Jobs - User Assigned Jobs

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This function allows users to view and maintain the detailed information for a specific set of jobs in your organization. The jobs each user can access are defined by the System Administrator in the Administration Function: Users.


Note:   If you would like to access this functionality, please contact for assistance.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over the Jobs icon and click the Jobs - User Assigned Jobs function to open screen:





The selected job is bolded in black.

The list contains all of the Active Jobs the user has access to.

The Job is Complete (CheckMark) or Incomplete (    ).

navigate13_zoom107Use the vertical scroll button (located to the right of your screen) to scroll through the list of jobs if needed.




Double click the desired job or select the desired job and click Actions > Edit to edit the selected job.  

Click Job Questionnaire (Job Questionnaire) to Add a New Questionnaire or edit the questionnaire for the job.

Questionnaires to be viewed or maintained (see Job Questionnaires)



Click 'Ok' to close the questionnaire.

Click encv_home2 to return to previous page.




Click Certification (Job Skills) to view a list of the Skills for the job.


Click on the desired Action:  Add, edit, delete or print the job skills assigned to the user assigned job.




Please note: The Job Related Report icon 70will be unavailable if the user does not have access to the Print Job Reports.


Edit User Assigned Job




Buttons - Data Entry Information

data entry information

This information is optional. Note: only complete jobs can be attached to an employee or printed on the job reports, and at least one questionnaire must be completed before a job can be marked complete.  

Click on the pencil button EditButtonto enter the content editor of the job details screen.

Position Summary, Core Accountabilities, Position Requirements and Identified Job Hazards are all maintained on a similar Notes screen (see Job Notes). Reminder: Your System Administrator may have changed the names for these fields.

The Memo Notes are generic notes about the job (see the Memo Notes section in Interacting with Encompassing Visions for instructions about using this screen)


memo notes



User Assigned Job Report

Displays a list of Jobs that each user can access as defined by the System Administrator. The User Assigned Job Report will enable the Administrator to see who has been assigned which job and if the Questionnaire has been completed by the user and the date it was completed.