What's New in Version 2024.1

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Summary of Encompassing Visions 2024.1

Interaction with ENCV

Localization and Translation of Software into French.


oAlert in Blue to indicate if passwords have expired or the current password is a temporary password and should be changed.



Job Questionnaire

oThe last questionnaire linked to a job will not be deletable.

oA new functionality has been added to the Job Questionnaire screen to identify the percentage of Questions that have been completed by the User (Progress Bar).

oNew functionality for the Job Questionnaire screen, only available by policy. The Job Questionnaire can now be locked after a certain number of days have passed. This will prevent changes to a completed questionnaire.


Jobs Related Reports

oFilters restricted for the Job Reports based on Domains

oJobs Audit

Start Date changed to a year out

oSelection Rationale Report

Same look and feel as the Job Description/Posting and Selection Interview Guide including the Font Toggle.

oJob Total Points: Separated the first column into two: JobRef and JobTitle

oBlank Job Questionnaire has been removed and replaced with the Job Questionnaire Input Sheet


Jobs Settings

Access Control

oPolicy to enable Domains has been removed. Found only in System Settings of the Administration Module.

Core Tables-Skill Type

oConfirmation Messages will populate based on change to 'Reviewable' flag

Job Levels (PayBands): Check for gaps feature has been removed.

oPolicy removed

oCosmetic change to the check box-no overlap has a green (go) background with a white check mark, and the notice of a gap existing has the box showing as red


Policies Removed

oDo you use the financial questions (20-22) in the Job Questionnaire?

Only for new clients.

What Auto Questionnaire Instructions do you want to display?


Job Evaluation Questionnaire

New Policy

oLock completed Questionnaires after # days (uncheck to leave open indefinitely)




Filters restricted for the Job Reports based on Domains

Organization Name (if selected in the Job Description/Posting Report Options) will be picked up by the Domain (Organization Unit) if Domains are in use.

Organization Unit is now the first selection for the Domain Criteria

Skills/Certifications- If the access level is at 0 (N/A) then all skills related functionality will be disabled.



Removal of two menu items when adding or editing a profile

oMenu and Application Login Page

Replaced with Able to login

Rename of 'Users/Profiles'

oto 'Domains/Profiles/Users'

'Non-User Specific' profile

oRenamed to 'User Specific'

New profile is now 'No Access' only available when Domain policy is turned on

User Assigned Jobs Profile

oIf the Print Reports has an access level of 0 than the Reports button will be unavailable (not shown- if no Jobs have at least 1).



Addition of a ‘Profile Description’ button to the right of the Profile name in the ‘User Details’ screen that gives the full description of the selected Profile


Organization Structure

Order of Information for Org. Units in 1) Jobs>Job Details (Edit)>Organization Unit and 2) Administration>Domains>Add new Organization Unit are consistent in the order they are presenting organization structure.


System Wide Report Logo and Branding Colors are automatically migrated to the root level Organization Unit



Summary of Encompassing Visions 2023.1.0

Note: Safari (currently not supported with this version)


Interaction with ENCV

Sub-units filter

oselected by default through out the application.



Action Box

Add/Edit Jobs

oElaboration tool tips

Upon hovering over thequestion_symbolin the Job Details screen, the tool tip will display or you may click the icon.

Options to 'Copy' or 'Clone' a Benchmark Job with the the selected text fields to a 'New' Job.

oOptions defaulted to selected.

Job-Related Reports

oJob Questionnaire Cross Reference Report-single job

User’s Name is now incorporated into the report to identify who completed the evaluation.

oNew Gender filter to the four Administrative Job-Related Reports

Job Total Points Listing

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference

Job / Points Matrix

Job Competency Cross Reference

Export to Excel, PDF or Word made available for Job Analysis Reports



Active flag in skills is now defaulted on.

Sub-units throughout the application are defaulted on.


Job Settings

Access Control

oPolicy to enable Domains




Administrative Function enables assigned users (sub-administrators) with secure, limited access to job-related information defined by the Domain itself. 

Sub-Administrators are users who have Administrator level access to a particular domain.


oAbility to add logos and branding colors per Organization Unit for a particular domain

Job reports based on the security of each domain and system-wide profile.

New Domain User Report



New baseline profiles for this release.



Edit of Users detail screen to set up domain with access level/security to Jobs/Print Job Reports and Skills/Certifications.


System Settings

Access Control

oPolicy to enable Domains

Organization Branding

oFunctionality to add logos and branding color per Organization Unit



Summary of Encompassing Visions 2021.1.


Actions Box

Introduction of New Icons in Action Box

oAdd/Edit skills icon

oAdd/Edit Job Questionnaire icon

oGenerate Job-Related Reports icon

Percentage of Male/Female Dominant Jobs (Pay Equity Reporting)

oFilter the Job list by gender

oPrint Job listing

oPercentage located in header


Job Reference Id

now referenced in the header of the selected job when in the Job questionnaire or the skills screen


JPS Job Questionnaire

Introduction of a Justification Column

oNow when a justification is entered for a question, it can be easily identified by the user when entering the questionnaire if a Selection Rationale Report is not generated.


View Box

Removal of the View Box containing drop-down menu


Job-Related Reports

Introduction of 'Job-Related Reports'

oJob Data Verification

oStaff and Management Communication

oEvaluations and Analyses

These reports come from the drop-down menu of the view box with additional reports coming from the Administration module (Print Reports-Blank Job Questionnaire and Incomplete Jobs Information).

Will generate in same tab to enhance performance


User Assigned Jobs Report

Introduction of New Report

Enables the Administrator to see who has been assigned which job, if the Questionnaire has been completed by user and the date it was completed.


Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guide

Policy driven

oFor default of Enlarge or Compressed toggle (AODA Compliance (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act))

oDisplay of salary ranges in Job Reports

Customizing Report Options (Job Description/Job Posting)

oNow located in the Job Settings>Reports


User Assigned Jobs

Actions Box

Introduction of New Icons in Action Box

oAdd/Edit skills icon

oAdd/Edit Job Questionnaire icon

oGenerate Job-Related Reports icon


View Box

Removal of the View Box containing drop-down menu


Job Settings

Functionality used to change the system-wide values that govern the functioning of the system have been relocated to the Jobs module (formerly found in the Administration module).

oCore Tables

Tables of code values that are used to link information between the various modules of the system are related to Jobs only.


Introduction of New Icons in Action Box

Add/Edit Characteristic Details icon

Add/Edit Describing Excellence Text icon

Add/Edit Selection Interview Questions icon

Generate Competency-Related Reports icon

New Competency Report Filters added to facilitate content management and configuration

oSkills and Certifications

Skills Listing Report now apart of the drop-down menu of View Box

oJob Evaluation Questions

Now linked to the related module

Located in Job Evaluation Questionnaire

oJob Report Options

Now linked to the related module

Located in Reports

oJob Levels

Now linked to the related module

Located in Job Levels

oReports (Print Reports)

Job Related/Competency Related or Organization Related are now found in the Jobs Module



Terminology change throughout application and the Help

oPerformance is now Learning and Growth


Actions Box

Introduction of New Icons in Action Box

oAdd/Edit Reviewers icon

oAdd/Edit Skills icon

oGenerate Employee-Related Reports icon


View Box

Removal of the View Box containing drop-down menu


Employee-Related Reports

Introduction of 'Employee-Related Reports'


oLearning and Growth Review Summary Reports

oEmployee Data Verification

These reports come from the drop-down menu of the view box with additional reports coming from the Administration module (Print Reports-Incomplete Employee Information, Employee Learning and Growth Review Summary and Work Plan Resource Costs).


