Job Questionnaires

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This function maintains Job Questionnaires in the system.


The Automated Questionnaire screen is accessed by:

Selecting the desired Job on the Jobs screen, choosing Job Questionnaire(s) from the Actions Box.

Selecting the desired Job on the Job List of the Jobs - User Assigned Jobs function and clicking Automated Questionnaire.


Rules about Automated (Job) Questionnaires (for non-Administrative Users):

You can only edit or view a Questionnaire that you created

You can only edit or view Notes for a Questionnaire that you created

You can only perform Response Validation for a Questionnaire that you created

You can only view the Questionnaire Responses for a Questionnaire that you created

You can not delete an Automated (Job) Questionnaire - even one that you created. Only an Administrative User can delete.

You can only Add a new Automated (Job) Questionnaire if you do not have an incomplete Questionnaire for the Job already started (you will have to finish the incomplete Questionnaire or have an Administrative User delete it before you can add another questionnaire)


Administrative Users can perform all functions on all Automated (Job) Questionnaires.


The Job Questionnaire

Note: the Job Questionnaire has been reworked for Version 9.4.1.  The updated functionality has been designed to follow the same look and feel that you've seen in the performance modules in the previous few versions.  Encompassing Visions' intent is to provide a more user friendly and intuitive interface so that you, the client, are able to evaluate Jobs, complete the Job specific details and edit those elements with ease.  Detailed instructions that will help you navigate the new interface are below.  


Progress Bar

A new functionality has been added to the Job Questionnaire screen to identify the percentage of Questions that have been completed.



Job Questionnaire List

A new job will not have a questionnaire attached.  The only functionality available for a new job is add a Job Questionnaire.  If a questionnaire has been completed for the selected job, that questionnaire will automatically populate when the Job Questionnaire button is clicked.  In some cases, multiple Job Questionnaires have been completed for a specific job.  Open the pick list in the Questionnaire(s) box to view/edit all available questionnaires.


The most recent job questionnaire that has been created will populate the screen.



To display a different Questionnaire, select it from the Questionnaire(s) pick list above the actions bar.


The Actions bar

The actions bar in the Job Questionnaire has been updated to allow for ease in adding, editing and auditing the Job Questionnaire.  

add - Add a new Questionnaire.

EditButton - Edit a current Questionnaire.  Select the questionnaire to be edited from the Questionnaire pick list as pictured above.


Viewquestionnaireonly - View only the questionnaire. The Questionnaire is complete and the grace period of #(number of) days has passed. Editing is no longer allowed unless the questionnaire is unlocked by an administrator. Please see Unlock Questionnaire below.


DeleteButton - Delete a Questionnaire.

 Note: a message will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete a questionnaire.  Please be aware that the last completed questionnaire for a job cannot be deleted because it is required to determine Job Evaluation points and Competency Importance ratings.

commentsbutton - Edit/View Questionnaire notes.  Add, edit and view any notes or comments that relate to the whole Job Questionnaire.  For example, notes regarding when the questionnaire was last completed or edited can be stored here.

ResponseValidation02large   - Response Validation.  This icon runs the response validation report for the questionnaire selected.  See Response Validation for additional details.

printbutton1 - Print a response listing along with the selected response and text in table format. See Job Questionnaire Response Listing Report.  For a detailed report that includes all possible responses and notes, print the Selection Rationale report.


Unlockquestionnaire - Unlock Job Questionnaire - Select the questionnaire to be unlocked from the Questionnaire pick list as pictured above.A questionnaire will be locked if the policy has been checked. See Job Settings>Job Evaluation Questionnaire



The View bar






The View bar contains reports related directly to the Questionnaire Responses for the Job selected.

Job Totals - Displays the breakdown of evaluation points for the selected Job.

Questionnaire Responses - Displays Questionnaire responses in table form for the selected Job.

Selection Rationale - Displays the complete Questionnaire, identifying the chosen responses and includes any notes/justification entered for the selected Job.

Questionnaire Responses Summary – (hidden if only one Questionnaire has been created for the Job) – Displays an average of the Questionnaire responses in table form when more than one Questionnaire is completed for the selected Job.

Questionnaire Cross Reference - Displays the average and compares the results of the individual responses of each Questionnaire completed for the selected Job.

Questionnaire Instructions - displays the instructions for completing the Questionnaire.



Add a Job Questionnaire

Select the Job in the Job screen.

In the Actions bar, select Job Questionnaire(s ) Job Questionnaire.

For a new job with no attached questionnaire, you will receive a confirmation message - 'Currently there is no questionnaire for this job. Would you like to start one now?'

The automated Job Questionnaire screen will open to question #1.  







Tip: for consistency and efficiency purposes, we recommend you always start a new Questionnaire by answering the question: Education, and moving through the Questionnaire in order.  However, if the Questionnaire is partly completed, you can click on any element to open the Questionnaire at that question.


Within the Question are the selection options.  Simply click the radio button next to the most appropriate response.

