How Do I ...?

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In this section we have briefly identified some general questions about using the application. The questions are grouped by module. Please refer to the specific Help Topics for more information.  If you can't find your question here, check our Other Frequently Asked Questions Topic for more Administrative questions or contact for assistance.


How do I ...


main menu 1_jobs


... print a Job Description?


All Job Reports are available for printing from the Jobs screen in the ActionsBox.

Choose the desired report from the list and click GoButtonSmall to generate the report. Use the Print button to Print your Job Description or Save to save it to a file.


... print a blank Job Questionnaire?


This can be done by an Administrator from the Jobs Screen in the Jobs Module.  You will find it in the "Job-Related Reports"


... customize the questions in the Selection Interview Guide?


Customizing these questions can be done by the Administrator.  Go to > Job Settings > Competencies > hmfile_hash_c04f89f2 (Add/Edit Candidate Interview Questions) - Selection Interview Guide text.


main menu 2_Strategic Alignment


... know what competencies are the most important to the organization?


The Competency Alignment Survey can be used to gather input from various Job Groups in your organization about what Competencies are most important. The Competency Alignment Survey Results screen tabulates the results.


...  see what the objectives are for my department?


The Organizational Objectives screen displays (and maintains) the Objectives for each department in the organization.  


main menu 3 Employees


... see who I need to review?


Choosing the Complete Reviews function will display a listing of all of the reviews that you need to complete for the current review period, organized so that the ones that are due first are sorted to the top of the list.


... see who will review me?


The Maintain Reviewers function will show you all of the Reviewers that will review you. Both Default and Manual reviewers will be shown.


... print a blank Competency review

to complete on paper?


From the Complete Reviews function, open the review you want to print and choose the 'Printable Blank Review' option in the View Box. This will display a printable copy of the Competency Review that you can print or save to file.

NOTE: You can also print the results of a review you have started or completed using the 'Printable Review-to-date' function.

Reviews Not Displaying









See Competency Reviews or Default Review(s) Not Displaying on why a review may not be displaying.

main menu 4_Analysis


... determine who would be a good mentor  for a particular competency?


The Organizational Learning and Growth function displays the Competency and Skill Strengths and Development Opportunities for the Organization.  When the Competency is a strength you can view the List of Employees on the bottom half of the screen that have the Competency as a Strength. The same information is available for Skills.


... determine who is qualified to fill an internal job vacancy?


The Succession Planning function allows you to choose a Job to find candidates for.  It will find all candidates based on their current learning and growth and tell you how they would perform in the new job. Be sure to use the filters to look for the appropriate candidates (e.g. Filter to candidates that are within the 1 or 2 Job Levels of the current position or search for specific Skills or Certifications).


Main Menu 5       mainmenu6a


... change the message that scrolls across

the menu?


The Administration - System Settings > User Interface > "What Menu Scrolling Message do you want to display?" contains the text for the message. Enter into the text box.


... put my company logo on reports?



System Settings> Organization Branding >"Use Logo On Reports?" tells the system whether you want to include your organization's logo on the reports.  For the Job and Learning and Growth reports there are also Report Options that turn the display of the logo on or off.  


Refer to the System Settings>Organization Branding>Logo for information about the size of the logo files and where they need to be placed in the system.


...Open reports in Excel or Word?


Any of the reports that have a Save button can be saved to your computer. These files are saved as HTML pages by default. To open them in Microsoft Word or Excel, locate the file on your computer, right-click the file and choose 'Open With...'. From here you can choose Word or Excel. With the latest version of ENCV - reports can be directly exported to Word. See Interacting with Encompassing Visions.