Job Settings>Core Tables

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The Core tables are tables of code values that are used to link information between the various modules of the system. This function is used to maintain tables for:


Job Family

Job Group


Skill Type

Work Unit


Note: This text is written based on the default names for all fields. If you have customized the terms for Job Family, Job Group, Resource Category or Work Unit in the Alternate Terms Policies, those customized terms will appear on your screens.


Tip: Loading Job Families, Job Groups, Locations and Work Units into Encompassing Visions can be automated using the Import Data function.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over Jobs.

Click Job Settings and click Core Tables:JobSettings_CoreTables


The Reference File selected from the list determines which Reference File is being viewed; change files by selecting a new entry from the list.

The selected Reference File entry is displayed in black bold font.


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1.Double click the desired Reference File entry or select the desired Reference File entry and click View Actions > Edit to open the appropriate screen to modify the selected Reference File Entry.

2.Click View Actions > Add to open the appropriate screen to add a new Reference File Entry.

3.Click View Actions > Delete to delete the selected Reference File Entry (you will be asked to confirm the deletion).

Note: If the Reference File Entry is linked to any other data in the system (e.g. Employee or Job) you will receive a message that the entry is used in the system and the deletion will not proceed.

4.Click View Actions > View Linked Employees to display a list of Employees linked to the selected Reference File Entry.

5.Click View Actions > View Linked Jobs to display a list of Jobs linked to the selected Reference File Entry.


Note:  The View Linked Employees and View Linked Jobs functions are not available for all tables.  Work Units do not get linked to Jobs. Skill Types do not get linked directly to Employees or Jobs.


There are three different types of Reference Files maintained on this screen:

1.Simple Code Tables: These include Locations, Job Families, Job Groups and Work Units.

2.Skill Types: The Skill Types have special processing and are maintained on their own screen. Refer to the Help Topic Skill Types for details.


Simple Code Tables

For maintenance of Location, Job Family, Job Group, Skill Type and Work Unit information, the same series of screens are used. Location is used here for demonstration purposes but the concepts apply to all the other tables as well. Functionality is the same for all tables unless otherwise stated.  


Add a Reference File Entry

The Insert Location screen is used to add Location information:

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The Location ID is the Primary Key for the Location table and must be unique.

Enter the Description or Memo Notes in the text boxes .

Clickbtn_save_24to save the new entry and return to the Maintain Core Tables Screen

Click btn_cancel_24 to cancel the Add: Location screen and return to the Maintain Core Tables screen.



Edit a Reference File Entry

The Edit Location screen is used to maintain Location information:

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The Location Id is is the Primary Key for the Location table and can not be changed.


1.Change the Description or Memo Notes by making modifications in the text boxes .

2.Click btn_save_24 to save the changes and return to the Maintain Core Tables screen with the list refreshed to reflect any changes.

3.Click btn_cancel_24 to return to the Maintain Core Tables screen without saving changes.


Delete a Reference File Entry

Reference File entries can only be deleted if they are not linked to other Data in the system:

A Work Unit cannot be deleted if it has been assigned to any Employees in the system.

A Job Family, Job Group or Location cannot be deleted if it has been assigned to any Employees or Jobs in the system.

A Job Group cannot be deleted if it has been assigned to a Competency Characteristic or an Employee Review in the system.


Use the View Linked Employees and View Linked Jobs functions to determine what entries you will have to update before you can delete the desired Reference file entry.


Add New Location

The Add Location screen is used to add a Location to the system:

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The Location Id is the Primary Key for the Location table and must be unique.

Enter the Description and any desired Memo Notes in the text boxes .

1.Click btn_save_24 to save the new entry and return to the Maintain Core Tables screen.

2.Click btn_cancel_24 to cancel the Addition of a new location and return to the Maintain Core Tables screen.


Edit a Location

The Edit Location screen is used to modify the location in the system:

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The Location Id is the Primary Key for this table and cannot be changed.


1.Change the Description or Memo Notes by making modifications in the text boxes .

2.Click btn_save_24 to save the changes and return to the Maintain Core Tables screen with the list refreshed to reflect any changes.

3.Click btn_cancel_24 to return to the Maintain Core Tables screen without saving changes.



Delete a Location

Location can only be deleted if it is not linked to any Jobs or Employees in the system. Any Jobs or Employees that are linked to the Location to be deleted must be modified to be linked to a different Location before the selected Location can be deleted.