View Linked Jobs

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The Linked Jobs Report displays all of the jobs that are linked to a specific value in the Core Tables.


When running the View Linked Jobs report you have the option include each Employee linked to the job.




Checking checkedInclude Employees on the Report will display the Employees that are linked to each job reported. Note: This is different from the View Linked Employees function that lists all of the Employees directly linked to the Core Table value.

Click OKButton to to generate the report.

Click Cancel to return cancel generating the report.


View Linked Jobs with Employees:



The search criteria is shown at the top of the report.

The report is sorted by Job Title with Employees sorted by Employee Name.


Note: If there are no Employees assigned to a Job then 'No employees assigned this Job' will appear in place of the Employee Information.


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


View Linked Jobs without Employees:




The search criteria is shown at the top of the report.

The report is sorted by Job Title.

When the report search criteria is Job Family, the Job Family column is excluded from the report.

When the report search criteria is Job Group, the Job Group column is excluded from the report.


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.