Sub-Units were included or not.


The Report will be displayed in the Report Frame. Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


The report appears as follows:

Organization structure 16_report_employees


View/Print Organization Structure

When viewing or printing the Organization Structure, there are some report options to select first. This is done on the Choose Report Options screen:

Organization structure7

The Select Starting Point will default to the selected Organization Unit

Select a new Organization Unit from the list to change the starting point for the report

When the Include Organization - Sub Units box is checked checked, the Sub-Units of the selected starting point will be included. When unchecked unchecked, they will be excluded. Click in the box to change the selection.

When the Leads only box is checked checked, the report will show only Employees who are Organization Unit Leads. When unchecked unchecked, the report will show all Employees for each Organization Unit. Click in the box to change the selection.

Click btn_save_24 to generate the report

Click btn_cancel_24to cancel the report generation and return to the Organization Structure screen.


Organization structure 17_view_print report

Use the vertical scroll bars to scroll through the Reportscroll button1

Click the Save Report button to save the report to your computerbtn_save_24

Click the Print Report button to print the report Print icon

Click the Word Icon Export to Wordto Export the report to Word.

Click the Close button to close the report and return to the Organization Structure screen Close tab