Job Evaluation Questions

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The Customized Job Evaluation Questions Administrative Function allows you to customize the Automated (Job) Questionnaire to suit your organization.


Important Note:

It is critical that any customization done in this area be carefully completed and that the meaning of any customized question or weighting is not affected.  This maintains the integrity of the Job Questionnaire and related Competencies.  Please contact Encompassing Visions Support or Implementation Personnel with any questions.


The corresponding text for the Job Description is also maintained here.


The Automated (Job) Questionnaire is composed of 28 main questions and, for several questions, sub-questions for a total of 86 questions. The Questions (Headings, Descriptions and Elaboration Notes), Responses and Response Weightings for the questions can be customized. When the questions and/or responses are customized, the corresponding text that is used in the Job Description should be updated as well. It is important to maintain between the Questions, Responses and Job Description text to ensure the integrity of the Job information in your system.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over Jobs.  

Click Job Settings and click Job Evaluation Questionnaire.

Customize Job Evaluation Questions

The selected Question (ID) is identified in black bold font with the Response Options(s), Text for the Available Response, Weighting and the Job Description Text in Lower Table.  

Use the vertical scroll button2 buttons to scroll through the Questions.

Double click the desired question or select the desired question and click View Actions > Edit to open the Edit screen to view. Click the btn_edit_24 to open the content editor to edit the question (description or elaboration).

Double click the desired response or select the desired response and click View Actions > Edit to open the Edit screen to view. Click the btn_edit_24 to open the content editor to edit Responses.

Double click the desired response or select the desired response and click View Actions > Edit to open the Edit screen to view. Click the btn_edit_24 to open the content editor to edit Job Description Text.


System Calculated Questions

Special processing occurs in the system for High Level Questions 6.0, 7.0, 12.0 and 13.0. These questions all have sub-questions whose responses are used to calculate the response value for the High Level Question. For these questions, the Response Weightings have been set to 0 and the Responses can not be changed because these questions are not asked in the Automated (Job) Questionnaire nor are they linked to any competencies.


Please note: These questions are not editable. The pencil icon has been grayed out.


Editing Questions

The Edit Question screen is used to view the Question information:

customize job questionnaire_edit


Click on thebtn_edit_24to bring up the content editor screen to make the required customizations in the text boxes.

customize job questionnaire_edit_content editor


Click btn_ok_24 to save changes made to the text and return to previous screen.

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to previous screen without saving any changes.

On the Edit Question Screen, click btn_save_24to save changes and return to Customize Job Evaluation Questionnaire screen or btn_cancel_24 to cancel the changes and return to Customize Job Evaluation Questionnaire screen.


Changes made in this screen appear in the Automated (Job) Questionnaire as follows:

job questionnaire_ customize job evaluation option


Editing Responses and Weighting

The Responses and Weighting for the selected Question can be viewed here.

customize job questionnaire_edit_response and weighting

The selected Question (ID and Heading) is identified at the top of the screen with the Description underneath.

Use the vertical scroll button2 buttons to scroll through the Responses.

Double-click the desired Response or select the desired Response and click View Actions > Edit to display the Edit Questionnaire Response screen:

customize job questionnaire_edit_response and weighting2


Click on thebtn_edit_24to bring up the content editor screen to make the required customizations in the text boxes.

customize job questionnaire_edit_response and weighting3

Click btn_ok_24 to save changes made to the text and return to previous screen.

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to previous screen without saving any changes.

On the Edit Question Screen, click btn_save_24to save changes and return to Customize Job Evaluation Questions screen or btn_cancel_24 to cancel the changes and return to Customize Job Evaluation Questions screen.


Note: The Weighting field is used in the determination of the Job Total Points. It is recommended that you discuss potential changes to the Weighting field with Encompassing Visions Support Staff prior to changing these values to ensure that your changes will have the desired result.


Recalculate All Jobs

Recalculate All Jobs. Click the calculator icon to recalculate all of the Jobs to apply the Weights. This will open the Calculate all jobs screen to show the progress of the calculation.  

maintaincompetencies10 maintain competencies_recalculate


Note to Administrator: If changes have been made to the weights, the RECALCULATE for all jobs must be applied for the  'Job Evaluation Total Points' for ALL COMPLETED job questionnaires in the database to reflect any/all changes made before leaving the  screen.


Changes made in this screen appear in the Automated (Job) Questionnaire as follows:

job questionnaire_ customize job evaluation option2


Editing Job Description Text

The Job Description Text for the selected Question can be viewed here.

customize job questionnaire_edit_drescription text

The selected Question (ID) is identified in black bold font. Response will be in black bold font in the lower half of the screen

Use the vertical scroll button2 buttons to scroll through the Responses.

Double-click the desired Response or select the desired Response and click View Actions > Edit to display the Edit Response screen:

customize job questionnaire_edit_response and weighting2


Click on thebtn_edit_24to bring up the content editor screen to make the required customizations in the text boxes.

customize job questionnaire_edit_content editor2

Click btn_ok_24 to save changes made to the text and return to previous screen.

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to previous screen without saving any changes.

On the Edit Response Screen, click btn_save_24to save changes and return to Customize Job Evaluation Screen or btn_cancel_24 to cancel the changes and return to Customize Job Evaluation Screen


Changes made in this screen appear in the Job Description Report as comments in the various Skills sections.


Note: For a complete mapping of the Job Description Text maintained in this screen to sections of the Job Description report, contact Encompassing Visions Support Staff (