Employee/Supervisor Relationships Report

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The Employee/Supervisor Relationships Report determines the assigned Supervisor of each Employee in the Organization.


Note: Purpose of this report is to help Administrators visually ‘see’ what the system will be using to control access and security around completion and printing of learning and growth reviews.  


Located in the Organization Structure screen with in the drop down menu of the View Box (only visible when the  policy is turned on.)


View_Print Emp_Sup Relationships Report


The Employee/Supervisor Relationships is driven by the policy, 'Do you use Employee/Supervisor Relationships for reviews?' This policy governs the reporting structure of the learning and growth reviews.


Employees are incorporated into the Employee/Supervisor Relationship in the Employees Module function Employees by:

Identifying and Linking a Supervisor to the Employee.


The Report will:

check whether a supervisor or an employee is active or inactive as an employee and a user. 

the names of people who are designated ‘Leads’ will be bolded in black.

check for Active Employees who are not attached to an Active Supervisor.

check for Skill Admins if functionality is in use.  See Employee Skills Admin

Employeee Supervisor Relationship Report