Competency Reviews |
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There are 3 different types of evaluations within the Competency Review: Competency Evaluations, Characteristic Evaluations and Skill Evaluations. The type of review required for each competency varies depending on the Importance of the Competency in the job or depending on the Job Group assigned to the job. Characteristic and Skill Evaluations are also referred to as Sub-Reviews.
Competency Evaluation: An evaluation based on the definition of the Competency. There is only one 'question' to respond to.
Characteristic Evaluation: An evaluation with detailed questions (or characteristics) that relate to specific aspects of the Competency being reviewed. All questions relate to the overall definition of the competency. Not all competencies have characteristic questions and the competencies that will include Characteristic Evaluations may vary from job to job depending on the Job Group assigned to the job and/or the Importance of the Competency in the job.
Skill Evaluation: An evaluation of the Skills that have been assigned to the job. This review is always completed under the Technical Competence/ Utilization competency. This competency may be renamed at your organization and it may or may not be active. If it is not active then no Skill Review will be completed. Skill reviews can also be turned on or off for specific Reviewer Roles.
For Administrators: There are several Learning and Growth Feedback Policies that govern the Competency Reviews: •The Policies "Allow Clients to perform Skill Assessments?" and "Allow Subordinates to perform Skill Assessments?" determine whether Skill Reviews are incorporated for those two reviewer roles. When set to "No", the review will be treated as a Competency Review rather than a Skill Review and the Reviewee will be evaluated based on the definition of the Competency (a more general evaluation) rather than based on the Skills that are linked to the job. •The Policy "Enable Competency Characteristics Reviews?" turns on or off the Characteristic Evaluations. When set to Yes the Characteristics will be reviewed if the Competency's Importance Rating is greater than or equal to the value set in the Policy "Competency Characteristics Threshold (1-10)". When set to No the Characteristic Evaluations will never be performed. •The Policy "Use default characteristics (sub-review questions) if there are non specified for job group?" helps the system to determine what to use for the Characteristics. If there are Characteristics specific to the Job Group assigned to the Reviewee's Job then those will be asked in the Characteristic Evaluation. When this policy is Yes and there are no Characteristics for the Job Group the system will show the System Default Characteristics. When this policy is No and there are no Characteristics for the Job Group the system will not perform a Characteristic Evaluation. •The Policy "How many response options do you use in Employee Learning and Growth Reviews (5/10)?" controls whether the there are 5 or 10 Response Options in the Characteristic Evaluations. •The Policy "Show Tool Tips in Employee Learning and Growth Reviews?" controls whether Tool Tips are displayed when the user moves their mouse over the various Response Options in the Competency Review (Competency Evaluations, Characteristic Evaluations and Skill Evaluations). The Learning and Growth Rating for the Competency and Skill Evaluation Options are maintained in the Learning and Growth Ratings function of the Administration Module and the Tool Tips for the Characteristics Evaluation Options are maintained in the Characteristic Tool Tips function. This Policy does not control the Tool Tip for the 'Cannot Comment' (or C/C) option because it is important that users know when they should use Cannot Comment as their response. This option will always display the Tool Tip "Cannot Comment - Choose this response if you haven't had enough interaction with (the reviewee) to be able to provide an evaluation". •The Learning and Growth Ratings used in the Competency and Skill Evaluations are customizable in the Learning and Growth Rating function of the Administration Module. •The Policy "Justify High/Low comments must be entered to make the review compete?" controls whether Justifications are optional or mandatory in the Competency Review. When set to Yes the review will not be considered complete until Justifications have been entered for each Competency that was rated high (5/10) or low (0). •The Policy "Do you want to allow Leads/Employees to add/delete reviewers in the Complete Reviews page?" When set to "YES" the Leads/Employees will see the add and delete buttons in the Complete Reviews page to add and remove reviewers. •The Core Table - Review Types settings determine whether the Completed Reviews are locked or not. Locked Reviews can not be edited.
Note: These Help pages assume that you are familiar with the standard features of the screen (Search Box, Filter Box, Tool Bar, Actions Box and View Box) - and standard screen controls (selecting a row , using pick lists, using check-boxes and spell-checking). If you need additional information about how those features work please review the Help Topic: Interacting with Encompassing Visions.
When a Competency Review is chosen from the Complete Review screen, the review will open to the following screen.
The Competency Review screen lists all of the Competencies that need to be reviewed for this Employee (Reviewee). By default the list is sorted alphabetically by Competency. Upon entering the review for the first time there will be no evaluation information but if viewing a review that has already been started, the display can be changed to show only incomplete competencies or sort the incomplete competencies to the top of the list by sorting on the Complete column.
General notes: •Use the Tool Bar to navigate off of this screen. •The Filter Box on this screen is simply a choice between display of All Competencies or Incomplete Only. Click on the desired filter to change the selection. •The Actions Box displays all of the actions that can be performed. •The View Box displays the other functions that can be accessed from this screen. •The Selected Row is identified in a Black and bold font. •The row the mouse is over is highlighted in green. •The column that the information is sorted by is identified by a slightly darker background. Clicking on a column heading will sort by that column (ascending). Clicking the column heading again will change the sort for the column to be descending. •The scroll bar on the list is used to scroll through all of the records in the table. •A Progress Bar is displayed underneath the Tool Bar to identify how many Competencies have been reviewed so far.