Complete/Print Review

Cosmetic change to the Review Details screen.


Copy of an Incumbent Review by Supervisor

Now copies the Incumbents Competency Notes


Print icon

Which took you directly to the Print Learning and Growth Report Screen in order to minimize the number of steps required to complete a Learning and Growth Review has been removed.

Click on new print icon to print the Learning and Growth Report for Selected Employee.


Employees name

Now apart of the Signature line when generating a Learning and Growth Report


View Box

Removal of the Print Learning and Growth Report for Select Employee


Print Learning and Growth Module

Removed and combined with Employees Related Reports

oSystem Administrators, will need to go to the Employee Screen to individually select and print the Learning and Growth Reports, if required.


Employee Settings

Functionality used to change the system-wide values that govern the functioning of the system have been relocated to the Employees module (formerly found in the Administration module).

oCore Tables

Tables of code values that are used to link information between the various modules of the system are related to Employees only.

oLearning and Growth Report Options

Now linked to the related module

Located in Reports

oObjective Field Configurations

Now linked to the related module

Located in Reviews

oCharacteristic Tooltips

Now linked to the related module

Located in Reviews

oLearning and Growth Ratings

Now linked to the related module

Located in Reviews

oData Integration and Import

oReports (Print Reports)

Employee Related or Organization Related are now found in the Employees Module


Organizational Learning and Growth

Filtering parameters is now available based on the Report to Generate.

Learning and Growth Review Summary Reports

oThese reports come from Administration module (Print Reports-Employee Learning and Growth Review Summary and Work Plan Resource Costs).


Succession Planning

Actions Box

Introduction of New Icons in Action Box

oAdd/Edit Skills icon

oFind Candidates for selected Job icon

Filter Parameters has been cosmetically changed

oGenerate Job-Related Reports icon



Condensed to the following sub-menu items



oOrganization Structure

If the policy for Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews is being used, a new report has been introduced to enable the System Administrator to visually ‘see’ the assigned Supervisor of each Employee in the Organization.

oSystem Settings

The following Policy controls are now linked to their related modules for ease of identification and update by the ENCV system Administrator:

oObjective Field Configuration

oJob/Learning and Growth Report Options

oJob Evaluation Questions


oLearning and Growth Ratings

oCharacteristic Tooltips

oCore Tables


oJob Levels

oPrint Reports

oData Import and Integration


Message Boxes

Cosmetic changes to information/confirmation messages that appear through out the application.


Summary of Encompassing Visions 2020.2.0


Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report

oAbility to Export All Jobs to a CSV file.

Sort and Filter as required


Job/Learning and Growth Report Options

Job Description Report Options

oAbility to turn off other areas of the report when generating on screen and to word


Background Information        


(Support Statements for 6,7,12 & 13)        



Working Conditions


System Settings


oAs the System Administrator, if the organization's logo seems overly large on the following four main reports - Job Description, Job Posting, Interview Guide and Learning and Growth Report, there is an option to scale the size to the required specifications.



Customize Terms and Weighting>Competencies

oWe have two new competencies added into the ENCV database - Emotional Intelligence and Managing Change.

  After exhaustive research, these 2 were specifically identified as being critically important for us to add to the database because of where the world is at today and what will remain important going forward (i.e., after the pandemic).  

oFor these competencies we built a complete suite of Job Group specific Candidate Interview Questions (CIQ), Competency Characteristics questions (CC), and Suggestions for Learning and Growth (SLG).

oAs part of that process, all other pre-installed active competencies in ENCV were reviewed/updated for currency regarding their Competency title, competency definition, and Job Group specific CIQ, CC and SLG.

oThe only other thing that was slightly adjusted were a few of the Job Evaluation question weights to accommodate a progressive flow of points within a factor.


Summary of Encompassing Visions 2020

Logon Screen

SPA Single Page Application

oA single-page application (SPA) is a web application or web site that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current page - making it fast and responsive.

oClient has the ability to change the classic login to a SPA (Single Page Application) login.

Policy enabled through the System Settings>User-Interface

Show Password feature when logging in with SPA


oIn red below the password text field.

Forgot Password

oRenamed to Reset Password


Interaction with ENCV

User Preference

oIf a user performs a 'Sort Order' of the current screen they are in, the application will save the user's preference when they come back at a later time.  

New icon

oArchiving (Print Learning and Growth Report)


oRelocated to each related module

oFound in the navigation bar under 'module name' settings

oSeparated into individual sections

oSome policies have been reworded to align with the module-see individual module settings

oRemoval of policy

Do you use evaluation options other than Score (i.e. Grade/Percentage/Achieved) in workplan reviews?


oBranding through out the application

Email - Reset Password

oEmail sent from the application has been branded with the Organization's logo and color.



Job Questionnaire

oAuto save of the questionnaire as the Evaluator responds to each question


oOrganization logo is left aligned, no longer fixed to a particular height, and proportion is always preserved. Lists filter selections in the header.

oColor Branding throughout the Job Reports

oPrint icon removed  from the following three reports:

Job Description, Job Posting and Interview Guide

Many reports have been given a new 'style' - similar to the Job Description

Job Settings

oNew Menu item in Navigation Bar

Job Policies (formerly found in the Administration module under Policies) have been relocated to  the Jobs module

oRelabeled policy

Currently called, "Number of Skill Strengths/Development Opportunities to display on the learning and growth report (1-10) found in the Employee policies."

This Policy also controls the maximum number of priority Competencies to print in all Job-related reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guide).

Reworked and now called, "The number of important Behavioral Competencies to include in Job Reports?"


Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment Settings

oNew Menu item in Navigation Bar

Strategic Alignment Policies (formerly found in the Administration module under Policies) have been relocated to the Strategic Alignment module

oRelabeled Policy

Currently called "Number of Competencies to display in Top N list (1-38)"

Now called, "Number of Competencies to display in the Survey Results (1-38)"


oOrganization logo is left aligned, no longer fixed to a particular height, and proportion is always preserved. Lists filter selections in the header.

oColor Branding throughout the Strategic Alignment  Reports



Reviewer Notifications

oEmail sent from the application has been branded with the Organization's logo and color.

Print Learning and Growth Report

oThe built in editor gives the report a more polished and professional look and feel when printed.

oElimination of the dashboard report, now Summary Charts located within the report itself

oStrengths and Development Opportunities (Behavioural and Technical) are located in a section called 'Performance Feedback Details'

oLearning and Growth Feedback Details

Reworked in the Job/Learning and Growth Report Options so individual sections can be turned on or off.


oNew icon for Archiving

oWhen archiving the Print Learning and Growth Report, the Learning and Growth Feedback Details will not be archived with the report. This is considered a report in itself which is used for training and development.

oArchival Screen

Order of information displayed on screen has been changed.

