Copy_Multiple Employees

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With this function you can view and maintain the Work Plans for individual Employees. There are two types of work plans in the system: Business and Professional Development plans. The work plan is a collection of Objectives the Employee will complete during the year. The information enabled or required for each objective type is updated and stored in the Objective Field Configuration screen (Administration > Objective Field Configurations).

Note: The configurations are set by the Administrator and are universal to all Employees.  


The general steps for copying a work plan to multiple employees are:

Select the type of work plan to be created.

Create the work plan (by copying an existing work plan to multiple employees).

Add a new Work Plan Title.

Edit the required Objectives.

For each objective, include any applicable Resources and Employee Notes if they were not copied from the previous work plan.

Validate the work plan.

Approve the work plan (if your organization requires Employee Approvals).

Ask your Supervisor (Lead) to review and Approve the work plan.

Review and update the list of Reviewers for your work plan, if required.


To Copy a Work Plan to Multiple Employees

1.In the Upper Table, select the work plan to copy.

2.Select Copy to Multiple Employees in the Actions bar.

If the selected Work Plan to be copied to Multiple Employees is not available, the Copy to Multiple Employees will be grayed out with the following tooltip.  

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If the Work Plan is available to be copied to multiple employees the icon will be available.Copy to Multiple Employees6


3. Click the icon to generate the Copy to Multiple Employees screen.

4. Provide a new Work Plan title.

5. Select new work plan dates using CalendarButtonor by completing the From and To date fields using the format yyyy-mm-dd.

6. Select Memo Notes if you wish to have them copy to the new work plan.

7. If it was active for the current work plan, select Resource if you wish to have Resource information copied to the new work plan.

8. Select the filter 'Group by Job' or 'Group by Organization'.


Group by Job

If the Group by Job is selected and no peers or subordinate employees with the same job are available to copy the work plan to, then the option to 'Show other jobs' is included.


Check CheckMarkthe filter unchecked to 'Show other Jobs' if the Work Plan is to be copied to other Employees.


Copy to Multiple Employees3

CheckMarkthe box(es)unchecked

either by the job title (to include all employees)

or by employee

to whom the work plan should be copied to.  


Or Group by Organization:


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CheckMarkthe box(es)unchecked

for the Organizational Unit (to include all employees)

or by employee

to whom the work plan should be copied to.  


Note: Approval information and Confidential Comments are not copied from one work plan to another.


9. Click save btn_save_24to copy the Work Plan to multiple Employees or btn_cancel_24 to cancel.


Administration Notes:

1.Functionality related to copying a Work Plan from one employee to another employee (or multiple other employees) is based on lead/employee reporting relationships your organization has set up in Encompassing Visions.  Being an Administrative User DOES NOT override this policy . To minimize possible confusion, double entry and inappropriate assignment of Work Plan objectives between staff, the following system-embedded rules apply.

1.While Administrators will see a complete, date filtered list of ALL people having Work Plans in the Business Objectives/Personal Development Objectives modules –

They cannot copy a Work Plan from one employee to another if those employees do not report to the Administrative User; and,

They cannot copy a Work Plan between personal peers within the department.  

2.Employee’s designated as a ‘Lead’ will see an appropriate, organizationally and date filtered list of people having Work Plans in the Business Objectives/Personal Development Objectives modules. Based on the filtered employee list of Work Plans –

They can copy a Work Plan from one employee to another/multiple other employees who directly report to them;

They can copy a Work Plan from one employee to another/multiple other employees who indirectly report to them through a subordinate ‘lead’; but,

They cannot copy a Work Plan from one personal peer to another; and,  

They cannot copy a Work Plan to someone who is at a higher level in the organization structure.

3.Non-Lead employee’s will not have access to this functionality. (The following is a tooltip displayed for them)


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