A Review that is complete will appear as follows: Evaluation The Evaluation column displays the overall average for the Competency. The textual description is displayed. •For Competency Evaluations it matches the evaluation given for the Competency. •For Characteristic Evaluations it is the average of the evaluations for the Sub-Review questions. •For Skill Evaluations it is the average of the evaluations for the Skills.
Sub-Review Status The Sub-Review Status column identifies how many of the questions have been answered out of how many are available in the Characteristic Evaluations or Skill Evaluation for this competency. A '- -' in this column means there are no sub-review questions.
Justification Required The Justification Required column identifies whether you need enter some justification for your evaluation in order for the Competency to be considered complete. •This column only appears if Justifications are mandatory within your Organization (this is set by the System Administrator). •Justification is only required when a High (5) or Low (1) evaluation is given for the Competency.
Justification Entered The Justification Entered column identifies whether Justifications have been entered or not for this Competency. •The column is blank of there are no Justifications. •The column shows •When Justification has been entered, hovering your mouse over the
Competency Notes The Competency Notes column identifies whether notes have been entered or not for this Competency. •The column is blank of there are no Notes. •The column shows •When Notes have been entered, hovering your mouse over the
Complete The complete column indicates whether the Competency is considered complete or not. •It is complete if it has the evaluation for the Competency and, if mandatory, Justification entered where required. • A •Blank means it is not complete.
The default display of the Reviews screen shows reviews for the All Competencies. This is reflected by the Radio Button selected in the Filter. •Click Incomplete Only to filter the list to show only the Competencies that are not yet complete. •Click All Competencies to show all.
Actions Box The actions available on this screen are: •Edit or view the evaluation for the selected competency. Locked reviews can only be viewed. Unlocked Reviews can be edited. •Edit or view General Comments. •Print the competencies and evaluations as displayed on the screen,incorporating filters and sort order.
1.Select the desired Review on the list and click 2.For all three types of evaluations,the following apply: •The Competency Name appears in the title of the screen. •The Competency Definition appears at the top of the screen. •When required, the Justification box will appear underneath the evaluation line(s). •The Competency Notes box will appear at the bottom of the screen. •Clicking the
3.Click 4.Click 5.Click
If the evaluation for the Competency is chosen as (or calculated to be for sub-reviews) high (5/10) or low (0) when •Providing the Justification at this time is optional. Click •If Justification is mandatory for your organization (as determined by your System Administrator) then the Competency, and ultimately the Review, will not be considered complete until it has been provided. •If Justification is not mandatory for your organization the Justification field will still be shown for each Competency evaluated high or low but the Competency and Review will be considered complete without notes. •When the Justification field is available and no Reviewer comments have been saved yet, the application will prompt you to explain the rationale for choosing a High or Low response. When you click in the notes field to type comments, the prompt will disappear.
Tool Tips The system is delivered with Tool Tips that describe the various Response Options that can be chosen in the Review Details screen. They can be turned on or off or customized by your System Administrator.
Learning and Growth Ratings In the Competency and Skill Evaluations, the Learning and Growth Ratings can be customized by the System Administrator so what you see in your system may not match what is defined in these Help pages.
Important Note About Cannot Comment: If you are are unsure of how to Evaluate the Reviewee because you haven't had enough interaction with them or this particular Competency is not part of your interaction then choose the 'Cannot Comment' (or C/C) option. These responses do not get included in the evaluation of the Employee so they do not skew the results. In a Characteristic or Skill Evaluation, if greater than 50% of the responses are Cannot Comment then the overall evaluation for the competency will be set to Cannot Comment.
For Competency Evaluations the Review Details screen appears as follows: Choose the desired Response by clicking on a Response Option, enter any Competency Notes and navigate to the next question
Characteristic Evaluation For Characteristic Evaluations the Review Details screen appears as follows: •If there are many questions you may need to use the scroll bar on the window to scroll down to see them all. •Choose the appropriate Response for each question, enter any Competency Notes and click
Skill Evaluation For the Skill Evaluation the Review Details screen appears as follows:
•If there are many Skills to be reviewed you may need to use the scroll bar on the window to scroll down to see them all. •Click •Choose the appropriate Evaluation for each question, enter any Competency Notes and click
Notes about Required Proficiency: •The Required Proficiency will only be shown if the Skill has been defined to include the Required Proficiency. You may or may not use this in your organization. •Required Proficiency is the level of ability that is expected in the Reviewee's Job so the Required Proficiency can be different for the same Skill in different Jobs.
When the review is locked, the The Review Details can all be viewed but the information can not be changed. Click
The Competency Review Comments screen shows the general comments for the Competency Review. These comments appear on the printed Learning and Growth Report. •If the Review is locked the comments can only be viewed. •If the Review is not locked the comments can be edited. 1.Click
2.Click 3.Click
Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.
View Box The additional functions available on this screen from the View Box are:
This option displays a printable copy of the review with no responses chosen. Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.
This option displays a printable copy of the review including any responses and comments. Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer. |