Employee Settings

oNew Menu item in Navigation Bar

Employee Policies (formerly found in the Administration module under Policies) have been relocated to the Employees module

oRelabeled policy

Currently called, "Number of Skill Strengths/Development Opportunities to display on the learning and growth report (1-10)."

Now called, "The number of Development Opportunities (Behavioral and Technical) to display in the learning and growth report?"


oOrganization logo is left aligned, no longer fixed to a particular height, and proportion is always preserved. Lists filter selections in the header.

oColor Branding throughout the Employee Reports



Analysis Settings

oNew Menu item in Navigation Bar

Analysis Policies (formerly found in the Administration module under Policies) have been relocated to the Analysis module

oRelabeled policies

Currently called Number of Competencies used to determine Top N Strengths/Development Opportunities (1-38)

Now called, 'Number of Behavioral Competencies in Organizational Learning and Growth Reports (1-38)"

Currently called, "Number of Skills to display in Top N list (1-38)"

Now called, "Number of Technical Skills in Organizational Learning and Growth reports (1-38)"



Job/Learning and Growth Report Options

oRelabeled and reworked to match the Print Learning and Growth Report


oRemoved from menu

System Settings

oNew Menu item in Navigation Bar

Administration Policies renamed to System Settings


Ability to send out test emails


The administrator can now upload the Organization's logo and color brand the different reports within this system setting.



Internet Explorer 11

oNo longer supported

oENCV application will not be usable with this browser.  



Summary of Encompassing Visions 2019.2.0


Logon Screen


oNo longer appear in a 'For Your Information...' message pop-up.

oNow in red below the password text field.

Email is a valid employee, but there is no user associated with that email address.

Unknown email address

Unknown User Id

User is inactive

Employee is inactive

Invalid Password

Your administrator has temporarily disabled user logins.  Please try again later.

Internal server error (DatabaseNotAvailableException   May occur if there is a misconfiguration



Interacting With Encompassing Visions

oScreens no longer generate as 'Pop-ups' but as Browser tabs.

oIntroduction of new icons for the following:



Exporting to Word

Closing Reports


oIntroduction of 'Tabs' enables the elimination of 'Pop-up' windows. Now the user can open multiple reports and easily switch between the separate reports.

oIntroduction of new message screen indicating that only one screen can be opened at a time but multiple report tabs can be opened. For example,  a Job Questionnaire, a Competency or Work Plan Review.



Job Reports

oJob Total Points Report

Defaults to generate the Report Details while the graph has been moved to the second page.


oJob Descriptions, Job Postings, and Interview Guide

The built in editor gives the descriptions a more polished and professional look and feel when printed.

Elimination of tabular format for the Technical skills and Certifications

Introduction of a new Branding Color Option


oJob Descriptions

Report Options screen available for Job Descriptions 'Only' in the Job/Learning and Growth Report Options


oJob Posting

Alternate Term available for Job Posting

New Report Options screen available for Job Postings 'Only' in the Job/Learning and Growth Report Options




oAre now integrated on one screen with the same functionality.

oRadio Button is available to switch between the 'User' and 'Profile' screens.




Modification to the following policy: Do you use 'Nature of the Work' in your Job Descriptions? Now reads, Do you want to use 'Nature of the Work' as an additional text field in 'Job Details'?

Please note: Enabling/disabling of this option is controlled from the Administration>Job/Learning and Growth Report options but governed by the above policy.


Modification to the following policy: Do you want to allow Leads/Employees to add/delete reviewers in the Complete Reviews page? Is now, Do you want to allow Leads/Supervisors to add/delete reviewers in the Complete Reviews page?

oAlternate Terms

New alternate term available for Job Postings


Job/Learning and Growth Report Options

oTwo New Report Option screens available

Job Posting Report Options

Branding Color Options

oJob Report Options is now Job Description Report Options


Report Viewer

System Generated Reports

oThe exportation to Word or Excel has been removed from some of our system generated reports that, from a security point of view, should not be manipulated within MS Word or Excel. PDF provided only.  

Online Help

oThe online Help is your resource for all the functionality contained within Encompassing Visions.   The online Help has been edited with an updated look and feel, updated instructions and screen prints where applicable.  New 'Pull Out' sections that provide detailed information you will find useful for the Employee, Manager/Supervisor and yourself as the Administrator on Learning and Growth.



Summary of Encompassing Visions 2019.1.0



Job Reports

oJob Descriptions

This built in editor has been updated to give the descriptions a more polished and professional look and feel when printed.

oJob Questionnaire Cross Reference Report has been given an updated look to match that of those in the Print Reports of the Administration module.

Filter Option is available to enable the 'Show Job Points' including Pay Range



oSuccession Planning

When querying for a Candidate for a selected job, will incorporate the Pay Band Group filter (if policy enabled).





A new policy added.


Job Level

oJob Level Groups

New functionality has been developed to track more than one job level table in the application if needed by the organization.

This feature will be enabled when you activate the policy: Do you want to use multiple pay bands for Jobs?

oView Linked Employees has been removed from the view box. This feature is a part of the View Linked Jobs where an option  to include Employees on the report is available.


Print Reports

If policy enabled to use multiple pay bands than

1.Pay Band Group Filter will populate, in the Options and Filters, for each of the Job Related Reports.

2.The pay band group information becomes apart of the generated reports.


Report Viewer:

The Microsoft Report Viewer has been updated to Microsoft’s newest  2016 release.  



Summary of Encompassing Visions 2018.2.0


Mobile App

Employees who are not always at computers will be able to complete their reviews from an Android or iOS cell phone or tablet.

oFunctionality the same as completing reviews on the desktop.



Employee Audit Reports

oNew functionality has been developed to track changes in the Employees Detail Screen and Employee(s) Skills.  

This feature will be enabled when you activate the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Employee and Employee Skills.


oTwo audit reports have been added for you to manage this functionality:

Audit Report - Selected Employee - identifies all changes made to the selected Employees during a specific time frame.

Employee Audit Report - identifies all changes made to all Employees during a specific time frame.


Employee Skills

oDepartment Admin have the ability to Add, Edit, Renew and Delete Skills/Certifications for those in their Organizational unit including sub-units.

oHR Admins have the ability to Add, Edit, Renew and Delete Skills/Certifications in the Organization.

Enabled by a flag on the Employee Detail screen

Enabled by an access level of 3 to Employee Skill Access and Employees for Department Admin.

Enabled by an access level of 4 to Employee Skill Access and Employees for HR Admin.


Employee Skills Expiration

oThis report provides skills/certificates that are due to expire within the time frame selected.  

Note: only Skills with Employee Expiry Tracking enabled will be shown in this report

The Lead/Supervisor will see a list of skills/certifications that are due to expire of their direct reports along with their own skills.

Department Admins will see a list of skills/certifications that are due to expire for those that are in their organizational unit including sub-units and their own skills.

