Reviewer Notifications

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Administrators now have the ability to identify and advise reviewers (organization-wide or department-specific) of upcoming/late learning and growth reviews with literally the click of a mouse.


Please consult with your IT department prior to turning on notifications. See Policies located in the Administration Module under System Settings > Email.  These policies enable notifications to be sent from the application.


This function will generate system-wide E-mail notifications to remind Reviewers to complete upcoming Learning and Growth Reviews and when Learning and Growth Reviews are overdue. It uses the Expected Review Date of the Reviewers to determine which Reviewers are to be notified.


The Core Tables, in the Employee Settings of the Employee Module , contains the E-mail Message Defaults that are available to view and customize the base text for the messages. Notifications can be sent to a selected group of Reviewers from the Reviewers Notification function that has been relocated in the Employees module.



From the Main Menu move the mouse over the Employee Module icon and click the Reviewer Notifications function to open the screen.

Employees Module_Reviewer Notification


The parameter (filter) screen opens. Default is "All" and the Sub Units is checked check marked box. To Include Completed Reviews in the report, check the box unchecked.  This determines if the Completed Reviews are part of the Status of Reviews pie chart in the Reviewer Notification Report.


Current Reviewer Notification Filters


Reviewer Notification FiltersEnter the Period Dates (for Reminders) by typing the date (YYYY-MM-DD) or click the DatePickIcon2 to use the calendar.

Click btn_ok_24 to generate (run) the Reviewer Notification Report.

Clickbtn_resetfilter_24 to clear all filters and reset filters to default.

Click btn_cancel_24 to close.


status of reviews_pie chart


The Status of Reviews are broken down into the following categories:

Green for Completed

Blue for In Progress

Red for Over Due

Yellow for Not Started


Reviewer Notification Report


Send Notifications

Click Send btn_send_email_24 to generate a send notifications window.

Enables the administrator to include their email address to receive a copy of the notification emails.


Send notifications_cc_bcc

Note: Both the CC and BCC are optional. As the administrator, you may want to enter your email address to receive a copy of the notification emails.


Click btn_ok_24 to run the email notifications.

Click btn_cancel_24 to close the Send Notice screen without sending E-mail notifications.


Note: A complete and accurate 'Reviewer Email' address is required to send reviewer notifications. If a reviewer(s) email address is not listed in the Table below, please contact your Encompassing Visions system administrator.


Learning and Growth Review Notification


Processing Notifications

Mail notification results_status


After the system has processed the notifications, a status window explains how many reviewer notification message(s) have been successfully created for delivery and how many were not created due to missing (blank) email addresses.


Click btn_ok_24 to close the Mail Notifications Results.


Email Log Report

Click btn_report_email_24 to run the Email Log Report.

Email Report Filters

Enter the From and To dates.

Click btn_ok_24 to run the Email Audit Report.

Click btn_cancel_24 Cancel and Close the Email Report Filters Window.

View the Email Notifications Report of the emails sent.


Email Notifications Report


Email Notifications Report


Purge Email Logs

Click btn_delete_email_24 to  purge the email logs.

Email purge filters


Enter the From and To dates.

Click btn_ok_24 to purge the email logs.

Click btn_cancel_24 Cancel and Close the Email Purge Filter Window.

View the status of the purged email logs.


Email purge filters2

Click btn_ok_24 to close the status window.




Export Export to Excel, Word or PDF


See the export/save function in Interacting with Encompassing Visions.