Job Skills

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With this function you can view and maintain the Skills attached to each job. Skills are attached to one job at a time using the Job Skills icon Certification in the Jobs screen actions box.


Note: These Help pages assume that you are familiar with the standard features of the screen (search box, filter box, tool bar, and actions box ) - and standard screen controls (selecting a row , using pick lists, using check-boxes and spell-checking). If you need additional information about how those features work please review the Help Topic: Interacting with Encompassing Visions.


The Job Skills screen lists all of the skills currently linked to the job sorted by Skill Type, then Skill Title.


General notes:

Use newclosebutton_zoom77  to return to the Jobs screen or newhelpbutton2_zoom85to open the Help.

Use the Search Box to search for a specific skill that is linked to the job by typing the skill reference or title of the skill you are looking for.

The Filter Box allows you to choose filters for the skill list.

The Actions Box displays all of the actions that can be performed.

The Selected Row is identified in bold black letters.

The row the mouse is over is highlighted in green.

The column that the information is sorted by is identified by a slightly darker background. Clicking on a column heading will sort by that column (ascending). Clicking the column heading again will change the sort for the column to be descending.

The scroll bar on the list is used to scroll through all of the records in the table.



The Required Proficiency column will be blank if the Required Proficiency is not required for the skill type or if the required proficiency was set to the 'Not Required' option when the skill was linked to the job.

The Category and/or Sub-Category columns will be blank if the skill has no Category/Sub-Category assigned.

A CheckMarkin the Reviewable column means the skill will be included in the Competency review for all Employees in this job.


Filtering the Skills

Click FilterButtonto open the Filter window for job skills.  



Any combination of filters can be applied to reduce the list of job skills.

The default for all filters is (All) to show all information.

The Category and Sub-Category filters have the option: (Unassigned) to find all of the skills for this job.


Actions Box

The User Access Level to the Jobs function determines what actions the User can perform:

Users with Level 1 can View the skills for the job but not add or remove.

Users with Level 2 can edit the skill (the required proficiency or memo notes).

Users with Level 3 can add, edit or delete the skill for non-confidential jobs (this function is disabled in the View Box if a confidential job is chosen).

Users with Level 4 or 5 can add, edit or delete the skills for any job.

All users can print the listing of skills on the screen.


Add a New Skill to the Job

Click btn_add_24to add a new skill to the job.


The Add a New Skill or Certification screen to the job lists alphabetically all skills/certifications in the application. Page numbers are located at bottom of screen for quick access.




Use the Search Box to type in the skill reference or title of the skill to be added.

To select an item from the search list, click anywhere in the line.

Click SearchButton to return the skills that match what is typed in the search box.

Click ResetSearchButton to clear the search box and, if the SearchButton has been used to return rows to the list, will restore the list to the default display.



Select the desired skill.



Click the SaveButton icon to select skill or Cancel icon to cancel the addition of the skill.

If the SaveButton icon is clicked then the Job Skill Details screen populates to show the information about the skill:




If the Skill Type for the skill has the Required Proficiency flag set to Yes then you can choose a Required Proficiency from the list. Default is 'Not Required' but you can also choose Basic, Intermediate or Advanced.

If the Skill Type for the skill as the Required Proficiency flag set to No then the Required Proficiency field will say 'Not required for this Skill Type'.


Note: It is a good idea to record when the skill was added to the job in the Memo Notes.


Definitions of the skill or Required Proficiency are available by clicking theBalloonHelpIconbeside either of those fields.


Skill Definition


ClickOKButton to close this window.


Required Proficiency



ClickOKButton to close this window.


Administrator Note: The Skill Definition comes from the skills entered, so it is a good idea to make sure that the definition is recorded for each skill. The Required Proficiency definitions come from an internal table and you do not have access to customize those.


Click SaveButton to add the skill to the job.  

Click CancelButton to close the window without adding the skill to the job.


Note: When a new record gets saved, it is inserted alphabetically.


Edit An Existing Skill For This Job

Select the desired job skill on the list and click EditButtonor double-click the skill to make changes.


The Skill Details screen is displayed showing all the information about the skill:




This is the same screen that was used to add a new skill to the job minus the Search Box.

Change the Required Proficiency by choosing a different entry in the list if the drop down is available.

It is a good idea to update the Memo Notes with information about what was changed and when.

Definitions of the skill or Required Proficiency are available by clicking theBalloonHelpIconbeside either of those fields.

oNote: If the Required Proficiency is not required for this skill type then the BalloonHelpIconis not available.


Changing Required Proficiency

Any pre-existing Competency reviews that include this skill will not be changed when the Required Proficiency for the skill is updated.  We recommend that you use the View Linked Reviews report to determine whether the skill is linked to any incomplete Competency Reviews.  If so, a determination will need to be made as to whether to re-start the review to include the Required Proficiency update.  


Administrator Note: The Skill Definition comes from the skills entered, so it is a good idea to make sure that the definition is recorded for each skill. The Required Proficiency definitions come from an internal table and you do not have access to customize those.


Click SaveButton to add the skill.  

Click CancelButton to close the window without adding the skill.


View The Skills For The Job

A user can select the desired skill from the list and click this button or double-click the skill to display the Job Skill Details screen if they have view only access.JobSkillsView

Click OKButton to close the window.


Remove a Skill from The Job

Select the desired Skill from the list and click DeleteButton  to delete the skill from the job.


The Confirmation Message Window will be displayed asking you to confirm the delete. The message is a reminder that the skill will no longer be included in future Reviews for Employees in this job and that it won't remove the skill from any existing Competency Reviews.




Click OKButton to confirm and proceed with the delete.

Click CancelButton to cancel the delete.


Print a Job Skills Listing

Click printbutton1 to print the listing of skills as shown on the screen including the filtering and sorting. The report can be printed, saved to a file (html) which can then be imported into Word.



Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.