HR Admins will see a list of skills/certifications that are due to expire for those in the organization.


oA small but significant change relates to the design of the report.

Updated with a color code chart

A more polished and professional look and feel.




oNew Menu item

Employee Skills Access


Skills/Certifications (Reference Files)

oSkills/Certifications Expiry Report has been removed from the View go menu.



Summary of Encompassing Visions 2018.1.0

ENCV's software has been re-branded and updated with a clear crisp modern design. This 'new look', now found in every module of the software, has a new navigation bar - simplifying the user experience.


Log on Screen

Upon opening the Encompassing Visions application, the log on screen has been re-branded.


Main Menu

A small but significant change relates to navigation. We heard that people who needed to access ENCV – perhaps only once or twice a year to complete a learning and growth review - were often forgetting where to complete their reviews, and needed to call the System Administrator. So with Version 2018.1.0, the user experience is now more simplified.

Based on User Profiles, Employees are now automatically logged into the required screen or directly into the Complete Review Screen.

Updated Help icon

New Home icon (ENCV Logo)

Change password/log out located in the drop down menu of individual logged in


All Modules

Action Box

oAddition of Filter and Search icons

Selected Entries

oHighlighted in Black Bold Font


Jobs Module

Job Questionnaire

oContains an Auto-scroll

Auto-scroll will disable if Justification notes are required for Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Condition Questions  (policy driven.

Pre-populated Questions 27 and 28

Validation Responses Checks have been expanded to include more than a 100 checks.


Employees Module


o Employee Skills

Leads/Supervisor have the ability to Add, Edit, Renew and Delete Skills/Certifications for their direct reports but not for themselves.


Complete Reviews

oSupervisors can Copy the employees’ self-assessment (if there is one completed for the same review period).

Policy driven

Comments  are copied over

oChoose to overwrite the comment.

oAdd to the comment

oOr, accept the Employees’ self-assessment comments.


Administration Module

Skill Evaluation Summary Report

oNo longer available.

oReview Competency strengths and development opportunities &Technical strengths and development opportunities through the Analysis>Organizational Learning and Growth


Profiles (strongly recommend the following)

o A ‘1’ on JOBS in the most commonly used Profile so people can see just Job Descriptions.  With the changes made in this version, with a ‘1’ the list of options showing in Jobs/Input is restricted to just showing Job Descriptions. No other options need to be filtered through.

oThe standard profile used in the organization utilizing  learning and growth feedback should now be given a ‘2’ for Employees. This will ensure employees (the user logged in) will be able to view their personal skills/skill expirations, and leads will be able to update the Skills/Skills Expiration of their subordinates.

oVerify the standard profile used by the organization utilizing  learning and growth feedback functionality have a ‘3’ set for Organizational Learning and Growth so leads/managers can start to see how their organization is performing relative to the organization as a whole.


Mobile App

Employees who are not always at computers will be able to complete their reviews from an Android or iOS cell phone or tablet.



Summary of Encompassing Visions

Report Viewer:

The 2016 Microsoft Report Viewer has been replaced with Microsoft Report Viewer 2012.    Generating of reports with the 2016 Microsoft Report Viewer  was causing an issue with the new .NET platform and the Microsoft report viewer.  Not a browser issue but rather a IIS server issue-a bug introduced by Microsoft.



Policies: Email Policies, found in the Administration module, have been re-organized to directly align with all related information to emails.


Summary of Encompassing Visions


   Enhancements to response messages for the user.



   Enhancements to the following areas of the administration module:

oJob Questionnaire Cross Reference Report

oLearning and Growth Ratings

oPassword Reset


Summary of Encompassing Visions

Main Menu:

Failed Login Attempts: It automatically audits the number of failed login attempts by a user in order to help your organization early identify possible brute force and other password attacks on the server.


Report Viewer:

The Microsoft Report Viewer has been updated to Microsoft’s newest  2016 release.    The print icon embedded in the report viewer generates a printer-friendly PDF version of the report.  With this version of Encompassing Visions, the print icon, previously located in the action box, has been removed because it is now redundant. It has been replaced by the embedded print icon in the report viewer.


Jobs Module:

Job Reports

oNew Report Headers for Job Related Reports that  provide a more polished and professional look and feel to these system generated documents.


System Generated Reports

oThe export to Word icon has been removed from some of our system generated reports that, from a security point of view, should be manipulated within MS Word.  


Employees Module:

Archived Learning and Growth Reports

oThe process of saving the Employee Comments, in the Archival Process, has been simplified and streamlined for users.  It now advises with a confirmation message.



Summary of Encompassing Visions V9.6.1 / SP2


Service Patch 2 (SP2) updates the following modules:


Jobs Module:

Job Questionnaire Cross Reference: The export to word icon has been removed from the actions box as it is no longer required.  


Employees Module:

Work Plans:

oInsertion of a new BO or PDO work plan for an employee, with more than one objective, will save you time and paper by no longer generating a blank description field in the Printable Blank Review or Printable Review to Date.

oThe process of copying of Business Objectives and/or Personal Development Objective Work Plan(s) to multiple Employees has been simplified and streamlined for users.  It now automatically checks and advises of a missing work plan title.

oApprovals required by the Lead and/or Employee no longer ‘hangs’ the system.  This had required a refresh of the page to show the approval(s) had been accepted.


Review Notifications:

oRequesting to purge email logs, located in the Actions box (delete button) of the Review Notifications screen, no longer generates an Inactivity Timeout message.

oReview Notifications are no longer generated  for an inactive employee.


Administration Module:

Constraints: A new ‘expiry date’ feature has been added to the constraint page. This feature will enable future clients to ‘subscribe’ to the software functionalities of Encompassing Visions, and pay for them on a monthly basis.  Your organization has previously purchased an operating license for the software, so there will be no monthly rental payments required or prescribed Expiry Date assigned.


Organization Structure:

oView Linked Jobs: Now picks up on Inactive Jobs when generating a Job Listing Report.

oView Linked Employees: Now picks up on the filter parameter, Organization Unit, when generating the Employee Listing Report.


Print Reports:  

oJob Questionnaire Cross Reference Report: The ‘Export’ icon has been removed because there is no longer any need to have the information manipulated within MS Excel.  Questionnaire responses can now be ordered directly and easily from the new filter called ‘Sort by Question.’


Browser Compatibility:

We are now certified with Windows 10’s new web browser, Microsoft Edgeedge.


Mac Users Only:

Export to Word:  

Requesting to generate reports through the export to Word icon  will no longer generate an error message that the file is not a web archive.


oSafari Browser (Version 10.0.3): The report opens in its own Safari window. To save the report go to File >Save As >Format: Page Source to save the HTML.  Open report in Word and save as a Word document.


oChrome Browser: The report will automatically open in Word, allowing the report to be saved as a Word document.



Summary of Encompassing Visions V9.6.1 / SP1


Service Patch 1 (SP1) updates the following modules:


Job Module:

Administration/Job Levels: Deleting every entry in the Job Level table no longer ‘hangs’ the system.

