Job Settings>Competencies |
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There are 38 Core Competencies defined in Encompassing Visions. This Administrative Function allows you to customize the Competencies by making them active or inactive, changing the name of the Competency (as shown throughout the application), apply Organizational Bias to select Competencies and modify the text associated with the Competencies in the Selection Interview Guide and the Describing Excellence (Suggestions for Enhancement) section of the Learning and Growth Report. You can also establish and maintain Competency Characteristics used in the Characteristic Evaluations of the Competency Review.
Important Note for Administrators: Although the application allows you to customize Competency Names, Definitions, etc., it is strongly recommended that you check with your Encompassing Visions consultant before changing Competency Description Headings or Definitions. This will ensure that the linkages between the JPS Job Questionnaire© and the Competency Importance calculations are maintained.
•From the Main Menu move the mouse over Jobs. •Click Job Settings and click Competencies:
The Maintain Competencies screen lists, by default, all of the Active Competencies in the system sorted by Competency Number. It is from this screen that all Competency maintenance is performed.
A note about Competency Numbers: This is the only place in the system where the Competency Number is shown. When completing Competency Reviews or displaying competency information in the Learning and Growth Report, only the Competency Name is used. If you have customized your Competency names and need to call us about a problem relating to a specific competency, you should refer to both the Competency Number and Name.
General information: •Use the Tool Bar to navigate off of this screen. •The Actions Box displays all of the actions that can be performed. •The Filter Box on this screen is simply a choice between display of Active Competency Only or All Competencies. Click on the desired filter to change the selection. •The Selected Row is identified in a black bold font. •The row the mouse is over is highlighted in green. •The column that the information is sorted by is identified by a slightly darker background. Clicking on a column heading will sort by that column. •The scroll bar on the list is used to scroll through all of the records in the table.
Columns: •A '...' at the end of the text in the Definition column means that there is more text for the definition. Double-click or Edit the row to view the entire definition. •The Competency Group column identifies the grouping that the Competency will be reported under in the Learning and Growth Report. These groupings are not modifiable or customizable at this time. •A
Competency-Specific Processing: •Competency #18 - Revenue/Expense Management •Competency #34 - Technical Competence/Utilization
The Actions available on this screen are: •Edit the selected Competency. • • • •Recalculate All Jobs. •Print the Competency Listing. •
Select the desired Competency from the list and click the pencil icon or double-click the Competency to open the Competency Details screen.
Competency Name: •The Competency Name is what will appear throughout the system to identify the Competency. •The field is mandatory and can not be blank. •We recommend that you customize the name to suit the terminology and culture of your organization. •We recommend that if you have a competency with multiple aspects (e.g. Coordinating / Scheduling), you leave a blank space around the '/' so that information can be split across multiple rows nicely in reports. •We also recommend that if you have Competency Names from the original install of some of the older versions of Encompassing Visions that are in all upper case letters you convert them to mixed case. These will look cleaner in the system and on reports.
Competency Definition: •The Competency Definition is shown for every Competency in the Competency Review and Competency Alignment Survey. •We recommend that you customize the definition to suit the terminology and culture of your Organization. •The field is mandatory and can not be blank.
Active: •Checked •Change the status of the Competency by checking or unchecking the box. •Only Active Competencies get included in the Competency Review.
•Organizational Bias allows you to emphasize the importance of particular Competencies deemed necessary to achieving the Organization's strategies and goals. •The Bias points assigned to the competency are added to the Importance Rating calculated in the Job Evaluation process to determine the overall Importance for the Competency. •Refer to the Competency List section in the Help Topic Actions Box (under Jobs) for to learn how to find the Importance Rating for a particular Job or refer to the Job Competency Cross Reference section in the Help Topic Job-Related Reports to learn how to find the Importance Ratings for all Jobs. •By default the Bias is set to zero for all 38 competencies. •Applying a Bias is optional. •The minimum Importance Rating a Competency can have is 1 and the Maximum is 10. •The maximum Bias that can be applied is 9 (which would bring a Competency's Importance Rating up to 10 regardless of the calculated value). •Setting the Bias to 0 eliminates the Bias. •When the Organizational Bias is changed, all Jobs in the system must be recalculated to apply the Bias. Click the calculator icon to recalculate all of the Importance Ratings for all of the Jobs.
Example: Your organizational goals for this year include "Increase Customer Focus at all levels." You decide to assign an Organizational Bias of 7 Points. This means that every job in the organization would have a minimum value of 7 Points for the competency called "Customer Focus."
Jobs with little exposure to customers will have 7 Points for the Customer Focus competency. Jobs with a lot of exposure to customers will likely have the maximum of 10 Points assigned to the value of Customer Focus in their Job Description. This is because of the additional duties that job may have relating to Customer Focus as reflected in the Automated (Job) Questionnaire. (If the points totalled more than 10, they would remain at 10 because it is the maximum.)
