Response Validation

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The Response Validation function is used to find inconsistencies in the job questionnaire responses.   The report can be accessed by clicking the Validate Questionnaire Responses icon (ResponseValidation02) in the Actions bar on the Job Questionnaire screen. Only Access Level  5 administrative users have access to the response validation. The validation check has over 185 checks to find inconsistencies.




If there are no validation errors a message will indicate that Response Validation passed:



If there are errors they are displayed in the Job Questionnaire Validation Results Report screen:


The report will list the Validation Rules that didn't pass and possible reasons why.

Click the Print Report button to print the report.

Click the Save Report button to save the report to your computer.

Click the Close tab button to close the Job Questionnaire Validation Results Report tab.



As you discuss the possible reasons why the Questionnaire did not complete the validation,  you may choose to keep the responses as is. If you do, you may want to add a note to the response to indicate why a change was not made and to let future evaluators know as well.


Message_non finished questionnaire on validation check

If the validation check is ran for an incomplete Job Questionnaire, you will receive the following message:


For additional help with response validation, please contact