Selection Rationale: Requesting this report from the Job Questionnaire module no longer generates an Inactivity Timeout message.


Employees Module:

Employees: The employee’s User Access is now automatically inactivated when the Employee becomes inactive.

Complete Reviews:  Default date ranges have been modified to ensure current year reviews are populating appropriately. Reviews, after two years, whether in progress or completed will automatically be locked. Only Administrators can unlock or delete the review.

oReviews by Subordinates for their Direct Reports:  

A new feature enables Leads to see reviews being completed by subordinates, but not (for confidentiality/sensitivity reasons) subordinate self-evaluations.

Email Synchronization: When entering/updating the email address for an employee in the Employee Details module, that email address is automatically populated into the User Module to save administrative time and minimize data entry error.


Administration Module:

Users: Email addresses can now be entered and attached directly to User’s.  This will enable organizations using Encompassing Visions (for Job Evaluation only) to have the software automatically reset and email a temporary password to the User through the new, secure system feature called ‘User Id/Password Reset’.

Print Reports:

oJob Questionnaire Cross Reference Report: A new filter has been added to this report.  Now, with just a click of the mouse, job titles can be automatically sorted based on (for example) all those needing a Master’s Degree, or needing an extremely high level of Communication skill, etc.  A quick review of the report to verify that jobs with these responses legitimately belong together, as now enabled by this new option called ‘Sort by Question’, will further ensure organizations can know their Job Evaluation results are absolutely bullet proof.


Summary of V9.6.1 Updates

ENCV's has taken out the 0.000 - 3.000 Score calculations. No more how is the Learning and Growth details calculated.  

Employees Module

Work Plans

Copy Work plans to Multiple Employees

oGroup By Job

Option to' Show other Jobs'

oGroup By Organization


Complete Reviews

Conversion of the Learning and Growth Calculations on the Learning and Growth Reports

oDetermined by the 5-1 or 10-1 selection scale (as determined by Policy)


oPolicy driven

oLeads/Employees can add or delete reviewers

Reviews BY Subordinates for their Direct Reports

oViewable 'In Progress' Reviews to Date

oDetermined by whether the organization uses the Org. Structure or if the Policy>Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews? Is set to yes.


Analysis Module

Analytical and diagnostic information  

oDetermined by the 5-1 or 10-1 selection scale (as determined by Policy)

oWhat determines the strength of the organization is based on the 5-1 or 10-1 selection scale.


Administration Module


Employees>Reviews (General)

oA new policy added.

Do you want to allow Leads/Employees to Add/Delete Reviewers in the Complete Reviews Page. Default is set to NO.

oPolicy linkage

How many response options do you use in Employee Learning and Growth Reviews (5/10)?

What constitutes a strength in this organization? (Found under Competency Reviews)


Evaluation Options

This option has been removed.  

Previously located under the Customize Terms and Weightings.


Learning and Growth Ratings

The Learning and Growth Ratings is now the terminology you see in the Learning and Growth Report and when completing the reviews.

Closely aligns with the terminology of the Characteristic Tool tips.

Max Weightings  are not customizable.


Pay Bands

New "Description" field added.

oEnables an organization to add salary values for each Job Level


Print Reports

Employee Related

Based on the 5-1 or 10-1 selection scale (as determined by Policy).


Organization Related

Skills Evaluation Summary Report

o Access has been disabled. It will available again in our next release.


Summary of v9.6 Updates

ENCV's underlying technology has been completely revamped from ‘32 bit’ into the ’64 bit’ world. The new ‘.net’ functionalities, now found in literally every module in the software will ensure ENCV can handle ever larger amounts of information you need to have about the ‘Jobs’ in your organization, and the staff who do them - with more processing speed and significantly greater security than ever before. Also with this new technology, your organization can be assured that ENCV will continue to work well not only on the platforms and browsers you are using today, but where server platforms and internet browsers are headed in the not so distant future.

Log on Screen

Upon opening the Encompassing Visions application, the log on screen has been given a visual change.

Main Menu

A small but significant change relates to User Id’s and Passwords. We heard that people who needed to access ENCV – perhaps only once or twice a year to complete a learning and growth review - were often forgetting their passwords, and needed to call the System Administrator to get them reset. So with Version 9.6, we have introduced a secure, easy to use feature called ‘User Id/Password Reset’

Policy driven

Security enhanced

Employees are now automatically reminded by email their user id and how to reset their password. Admins will no longer be required to take time to manually reset system access information for Users who have forgotten what their User Id and/or Password is.


Jobs Module


o Number of Jobs retrieved on pages depends on screen resolution.

oInstant screen population of Job information, independent of data size (from 100 jobs -100,000 jobs)

oPage numbers are located at bottom of screen for quick access to specific jobs in large databases

No need to scroll (retrieve on demand)

Job Reports

oNew Report Headers for Job Descriptions/Postings/Interview Guides provides a more polished and professional look and feel to these system generated documents.

oExport your Reports directly to Word


Employees Module


o Pagination

Number of Employees retrieved on pages depends on screen resolution.

Instant screen population of Employees information independent of data size (from 100 employees -100,000 employees).

Page numbers located at bottom of screen

oNo need to scroll (retrieve on demand)


Competency Reviews

oCompetency Notes

The Supervisor can now choose to include “ALL” comments for their review in the Print Learning and Growth Report.


oPrint Learning and Growth Report/Print Review to Date/ Print Blank Review to Date (View Box)

For the selected Employee, these NEW reports will enable reviewers to complete hard copy competency reviews offline, with the same look and feel as the online version.


o Print Icon in the Action Box

Takes you directly to the Print Learning and Growth Report Screen in order to minimize the number of steps required to complete a Learning and Growth Review


Work Plan Reviews

oPrint Learning and Growth Report/Print Review to Date/ Print Blank Review to Date (View Box)

For the selected Employee, these NEW reports will enable reviewers to complete hard copy business objective and personal development work plan reviews


Review Notification

oThis function allows Admins to automatically generate User/Reviewer-specific and system-wide E-mail notifications that remind Reviewers of upcoming and over due Learning and Growth Reviews they are responsible for completing.

oEmail Log Report lists the email addresses to whom the notifications were sent.

oFunctionality to Purge email logs

oAn administrator can choose to receive all copies of notifications sent.

oReplaces the Reviewer Listing Report as was found in the Print Reports of the Administration Module in past versions.


Print Learning and Growth Report

oAn organization now has the option of turning off the Learning and Growth Rating sections in related reports, so the printed learning and growth details and dashboard graphic reports become purely and simply training and development documents that don’t show an employee’s learning and growth rating or how their learning and growth compares to others. Other reports in the software, available only to the Administrator, will continue to enable reporting on individual, team and organizational learning and growth results if the information is required.


Approved Learning and Growth Report

o Has been given a new name - "Archived Learning and Growth Report"

o Employee and Lead sign off on ‘Archived Learning and Growth Reports’ has been changed from ‘Approved’ to ‘Reviewed’


Administration Module



Number of Users retrieved on pages depends on screen resolution.