Tip: The Competency Alignment Survey Results will identify the most important Competencies for your Organization and may be helpful in determining which Competencies you want to apply Organizational Bias to.
Important Note: It is a good idea to restrict the number of competencies for which you apply a bias. More than a few competencies with a bias will show too many as "very important", negatively impacting an employee's ability to focus on the critically important ones.
Note to Administrator:
Memo Notes: •The Memo Notes field is a good place to track history about changes to the Competency. •The initial default value is the Name of the Competency.
Once all of the Competency information is updated, spell check can be used to check all of the text fields and make any corrections. Click the save icon, and if no error messages appear, save your changes. Note: Refer to the Error Handling section in the Interacting With Encompassing Visions page to learn how the errors are displayed and how to correct them. Close the window.
Click the calculator icon to recalculate all of the Jobs to apply the Organizational Bias. This will open the Calculate all jobs screen to show the progress of the calculation. •During the calculation the jobs will be shown in the first box (they are calculated alphabetically by Job Title). •The progress is shown as a percent complete in the second box. •If any errors are encountered they are shown in the Errors field. •When the calculation is complete, click OK to close the window.
Note to Administrator: If changes have been made to the Organizational Bias points, a recalculate for Competency Importance ratings for ALL jobs based on any changes made to needs to be applied before leaving screen.
Note: The only errors that this process can experience are related to bad data in the application. The Job Calculation section in the Help Topic Problem Solving Tips discusses possible errors and corrections in detail.
Click the printer icon to print the listing of Competencies (including the filtering and sorting) as shown on the screen. You will be able to print the report or save it to your computer.
Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.
Note: If an Alternate Term for 'Selection' in Selection Interview Guide has been established, it will be used in this list.
Competency Characteristics are the detailed questions asked in the Competency Review to evaluate specific aspects of the Competency. Complete details about the maintenance of Competency Characteristics is in the Help Topic Characteristic Maintenance.
The Describing Excellence Text screen is used to view and maintain the Describing Excellence text.
When the changes in text apply to all Job Groups: •Choose Default Text •Make the desired changes in the Question field.
When the changes in text apply to a specific Job Group: •Choose Text customized for selected Job Group •The screen changes to enable selection of a specific Job Group.
Choose the Job Group, by clicking on the pull-down menu, to edit the text. If there is Customized Text already created for the Job Group: •The Text will be displayed in the Question field. •Make any desired changes. •Click Save •Click Delete •Click Cancel
If there is no custom text entry for the selected Job Group,
Click inside the question field to edit: the Default Text in the Question text box. •Make any desired changes. •Click Save •Click Delete •Click Cancel
Notes about the Text: •You can change or add to the text to customize it. •Customized text will be displayed in the Learning and Growth Report when the Competency is identified as an Opportunity for Enhancement for the Employee. The text is displayed in the Suggestions for Enhancement section.
The Selection Interview Guide Questions screen is used to view and maintain Selection Interview Guide text:
Choose the Job Group, by clicking on the pull-down menu, to edit the text.
If there is Customized Text already created for the Job Group: •The Text will be displayed in the Question field. •Make any desired changes. •Click Save •Click Delete •Click Cancel
If there is no custom text entry for the selected Job Group :
Click inside the question field to edit: the Default Text in the Question text box. •Make any desired changes. •Click Save •Click Delete •Click Cancel
Notes about the Questions: •You can change or add to the question to customize it. •You can enter several questions, if desired. •Customized text will be generated in the Selection Interview Guide when the Competency is included.
There are several places in the system where a Definition button can be clicked to view a detailed description of a Competency. The definition is viewed on the Competency Definition screen: •The Competency definition is displayed on the maintain competency screen. Double click the competency to take you to the competency detail screen where the entire definition is displayed. •The selected Competency and Number is displayed above the definition. •Use the vertical scroll bars to scroll through the definition. •Click Cancel
Competency Characteristics Report The Competency Characteristics Report shows the detailed Competency Characteristics associated with each Competency in Encompassing Visions. •To include Inactive Competencies, check •To include Organization Bias in the report, check •To include Inactive Competency Characteristics, check •To run for all Job Groups, leave the default (All) in the Select a Job Group box. •Click OK to generate to the report. •Click Cancel to return to previous screen without generating the report.
Generated Report:
Describing Competency Excellence Report The Describing Competency Excellence Report shows all of the text entered for Describing Excellence: •To include Inactive Competencies, check •To include Organization Bias in the report, check •To view the customized text for a specific Job Group, select a Job Group from the list. •Click OK to generate to the report. •Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without generating the report.
Generated Report:
The Interview Questions Report shows all of the text entered for the Interview Guide. •To include Inactive Competencies, check •To include Organization Bias in the report, check •To view the customized text for a specific Job Group, select a Job Group from the list. •Click OK to generate to the report. •Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without generating the report.
Generated Report: |