If the Auto-Scroll is checked checked, the Questionnaire will automatically scroll to the next question after you select a response.  

Uncheck uncheckedthis box if you want to manually scroll through the Questionnaire using the btn_save_go_previous_24btn_save_go_next_24 buttons.


Note: Responses that have been changed will remain in effect while the questionnaire is open.  If the screen is closed without clicking the save button, changes will be saved. But, for Questions 6,7,12 and 13, for this version, you will need to proceed to the next question in order for the automatic save of the responses.


Note: For Questions 20-23, Questions 27, and 28 the auto scroll has been defaulted to be deactivated. When you have completed entering/changing your responses you will need to manually click the forward green arrow button.




Click SaveButton to save the Questionnaire Responses that have been entered.  All the questions for the Questionnaire must be answered for the Questionnaire to be considered complete.  When at least one Questionnaire is finished for a job, the job status will be changed to Complete.  


Each Questionnaire page contains additional elaboration about the element (Education, Experience, etc) for the evaluators.  Click the infobuttonsmall button next to the page title.

Note: the questions that contain multiple parts (i.e. 6, 7 etc) have an additional note field.  The Section contains a notes field that covers all questions in that section.  Each element of that section also contains a notes field.  Look for the infobuttonsmall icon to read any elaborative notes that have been added.


Examples are additional descriptors for the evaluation option provided and customized. Typically jobs that require the response selected can be entered as examples.  

Click the examplesbutton button in the response selection area.

Administrator Note: The examples displayed are the Memo Notes that were entered for the Question's Response in the Job Settings > Job Evaluation Questionnaire >  Job Evaluation Questions Customize > Job Questionnaire function.

Add Justification comments for each individual response by clicking the commentsbutton.zoom77 at the bottom of the screen.  

Administrator Note: Customizing the system to make justification notes mandatory is done in the Job Definition Policies for the Automated (Job) Questionnaire. If Justification notes are mandatory, the auto-scroll will be automatically grayed out (unchecked) for the selected questions.


A new functionality has been introduced to the Job Questionnaire screen. To quickly locate what question has been given a justification for the response chosen, without needing to generate a Selection Rationale Report, a Justification Column has been added. The column will have a checkmark beside the Question.


jq2_auto scroll

Justification Column

Edit a Job Questionnaire

Editing a completed Questionnaire is quick and easy.  Simply follow the steps above to open the Questionnaire for the selected Job.  

Select the first question in the list to be edited, or select EditButton from the Actions bar to open the Questionnaire at the beginning.

Change the response by selecting the radio button next to the new response.

Add Justification comments to document the reasoning/circumstances warranting the edit.

If the Auto-Scroll is checked checked, the survey will automatically scroll to the next question after you select a response.  

Uncheck uncheckedthis box if you want to manually scroll through the Questionnaire using save_go_next_button or save_go_previous_button to navigate to other questions to be edited.

Click savebutton to save.


Locking a Job Questionnaire

The Job questionnaires can now be lock based on the policy-Lock completed Questionnaires after # days (uncheck to leave open indefinitely) found in Job Settings>Job Evaluation Questionnaire


Locking of the Questionnaire will lock after a Job Questionnaire has been completed. Based on the selected number of days chosen, this is the grace period of days that the respondent has to update values. After the grace period has passed, the respondent will no longer be able to edit their linked questionnaire (In the User Assigned Jobs and those questionnaires evaluated in the past (that were not linked using the User Assigned Jobs)). 

An admin may unlock the questionnaire by clicking the Unlock button in the toolbar of the Job Questionnaire page. This will set the Completed date to the present date, renewing the grace period and allowing the responses to be changed again. Minimum value is 1 day, because 0 days would lock it immediately. To leave it unlocked indefinitely, leave it blank. 




The JPS Job Questionnaire©Response Report

JP Job Questionnaire Response Report

About the JPS Job Questionnaire

There are 28 major questions to answer (01 through 28)

Many of the questions have sub-questions (e.g. 6.1 through 6.7 or 28.A through 28.P)

The question number and heading are shown at the top of the screen

There are multiple responses available for each question.

For our older clients:

oWe often find that the Financial Questions (Questions 20, 21, 22, 23) are not applicable either for the Job or in the business process of the organization.  Because of that, the Questionnaire will be considered Complete when only one of the 4 questions is answered.  However, if all of the questions must be answered to ensure all background calculations are completed correctly. The Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report will fail if any responses are left blank. Therefore, we recommend that the following answers are selected for Budget Responsibility if it is not an essential element of the Job being evaluated:

 Budget = N/A or Minimal

 Responsibility (I – V) = V

For our new clients:

oThe Financial Questions (Questions 20, 21, 22, 23) are all available. The calculations will be based on the SUM of the responses.



Note: Questions 6.0, 7.0, 12.0 and 13.0 are calculated by the system and are skipped in the Questionnaire. You can't scroll or move to those question numbers.