System Settings>Email

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These Policies govern the notifications and E-Mail servers.


System Settings_Email


Enable E-Mail reminders and notifications from the application?

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:



This policy identifies whether the system will send out standard e-mail reminders and notifications to Employees who are assigned to complete Learning and Growth Reviews.

This policy works in conjunction with the next two policies to determine how to send E-Mail notifications.

This policy applies only to notifications from the application and not notifications sent from the Data Integration function (See Data Integration & Import Policies).

Important Note: Do not enable this option unless you are sure that the ability to send E-Mail notifications has been set up on your server (either DBMail or SQL Mail). Contact your technical support department for further information.


Server Address for sending outgoing email


In order to enable outbound email, set this to your outgoing SMTP server

Port to use for contacting the outgoing SMTP server.

Possible Values:


Default Value:


Common values are 25 for an unencrypted connection and 587 and 465 for an encrypted connection.


Use SSL/TLS encryption to communicate with the email server.

Possible Values:


Default Value:



Set to true to require an encrypted connection to the SMTP server


The username to use for sending email


Leave blank to attempt connecting to the server using no username or password.


The email address to use for sending outgoing emails.

Possible Values:


Users receiving emails will see it as from this address. They may try to reply to this address. This should typically be a valid email domain and address even if nobody receives emails.


Description for From Address field. E.g. 'Encompassing Visions Administrator'.

Possible Value: Ex. Encompassing Visions Administrator


The human-readable friendly name for the From email address


The password to use for sending email

ex. ******


Will be sent to the server if a username is set. (This value is stored in encrypted format.)


Test Email

Notes: The ability for System Administrator (IT) to send out a test email will be sent to verify the email configuration.