Competency Alignment Survey Results

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Access the Competency Alignment Survey Results from the Main Menu by moving your mouse over the Strategic Alignment module icon and clicking the Competency Alignment Survey Results function or click the View>Results btn_viewgo_24 button on the Competency Alignment Survey screen:


Reminder: Your System Administrator may have set a customized term for Importance Rating.


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Competency List

On the left of the screen you will see the Core Competencies List showing the top competencies, in the order of importance, as perceived by all those in the selected Job Group who have completed a Competency Alignment Survey.

The Importance Rating for each competency is displayed.

If there are more than 10 Top CORE Competencies use thescroll button1 buttons to scroll through all of the Competencies in the list.

To see the definition of a Competency, select it and click the infobutton1 button.


Administrator Tip: The number of competencies displayed in this list is determined by the Policy - Strategic Alignment: Competency Alignment: Number of CORE competencies to display in the Survey Results (1-38). The default is 10.



Filtering Surveys

The box on the right of the screen allows you to filter the list of Surveys:

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Show Surveys From:

To show Surveys from the perspective of only one Job Group, make a selection in this pick list.

This will display only the Surveys completed by employees attached to the selected Job Group.

To see all Surveys choose 'All'.


Date Filter:

To show Surveys completed during a certain time period click the CalendarButtonbutton to open a calendar and choose a valid date for the filter.

Click the Apply Filter.

Surveys completed during the dates entered will be shown.



Note: The filter capability is primarily for the Administrative User who can see all of the surveys in the system. Other users are expected to have just one survey.


To filter the Top CORE Competencies based on the date the Competency Alignment Survey was completed, enter the date range in the From: and To: date fields at the bottom right of the screen (or click CalendarButton to use the calendar) and click the Apply Filter button:

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To remove the filtering by date, clear out any dates entered and click the Apply Filter button again.



On the right side of the screen you can select the Job Group whose perspective of the Top Competencies is being viewed. The default is the Value Setting Job Group.

To see the Top Competencies from the perspective of a different Job Group, make a different selection from the list.

To see the Top Competencies based on all the completed surveys, select All.

After changing the selected Job Group, the Top Competencies list will be refreshed showing the information from the perspective of the new Job Group.


Administrator Tip: The Value Setting Job Group is set in the the Policy - Strategic Alignment: Competency Alignment: Core Competencies are defined by which Job Group?


Additional Notes

There must be at least three surveys completed by the selected Job Group before the Top Competencies list can be determined or displayed.

If there are not, the following message will appear before the Competency Alignment Survey Results screen is displayed:


Click OK will close the message and return you to the Competency Alignment Survey Results Screen.


Survey Results

When there are enough completed Surveys in the system you may also view the compiled results of the surveys. This illustrates the perceptual variance between Job Groups in understanding the organization's Competencies.  


The same information is displayed using the Report Viewer  


Refer to the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use either of the Report Viewers.


Graphical Results


With the Report Viewer, the first page appears as follows:


Competency Alignment Survey Results

The graph identifies the Importance Rating assigned to the competency by each Job Group.

The Legend identifies which Job Group is identified by each colour.

The Value Setting Job Group (or Benchmark Job Group) will always appear first.

The remaining Job Groups appear in alphabetical order.

The average rating by all Job Groups will always appear last.


Results Summary Table


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This section shows the results of the comparison in a table.  It clearly identifies where each Job Group differed from the Benchmark Job Group in their rankings of the Competencies.


Job-Group Results

The remaining pages of the report display the Competency Importance Ratings for each of the different Job Groups reported.


Example of the following pages.

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Average For All Job Groups

The Average for all Job Groups identifies the Importance Ratings averaged across all of the selected surveys.


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