Jobs Sub-Menu

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The Jobs function allows you to view and maintain detailed information about the Jobs in your organization.


Note: These Help pages assume that you are familiar with the standard features of the screen (Search Box, Filter Box, Tool Bar and Actions Box) - and standard screen controls (selecting a row, using pick lists, using check-boxes and spell-checking). If you need additional information about how those features work please review the Help Topic: Interacting with Encompassing Visions.


From the Main Menu move your mouse over the Jobs Module and click on the Jobs function to open the Jobs screen.


Administrator Tips:

The use of the Job Approval Process is controlled by the Jobs Policy Use Client Job Approval Process. When this policy is set to 'No' the Approval information is not displayed in this function. The default is 'Yes'.

During the initial install of Encompassing Visions, the job 'Training Manager' is added to the system. You will want to delete this job prior to building the job table for your organization.

The use of the 'Nature of the Work' field is controlled by the Jobs Policy Do you Use Nature of the Work in your Job Descriptions?  When set to 'No' the Nature of the Work field is not included in the function. The default is No.

Loading jobs into Encompassing Visions can be automated using the Data Integration & Import function. Please contact for more information.



The Jobs screen lists all of the Jobs in the system sorted by Job Title. All Job maintenance is performed in this screen.


General information

Use the Tool Bar to navigate off this screen.

Use the Search Box to search for a specific Job by typing the job reference or title of the job you are looking for.  

The Actions Box displays all of the actions that can be performed.

The selected row is identified and highlighted in black.

The row the mouse is over is highlighted in green.

All columns are sortable.  The sort column is identified by a slightly darker background. Click on a column heading to sort in ascending order. Click the column heading again to sort in descending order.

Note: This module contains a Pagination feature in which jobs are retrieved on pages depending on the screen resolution.   If you are searching for a specific job, using the search bar may save time.



A CheckMarkin the Complete column means the job is complete. Blank means it is not complete. A job is considered complete if it has at least one completed Job Questionnaire. It does not mean that the details screen is completed.

A CheckMarkin the Active column means the job is marked as active. Blank means it is not active.

A CheckMarkin the Confidential column means the job is a confidential job. Blank means it is not confidential. Only Users must have an Access Level of 4 or 5 for Jobs to view or maintain information about confidential jobs in the system.

A CheckMarkin the Approved column means the job has been marked as approved. Blank means it is not approved. When approved, the Date Approved column auto-populates with the date.  This forms an audit record for Job approvals.
Note: The Approved and Date Approved columns are not displayed if the Job Approval Process is not used by your Organization. This is determined by your System Administrator.


Filtering The Job List

Click the FilterButtonbutton to open the filter window for jobs.  




The Approved and Date Approved Filters will not be shown if the Job Policy Use Client Job Approval Process is set to NO.

The Benchmark and Benchmark Filters will not be shown if the Benchmark Job Processing Policy Enable the Benchmark Job Processing is set to NO.

The Pay Band Group Filter will not be shown if the Policy Enable multiple Pay Band Groups is set to NO

When an organization unit below the (All) level is chosen, the Sub-Units filter controls filtered jobs.

When the Sub-Units filter is checkedthe jobs assigned to sub-units of the selected Organization Unit will be included in the listing.  When it is unchecked unchecked only jobs assigned to the Organization Unit chosen will populate the list.

Click the CalendarButtonbutton to open a calendar and choose a valid date for the Date Approved filter.

Any combination of filters can be applied to make your list of jobs smaller.


To clear all filters and display the full list of jobs, click ResetFilterButton.


Actions Box


The Actions available on this screen are:

Add a new Job

Edit or View a Job

Certification Add/Edit Skills/Certifications for a selected Job

Job Questionnaire Add/Edit a Job Questionnaire for a selected job

Copy a Job

Delete a Job

Search for a Job Title or by Reference

Filter the Job Listing

Print the Job Listing

Reports Generate Job Related Reports


See the Help Topic Actions Box (below Jobs) for details.


Job-Related Reports

The generated job-related reports available when the following icon Reports is clicked are: Job-relatedreports

Please note the image above does not contain the Pay Band Group column because the policy is not set to "Yes".


The sections are organized as follows:


INPUT - those functions related to adding and maintaining data in the jobs module

Job Questionnaire(s)

Job Skills


JOB DATA VERIFICATION - reports and processes along with displaying Employees linked to the job(s)

Questionnaire Responses

Selection Rationale

Job Totals

Job Competencies

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

Job Audit

Linked Jobs

Linked Employees


STAFF & MGMT Docs - jobs reports

Job Description

Job Posting

Selection Interview Guide

Job Questionnaire Input Sheet Please note: the Blank Job Questionnaire (A copyrighted document) has been replaced with Job Questionnaire Input Sheet due to proprietary reasons.


EVALUATION & ANALYSES - reports monitoring changes and Job Related Reports

Job Total Points Listing

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

Job/Points Matrix

Job Competency Cross Reference

Job Skills - Current Filter(s)

Jobs Audit

User Assigned Jobs

Incomplete Job Information


Note: The two Audit report menu items will be hidden from view if the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Job, Job Skills and Job Questionnaires? is not enabled.


As of version 2021.1.0 the View Box is no longer available. All items have been moved to the following icon Reports