Mobile App for Reviews

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Organizations, who have employees that do not have accessibility to desktop computers, can now complete their self-assessments or supervisory reviews by an Android/iOS cell phone or tablet.

The new app will be available from  An upgrade to Version 2018.2.0 will be required in order for the app to communicate with your server.

The flow of the Competency Review, Business Objective Work plans and the Personal Development Work plans are the same as that of the desktop.

Main Menu

The main menu allows the user to


oSee Server connection,

oOpen the fundamentals Content_table of content of the app,

oReset their password,

oEnable the 'Remember Me' function of the application.

oVersion of the app


Login screen

The first name of the Employee logged in (or the User Name if the User is not linked to an Employee) is displayed in top right corner of the page. toolbar

The tool bar at the top of the screen allows the user to change their password, or Logout of the application.


App_drop down menu


The Content_table of content screen will open up the following content. Click on one of the titles (icons) to open up the descriptions.

The About screen, in the image below, is an example of what the description entails.

Mobile menu   About


Complete Reviews

By default, an incumbent and his/her supervisor will be set up to do these reviews. These defaults, and the terms used to define these review types, may have been  altered to match procedures and terminology within your organization. The Review List screen lists all of the reviews that you (the Reviewer) are required to complete. By default the list is sorted so that the reviews most urgently requiring your attention - the incomplete reviews and the reviews with the earliest due date - are sorted to the top of the list. Also, by default, the list displays reviews that are for the Current Review Period being completed by your organization. This may be different from the current calendar year. Refer to the Glossary for a detailed definition and examples of the Current Review Period.


Entering the Mobile App

When entering the mobile app,the user will see the following on their Review screen:

1.Reviews that need to be completed,

oA Progress Bar along with a percentage indicator identifies how many Competencies have been reviewed so far.Percentage of review completed


2.Reviews that are not started,

oA line through the percentage indicator and a gray progress bar indicates the review is Not Started. Not started indicator


3.Reviews that are in progress,

oThe percentage indicator marked 0% and gray progress bar indicates the review is In Progress. In progress indicator


4.Reviews that are completed.

oA check mark and a dark gray progress bar indicates the review is Completed.Completed



Please Note:

There are 3 different types of evaluations within the Competency Review: Competency Evaluations, Characteristic Evaluations and Skill Evaluations. The type of review required for each competency varies depending on the Importance of the Competency in the job or depending on the Job Group assigned to the job. Characteristic and Skill Evaluations are also referred to as Sub-Reviews.


The Competency Review screen lists all of the Competencies that need to be reviewed for this Employee (Reviewee).


List of reviews



When a Competency Review is chosen from the Review screen, the review displays the first Competency question.

Competency screen


Tooltips for Response Options

The tooltips for the response options are located in the Help icon (below the navigation bar).

Click the Tooltips for Response options to open the tooltips.




Please note: All reviews are automatically saved to your server. This is indicated by the following: Mobile app_Save located on the navigation bar.

Edit Competency Evaluation

1.Select the desired Review on the list and click the Review to open the Review Details screen to perform the Competency Review.

2.For all three types of evaluations,the following apply:

The Competency Name appears in the title of the screen.

The Competency Definition appears at the top of the screen.

When required, the Justification box will appear underneath the evaluation line(s).

The Competency Notes box will appear at the bottom of the screen.

3.ClickMobile app_Next to save your progress and open the next review question. Click Mobile app_previous to save your progress and return to the previous question.



1.If the evaluation for the Competency is chosen as (or calculated to be for sub-reviews) high (>4/8) or low (<2.5/5) when Mobile app_Next is clicked, the Evaluations will be saved but the screen will indicate in red characters Justification Required.

a.If the Next button (highlighted in red) is selected, a Justification Required Message will populate indicating that you may Return to the previous screen to enter in the Justification or Proceed to the next question.


Mobile app_justificationMobile app_justification2   Mobile app_competency notes


If Justification is mandatory for your organization (as determined by your System Administrator) then the Competency, and ultimately the Review, will not be considered complete until it has been provided.

If Justification is not mandatory for your organization the Justification field will still be shown for each Competency evaluated high or low but the Competency and Review will be considered complete without notes.

When the Justification field is available and no Reviewer comments have been saved yet, the application will prompt you to explain the rationale for choosing a High or Low response.  When you click in the notes field to type comments, the prompt will disappear.

Important Note About Cannot Comment: If you are are unsure of how to Evaluate the Reviewee because you haven't had enough interaction with them or this particular Competency is not part of your interaction then choose the 'Cannot Comment' (or C/C) option. These responses do not get included in the evaluation of the Employee so they do not skew the results. In a Characteristic or Skill Evaluation, if greater than 50% of the responses are Cannot Comment then the overall evaluation for the competency will be set to Cannot Comment.

Note: There is no character limit to the Justification Responses and Competency Notes entered on the app.


Competency Evaluation

For Competency Evaluations the Review Details screen appears as follows:

Competency Evaluation

Choose the desired Response by clicking on a Response Option, enter any Competency/Justification Notes and navigate to the next question Mobile app_Next.

Characteristic Evaluation

For Characteristic Evaluations the Review Details screen appears as follows:

  Characteristic Evaluation

If there are many questions you may need to use the scroll bar Mobile app_scroll bar on the window to scroll down to see them all.

Choose the appropriate Response for each question, enter any Competency Notes or Justification Notes.


Skill Evaluation

For the Skill Evaluation the Review Details screen appears as follows:

Mobile app_Skill Evaluation


The Evaluation displays the overall average for the Competency. The textual description is displayed.

For Competency Evaluations it matches the evaluation given for the Competency.

For Characteristic Evaluations it is the average of the evaluations for the Sub-Review questions.

For Skill Evaluations it is the average of the evaluations for the Skills.

Mobile app_Evaluation


Work Plan Reviews

There are 2 different types of evaluations within the Work Plan Reviews: Business Plans and Professional Development Plans.  

Business Plan: The Business Plan describes the work that an Employee will complete in a review period.  The Business Plan is made up of one or more Business Objectives that are to be evaluated during the review process.


Professional Development Plan:  The Professional Development Plan details the career growth planned for the Employee during the review period.  The Professional Development Plan is made up of one or more Professional Development Objectives that are to be evaluated during the review process.  


Work Plan Reviews Work Plan Reviews2 Work Plan Reviews3

Mobile App Updates

If a new version is available, there should be a green button at the bottom of your screen:


New Version Update


Clicking the “New Version Available” button reloads the app, which should update it to the latest version.

Similar functionality has been added to the About screen.