Instant screen population of user information independent of data size (from 100 users -100,000 users)

Page numbers located at bottom of screen

oNo need to scroll (retrieve on demand)

Review Listing Report is no longer available. Been replaced by the Review Notifications.


Summary of v9.5.2 Updates

Work Plans

An unlock icon has been added to the work plans.  Only Administrative Users can Unlock a work plan. This security is in place to prevent the work plan from being changed after reviews have been completed for the work plan.


Printing Work Plan Reviews Only

When the only reviews included in the 'Review Completion Date' filter, are work plan reviews, the job from the current Employee record will be used to look up the Job Reference, Job Title and Job Level.  


Summary of v9.5.1 Updates

Report Viewer

The Microsoft Report Viewer 2012  is now a component of the software. There is no separate installation by the client.  Encompassing Visions no longer requires a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) server for the Job Related Reports, the Dashboards, Competency Alignment Survey Results Report  or the Succession Planning Report. It is in local mode, rather than remote mode, thereby eliminating the SSRS requirement.  This simplifies the set up, configuration, and maintenance of an installation of Encompassing Visions.  Features include increased speed, advanced paging and exporting capabilities.

Jobs Module

The Job Related Reports,  found in the Print Reports of the  Administration Module, are now accessible to the Administrator through the view box of the Jobs screen. These reports along with a couple of the older reports are viewable through the Microsoft Report Viewer.


Employees Module

A new feature has been added to the Print Learning and Growth Report for Employees. The Learning and Growth Dashboard Report, the default, displays in graphic format the results of the learning and growth reviews selected between a certain date range.

‘Competency Notes’ are now incorporated directly into the Learning and Growth Review report so there is no longer a need to print them separately. The report itself - through the Job/Learning and Growth Report Options - can be customized to meet your organizations needs like never before.

Administration Module

The Learning and Growth Report Options, found in the Job/Learning and Growth Report Options, have been re-labeled and re-organized to directly align with the order of information presented in the employees personal learning and growth report.


The Job Related Reports are now viewed by the local Report Viewer.


The new Users Login Audit Report tracks and reports system access attempts by unauthorized users.


The new Job/Points Matrix Report filters and displays Job titles in a grid that greatly facilitates the analysis of job evaluation results by people who may not be job evaluation experts. By providing a visual representation of the results without  the job evaluation details, any/all potentially incorrect job evaluation results really pop out in this report. With the ability to easily identify anomalies and report on the questionnaire responses driving those results, ENCV will drive a job evaluation result that will not only be better understood, but more broadly accepted as fair.


Application Browser Compatibility Censor

A new feature has been added to enable users to identify if their application browser is compatible with the current version of Encompassing Visions.  If the Application Browser Compatibility Censor message is received, it indicates that the browser version needs to be updated.  If the user proceeds with the current version, the user may experience errors or graphical defects while using Encompassing Visions.  This feature will also indicate if Internet Explorer is in Compatibility Mode.  

Summary of v9.5 Updates

In the year we celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we are delighted to release Version 9.5, our greatest achievement - to date!


Based on detailed feedback gathered from our clients over the last 18 months (from not only HR, but the Executive, Management, Team Lead and Technical/Professional staff they support), Version 9.5 is at once the most sophisticated, intuitive and easy to navigate talent management software we have ever developed. Further, it sets the stage for where our development plans will be taking Encompassing Visions in the near future.


Jobs Module

New ‘edit’ functionality built into 9.5 will enable clients to load and system generate Job Descriptions that are configured/stylized to their needs (i.e., with ‘FIND’ functionality, paragraph alignment, bullets, indents, and underlined/bold/italic text).


We have simplified system navigation in the Job Evaluation module.  At the same   time, we have loaded the module with new functionality to increase their value to you and your clients. (Ask us about the job audit reports).

Employees Module

We have simplified system navigation in the Employee Learning and Growth Feedback module.  At the same time, we have loaded this module with new functionality to increase their value to you and your clients. (Ask us about the competency review standards  and ‘wizards’ now enabled for setting up and evaluating business and personal development objectives.)


Strategic Alignment Module

There is a new Competency Alignment Survey - complete with display graphics - that measures the ‘perception versus reality’ gap between what the organizational values and what staff across the organization feel is valued. (With the information now available through Encompassing Visions, management will now definitively know how effective their communications have been regarding making the organizational Vision and Values real for their staff).


Administration Module

Inactive Jobs no longer count against an organization’s purchased constraint codes, which means you no longer have to delete a Job in order to add another, AND if you have employee reviews attached to it, they don’t have to be deleted before taking the job out of the ‘active’ roster.  Further, if for any reason the ‘Inactive’ job needs to be re-activated at some future date, all the information is immediately back and available for updating - if necessary.


Microsoft SQL Server 2012

There are numerous and significant ‘under the hood’ changes in technology that -

enable pages to be loaded faster;

ensure maximum system ‘up-time’ by accommodating the latest industry (browser/server) standards in the software; and,

‘set the table’ for the exciting development plans we have for Encompassing Visions in 2015.

Cross Browser

The entire system is now browser independent. Clients and system administrators can access every module within Encompassing Visions via a PC or a Mac, and they can use the browser of their choice – from IE, to Firefox, Chrome and/or Safari.


Online Help

The on-line documentation in the HELP module has been updated and significantly expanded to reflect the new processes and functionality in 9.5.  It also includes several new ‘pull out’ sections that provide detailed information you will find useful for internal training purposes. Also included is the 'full text' search enhancement.


This section summarizes what is new in Versions 9.2 through 9.4.1.  For more detail and discussion regarding these updates, please see the Release Notes for the specific version.

Summary of v9.4.1 Updates

Jobs Module

In this update, we have focused on the Jobs module - the foundational technology for the software, the area that makes Encompassing Visions unique in the market, and likely the reason you have purchased the program!   We felt it was critically important to update this module not only to make the screens look and feel the same as the rest of the program, but also to update functionality to be truly intuitive for the user,  increasing your ability to interact with and understand the philosophies and "rules" behind our objective Job evaluation process.  


Jobs: Questionnaire

The Jobs Questionnaire has been updated for ease of use.  The tabular format has been given a new look and flow.  Now you can easily see all responses for a question on one scrollable screen.  Embedded in the response screen is an elaboration tip with additional information regarding the question to be answered, and we have included an examples field (which can be edited by you) identifying jobs in the organization that correspond to the selected response.  The inclusion of a 'go' button lets you move easily to the next response.


Note: All jobs that are currently in the application will be converted into this new format without changing any responses or point values.  There is no set up work on your part  to begin viewing and using the new interface.


Jobs: details

We have added a content editor into the text fields of the Job details screen.  This editor adds basic formatting functionality to the Job details fields, including bold, italics, underline and bullets.   The formatting contained in the editor will carry over to the Job reports: Job Description, and Job Posting, allowing you to generate even more professional looking reports.  


Note: We strongly recommend that you print the Job description to confirm the cut and paste conversion from Word.


