Archived Learning and Growth Reports

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When Learning and Growth Reviews have been completed, you can create an electronic copy of the reports that can be approved by the Lead and Employee electronically, then archive them for future referencing of historical learning and growth reports.  


The Policy, Do you want to use Learning and Growth Report Archiving, must be set to 'Yes' for your organization to view and use the Learning and Growth Reporting Archive functionality.  


From the Main Menu move the mouse over Employees and click the Employee Settings sub-menu function.


In the pick list Select the Policy Group - Reports (Employees – Employee Settings > Reports).  Select Enable Learning and Growth Report Archiving?

Set option to Yes, then Save. This activates the Learning and Growth Reporting Archive functionality.


Employees now shows the menu item Archived Learning and Growth Reports.



Before a Learning and Growth Report will appear in the ‘Archived Learning and Growth Reports’ module, it must first be generated. See Print Learning and Growth Reports for details.


With the Detailed Learning and Growth Report, on the screen, select the ‘Archive Report’ button.

Note: the ‘Archive Report’ button is only available if the Report is generated by the Supervisor.  Incumbents cannot archive their own reports and will receive a message indicating so. System administrators will receive the following message if he/she tries to archive an incumbent review that has no attached Supervisory Review - "You must have at least 1 SUPERVISOR review to be able to archive this review!

archiving report


A confirmation message appears. You may view and approve the Learning and Growth Report at this time, but it is not necessary to do so.

confirmation messageconfirmation message2


Click OK to go to the Archived Learning and Growth Reports screen if you wish to review the reports now. The Archived Learning and Growth Reports screen will open.

Click Cancel to continue to view the Learning and Growth Report on the screen, or to generate a Learning and Growth Report for another Employee.


When you are ready to review the Learning and Growth Reports, from the Main Menu move the mouse over Employees  in the navigation bar and click the Archived Learning and Growth Reports sub-menu function.

The Archived Learning and Growth Reports screen will open, listing all the reports that have been archived.



Click any column to sort information, in either ascending or descending order.

The Archive Date is the date/time stamp when the Learning and Growth Report was archived.

Reviewer Role is the Selected Reviewer(s) chosen when the Learning and Growth Report was archived.

The From and To dates identify the date range selected for the Learning and Growth Report.

The Lead and Employee are listed, and when the Learning and Growth Report is reviewed, a check mark will appear under Reviewed and the Date the Report was reviewed will be populated.


To Review a Learning and Growth Report

Select the Report, click the Approve Learning and Growth Report button btn_approve_24 in the Actions bar, or double click the Report.

The Learning and Growth Report Details screen will open.



While the Lead is typically the last person to review and sign off the archived learning and growth report, it may also be an appropriate time for the Lead and Employee to review the report together, and use this opportunity to discuss all elements in the report.  

Scroll to the end of the report to add Employee Comments.

Note: The process of saving the Employee Comments has been simplified and streamlined for users.  It now advises with the following message:

Employee comments

To acknowledge that the report has been reviewed by both the Lead and the Employee, the person logged in checks the Reviewed box beside their name.  Since they are already logged in, there is no need to also enter a password.  The other party then checks the Reviewed box by their name then enters the password they use to access the ENCV system.

Save to close.

Note:  If no Employee comments have been entered, a Confirmation screen will appear.  

Employee comments2

Click OK to save or cancel to return to the Archived Learning and Growth Report and add Employee comments.


Note about Reviewed Reports: If the Lead and Employee are not able to review the Learning and Growth Report together, the Lead can archive the report, the employee can log in, review the report, add comments and review it, then the Lead can review it.  

Note for Administrators: The Administrative User has access to add comments and review the reports for the Employee and Lead if necessary.


Encompassing Visions enables individual Employee’s access to their Archived Learning and Growth Reports. An Employee who has ‘Lead’ responsibilities will also see Archived Learning and Growth Reports for subordinate staff if 1) the Lead has completed and archived learning and growth reviews for one or more of them, and 2) the subordinate staff member is currently reporting to the Lead.


To Delete a Learning and Growth Report

Note: Archived Learning and Growth Reports can only be Deleted by an Administrative User. If the Delete button in the Actions bar is grayed-out, it is because the Approvals on that particular Report are in place and it is now an historical record.  

Select the Report to be deleted.

Click Delete in the Actions bar.

A confirmation message will appear. Click OK to delete or cancel to return to the previous screen.


To Print a Listing of the Learning and Growth Reports

Click Print in the Actions bar.

The Archived Learning and Growth Reports Listing screen will pop up. Select to  Print Report, Save Report to HTML or Export to Word.




Filter Box

The Archived Learning and Growth Reports default is all Learning and Growth Reports assigned to the Employee or Lead or viewable by the Administrator.  A Retrieve on Demand (ROD) functionality is built into the screen so you can sort by column type then scroll to view the reports.  The following filters can be set to narrow the number of results returned at a time:

Organization Unit

Sub-Units - check box to show, uncheck to hide

Reviewer Role

Archive Date Range – when the report was archived

Lead Approved – all, approved only, or  unapproved only

Date Range – when the reports were approved by the Lead

Employee Approved – all, approved only, or unapproved only

Date Range – when the reports were approved by the Employee

Clear filter to show all.

Note: If the policy: General - Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews? is set to Yes, the filter selections will not include the Organization Unit and Sub-Units.  Rather, the system will default to showing all direct subordinates of the Supervisor logged in.  Indirect subordinates can be viewed if checked in the filter screen.  See the Help section: Learning and Growth Reports - Employee Filters for samples.


View Bar

Two reports are currently available to review.


Archived Report - Summary

From the pick list in the View bar, select Archived Report – Summary.

Complete the Filter screen (Organization Unit, Sub-Units ?, Period Dates), click OK.

The Archive Report – Summary will populate. This presents, in tabular format, a listing of the organization’s Leads, Employees reporting to them and any archived reports created for that employee, along with details from the Archive Learning and Growth Reports screen.


Archived Report - Details

From the pick list in the View bar, select Archived Report – Details.

Complete the Filter screen (Organization Unit, Sub-Units ?, Period Dates), click OK.

The Archive Report – Details will populate. This report identifies the Learning and Growth Reports completed for each Employee, the type of Report, whether it was completed and if any Archived Reports were found.  


Note: A former manager loses the ability to see an Employees Archived Learning and Growth Reviews when that employee moves out of the department.  The new manager does not see any old Archived Learning and Growth Reports for new employees. The employee always sees their Learning and Growth Reviews wherever they go, and the only person that sees All Archived Reports for everybody is the System Administrator.


Archiving Learning and Growth Reports