Select Employee

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If you are an administrative user or an employee designated as a Lead of an Organization Unit, you will have to select an employee to view Work Plan, Reviewer or Training Plan information as the first step.


Tip: If you are responsible for the input of many Employee Work Plans or several groups of Employees, you may want to Filter the Employee list to a manageable number.


Note: 'Business Objective' and 'Professional Development Objective' are the default terms used in Encompassing Visions.  Your application may contain alternate terms for these menu items.


Maintain Work Plans

From the Main Menu move the mouse over Employees and click the type of Work Plan (Business or Professional Development) to open the Work Plans screen:

work plans_business objective

The Screen will open in Split Screen format, with the default filter set to Current Work Plans.  To see all Work Plans assigned to the User, click ResetFilterButton.

An Administrative User will see all employees listed.

A Lead will see the employees that report to him/her (direct reports).  

Regular employees will only see themselves listed and will be automatically moved to the selected function.

The selected Employee is identified at the top of the list.

Use the vertical scroll button2 buttons to scroll through the list of employees.

Click FilterButton to apply filter criteria to the Employee List.

Click EditButton or double-click the Work Plan to show Work Plan details.

The Lower Table shows the Objectives included in a Work Plan.  Click the Objective to view details.  See Help section Objectives for more information.

Each column can be sorted in ascending or descending order.  Simply click the column heading to sort.

Click printbutton1 in the Actions Bar to print the Work Plan Report.



From the Main Menu select Employees from the navigation bar and select the Employees menu item.

Employee Screen_with Payband Column


Note: typically only an Administrative User would have access to this screen.

Select the Employee.

Add/Edit Reviewers (Reviewers/Reviews) for selected Employee in the Actions box.

Click Add Remove Reviewers to see the list of reviews for the selected Employee.


See the Help topic: Reviewers for more information.


Filter Employees

There are several places where an Employee list is filtered in the Employees module. The same process is used to filter the Employee list in most situations. See Work Plans above for the filter functionality for that section.


The Current Employee Filter screen is used to choose Employee filters:

current employee filters_pay band group

You can filter by one or more fields associated with the Employee by selecting a value for:

1. Organization Unit (default is the highest level of the Organization Structure).

To include the Organization Unit's sub-units, click in the Sub-Units box so it is checked checked.

To exclude the Organization Unit's sub-units, click in the Sub-Units box so it is unchecked unchecked .

2. Active

3. Lead

4. Gender

5. Job Family

6. Job Group

7. Location

8. Employment Equity

9. Job Level Group

10. Job Assigned

11. User Assigned

12. User Profile

13. User Active


The more filters you choose the narrower your search will be. This will reduce the number of Employees on your list, but it may also narrow your search so much there will be no records found. Then you will need to search again with different filters.

The btn_resetfilter_24 button allows you to clear the selected filter(s).  

Click btn_filter_24to apply the filter(s) to list of Employees.

Click btn_close_16to return to the Employee List with no filter selected.


If no records are found in your search criteria you will see this message:

filter_no employees retrieved

Click View>btn_resetfilter_24 button to refresh the screen to the default list of Employees.

You can then go back to the Current Employee Filter(s) screen to apply different filter criteria.