Job Audit functionality

New functionality has been developed to track changes in the Jobs, Job Skills and Job Questionnaire.  This feature will be enabled when you activate the policy: Do you want to enable Auditing in the Job, Job Skills and Job Questionnaires?  


Two audit reports have been added for you to manage this functionality:

1. Audit Report - Selected Job - identifies all changes made to the specific job

2. Audit Report - All Jobs - identifies all changes made to all jobs during a specific time frame


Financial Questions

A policy has been added to configure the application if the Financial Questions (Questions 20, 21, 22, 23) are not applicable either for the Job or in the business process of the organization.  This feature is enabled when you turn on the policy: Do you use the financial questions (20-22) in the Job Questionnaire?

Please note: This policy is no longer available to new users and has been removed from the application.(Version 2024)


Multiple Browser Functionality

We have updated these pages so they function correctly on the following browsers:

Chrome 32

Firefox 26

Internet Explorer 7-11




*To request a copy of the detailed Release Notes, please contact crelations@encv.com.


Summary of v9.4 Updates

Organizational Reporting

Starting with the distribution of Version 9.0 in 2009 and continuing through to Version 9.3 released last year, Encompassing Visions’ ability to report on individual, team and organizational capabilities has been quietly but significantly deepening.  Turning data into meaningful information, the software now has an astounding amount of information it can provide, including the ability to help you: understand the competency makeup of high performing teams; identify where early-stage high performers are in the organization; recognize and act on development needs at an individual, team or organization-wide level; diagnose the reason(s) for year over year changes in individual, team and organizational learning and growth;  quantify the impact on team learning and growth through the staff recruiting, training, and termination processes managed by Human Resources; find the best Mentor/Mentee matches; determine how current technical and behavioral capabilities of staff match up against future organizational needs; and, implement the most effective way to maximize organizational learning and growth at minimal expense.  See the Help Section: Organizational Learning and Growth for more information and detailed instructions.

Cross Browser

ActiveX Controls installed by Microsoft in the Internet Explorer browser continue to affect the functionality of the Encompassing Visions software on some desktops until browser settings have been adjusted to identify the software as an allowed add-on.  We have been continuing to convert pages of the application to 1) remove ActiveX controls from the affected pages and 2) to update the pages so they will function correctly on other browsers.  


In version 9.4, the following pages have been updated:

In the Employees module:

1.Employee list

2.Employee Reviewers/Reviews

3.Employee Skills

4.Employees Skills Expiration report


In the Administration module:


2.User Specific Jobs (link)


4.Skills and Certifications


We have certified functionality for the default A5 Comprehensive security profile for the following browsers:

Windows PCs:

Internet Explorer 7 - 10

Google Chrome






Google Chrome


Employees list

While still requiring Administrative level for access, the Employees list screen has been moved from the Administration module to the Employee module.  Not only does this align the Employees list with other Employee functions, it allows the software to attach Employee related functions directly to the appropriate screen.  Reviewers and Employee skills are now able to be accessed directly from the list, saving the administrative user many keystrokes.  As indicated above, the list is now browser independent, so it can be accessed from a MAC or other Windows browser providing the User has the proper security to see these screens.  


Note: the Employees screen is a maintenance screen that is traditionally only accessible by the Administrative User (an A7 profile, for instance).  We recommend that you continue to restrict access to this screen, and for that reason, this screen is hidden from all A5 Comprehensive users in our default profile.


Supervisor/Employee Relationship

We understand that many clients use a Supervisor/Employee relationship code in their HRIS and other management tools, instead of the traditional structure based on an Organizational Chart.  We have completed the functionality to attach a Supervisor to an Employee through the Employee record.  This link will enable your organization to identify the Supervisor/Employee relationship for Reviews, reporting and other tasks.  It will also enable your organization to synchronize and automate the data flow between your HRIS and Encompassing Visions because the Data Integration program has been updated as well.


For more information on integrating Encompassing Visions and your HRIS, see Help topic: Import Data, or contact us at techsupport@encv.com.


Managing manual reviewers and unlocking reviews is an Administrative function which has been located in the Employees module under its own menu item.  We've attached this function right to the Employee record in the Employees module.  This streamlines the process, allowing the Administrative user to access this functionality with fewer mouse clicks.  In addition, we've updated the look and feel of the screen and made it browser independent.



These two operations, while similar, performed different functionalities within the software, and we have heard from clients toggling between the two was confusing.  In version 9.4, Users/Profiles has been split into their individual components and upgraded to reflect the new interface of the application.  Although the functionality has not changed, you will find these two operations to be much more intuitive.


Skills and Certifications

As the Skills and Certifications functionality continues to become more significant in the application, we are adding reports critical to being able to manage Skills and Certifications effectively.  In the Jobs module, a new report Jobs Skills and Certifications Listing has been added which will link in report form (exportable to excel) all the skills attached to the Jobs in the system.  This will enable to the Administrative Users to see the skills at a glance, beneficial for building the Skills library and auditing work that has been done.  In the Employees module, an Employees Skills Expiration report has been added which will enable the Administrative user to identify Employees who have Skills expiring within a selected time frame.  This will be helpful for Administrators and Supervisors to follow up with those Employees that need to renew their certifications, for example.  This same report is also accessible through Skills and Certifications in the Administration module.

Password policy

Many clients require their employees to create what is defined as a Complex password to increase security in their applications.  We have met the need for these clients by updating the password policies in the software. Note: there are now two kinds of passwords in the application: the User password and the temporary password.  


User Password

The password that an Employee would choose as their password for Encompassing Visions (upon first log in or when a password change is requested) must now meet the Complex password requirement if the policy is enabled.  That is, it must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least 3 of the 4 following character types: Uppercase, Lowercase, Numeric, Special Characters (such as #, $, %).  The policy dictating whether a User is required to choose a Complex password is in the Administration module.


Temporary Password

The temporary password is the password set for the User by the Administrator when a new employee is set up or when the Employee requests a password change.  Passwords need to be a minimum of 6 characters and can be alpha, numeric or special characters.  If the Complex password policy is not enabled, Users need to follow this guideline when creating their own password as well.  


Summary of v9.3 Updates

Cross Browser

The most common modules in Encompassing Visions that a Supervisor/Lead would access to view jobs; create, review, and archive work plans and competency reviews; and review organizational reports; can now be accessed with almost any computer.  With the new A5 profile we have created, it is no longer necessary that the Supervisor/Lead have access to a Windows PC running Internet Explorer.


We have certified functionality for the default Comprehensive security profile for the following browsers:

Windows PCs:

Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9

Google Chrome






Google Chrome



Note: We strongly encourage all clients to review the default profiles that are outlined in the Common User Scenarios section of the help. For the majority of your non-Administrative level users, assigning the new A5Comp default Profile is recommended.  


Administrator Note: any module that is not upgraded to have cross browser capability will present an error message if accessed through a non-IE browser.


A5Comp default Profile

The Profile for Supervisors and Leads (the A5Comp profile) has been updated to reflect the most common screens and functionalities that a Supervisor (Lead) would need.  All new client builds will have this profile set as the default.

Note: With Version upgrades, your previous User profiles remain unchanged.  In Version 9.3, the A5 profile settings have changed considerably.  We strongly recommend for all non- Administrative users that the A5 profile settings in your software be updated to reflect the settings as outlined for A5 in the Help “Common User Scenarios” section.  

Employees module: Update 'Current' period for Work Plans

Previously, the grace period was taken into consideration when a new work plan was created, so if the plan a new plan was created or a plan was copied during the grace period, the system defaulted the dates to the previous review period.  The system has been updated to simply calculate the review period based on the date the work plan is added or copied.


Employees module: Print Learning and Growth Reports

This menu item has been re-worked into the new interface.  Access to just the reports you want are now just a mouse click away, which is much more intuitive and a huge time saver.

Analysis module: Organizational Learning and Growth

This menu item has been re-worked as well.  In previous versions, access to this module was typically granted only for Administrative Users and high level management.  We have redesigned the reports contained within this module so that they are an effective tool for Leads and unit Managers.  Your management team can now view their units' strengths and development opportunities for both competencies and technical skills quickly and easily.


Some policies have been moved, and policies required for new functionality have been created.


Strategic Alignment > Competency Alignment

Do you use Core Competencies?  This policy dictates whether users will be able to view the following modules: Strategic Alignment > Competency Alignment Survey and Strategic Alignment > Competency Alignment Survey Results.  If disabled, Core Competencies will also not be a report option within the Organizational Learning and Growth module.  The default is NO.  

Number of Core Competencies to display in Top N list (1-38).  This policy has been moved from the Analysis policy group to this group.  


Employees > Business Objectives

Do you want supervisors to be default reviewers for Business Objectives?

Do you want incumbents to be default reviewers for Business Objectives?

These policies fit more logically with the review type, so have been moved from the Reviewers Policy group.


Employees > Professional Development Objectives

Do you want supervisors to be default reviewers for Professional Development Objectives?

Do you want incumbents to be default reviewers for Professional Development Objectives?  

These policies fit more logically with the review type, so have been moved from the Reviewers Policy group.


Employees > Reviewers

The policies that had been previously assigned this Policy group have been moved so the group has been deleted.  


Employees > Competency Reviews

Do you want supervisors to be default reviewers for Competency Reviews?

Do you want incumbents to be default reviewers for Competency Reviews?

These policies fit more logically with the review type, so have been moved from the Reviewers Policy group.


Employees > Learning and Growth Reports

When printing learning and growth reports, only include reviews completed in the past nn days. (0-365):  Memo Notes were updated as follows:  This policy sets the default From Date for the "Print Learning and Growth Report" Review Completion Date filter.



Include “Percentage (%)’ column in Organizational Learning and Growth reports? This policy determines whether a column will appear on the Organizational Learning and Growth Reports to show a percentage for the employee(s) learning and growth for the specific competency or technical skill.  The default is Yes.  

Number of Competencies used to determine Top N Strengths/Gaps Development Opportunities (1-38): The word ‘Gap’ has been replaced with ‘Development Opportunities’ to more accurately explain what the report is identifying.


Administration > Reporting

Number of Competencies used by reports (1-10): The following memo note has been added:  This Policy controls the maximum number of important competencies to be included in Job-related reports (Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guide).  It also controls the maximum number of competencies identified as significant Development Opportunities in Learning and Growth-related reports for individual employees and organizational work units.

Online Help

The online Help is your resource for all the functionality contained within Encompassing Visions.  In Version 9.3, the online Help has been edited with an updated look and feel, updated instructions and screen prints where applicable.  


Version 9.2

New Look and Feel

Version 9.2 continues to incorporate the new look that was introduced in Version 9.0 in the Maintain Jobs function. This version focuses on Learning and Growth Feedback functionality by updating the Work Plans (within the Employees module).

Further, Version 9.2 displays for the first time a split screen format which dramatically improves the process of creating Work Plans. The result is far fewer mouse clicks to create and maintain Objectives related to Work Plans.

In this version the new look is incorporated into:

Business Objectives (Employees Module)

Professional Development Objectives (Employees Module)

Objective Field Configuration (Administration Module)

Picture Buttons

This release continues to move from word buttons to picture buttons for basic functions in all of the redesigned screens. The primary reason for this move to picture buttons is to better facilitate our ability to make
Encompassing Visions support multiple languages - picture buttons mean less language translation. All picture icons will have a tool tip displayed when the mouse is hovered over the button – in English for now. If you are unsure what a button does simply move your mouse over the button to see the tool tip.


Actions Box



Tool Tip

How it is used


Complete Work Plan validation

To run the validation process on Work Plans. This process ensures all required fields in the Work Plan are appropriately completed.


Un-Complete Work Plans

To change a Work Plan status back to incomplete in order to make changes to the Work Plan or its Objectives. Will only appear if the Work Plan is marked ‘Complete.’


Unlock Work Plan

When reviews have been entered, the Work Plan is ‘locked.' This option will enable (only) Administrative Users to unlock it.


Confidential Comments

To add Confidential Comments to Work Plans or Objectives


View Resource Information

To view or edit Resource Information in Work Plan Objectives.


Activate Objective Configuration

Information needs related to Business or Professional Development objectives may change over time. This enables the Activation of a changed Objective configuration.


Deactivate Objective Configuration

To Deactivate a complete Objective configuration so changes can be made.


Navigation Buttons


Tool Tip

How it is used


Save and Proceed

To Save data and proceed to the next Review question.


Save and Previous

To Save data and return to the previous Review question.


New Functionality

Electronic Learning and Growth Report Archival

Functionality related to the electronic archiving and approval of Employee Learning and Growth Reports is a completely new process for Version 9.2. Now, Learning and Growth Reports can be generated, archived (including the ‘Comments’ section), and electronically approved through security protocols by the employee and their lead, all in one smooth process. A new Learning and Growth Feedback Policy (Do you want to use Learning and Growth Report Archiving?) allows you to activate this option. To the individuals and their leads, employee learning and growth report history over the years will now always be just a click of the mouse away.


Objective Field Configuration (OFC) for Work Plans

A new menu item in the Administration Module called Objective Field Configurations has been created to logically store all policies that will drive organization-wide expectations for Business Objective and Professional Development Objective data fields. Now all Business or Professional Development Work Plans will be attached to a current configuration, allowing for uniformity in the creation and execution of a Work Plan. The Objective Field Configurations contain all the fields that can be enabled or required, and can all be customized. The following new Objectives have been added: Category, Actions, Employee Actions, Lead Actions, Due Date, Percentage Weighting (see Glossary for detailed definitions).


Weighting of Objectives

In response to customer feedback, Version 9.2 now enables individual Business and Professional Development objectives to be assigned a percentage (%) value. The system verifies that all objectives included in the Work Plan total 100%, and the weighted value of each Objective is factored into the overall calculation of an employee’s learning and growth evaluation rating.


Changed Functionality

Work Plan Creation

The functionality and process flow for building Work Plans has been completely re-worked in Version 9.2 to significantly simplify and streamline the experience. Creating Business Plans and Professional Development Plans are now separate and discrete processes. We have incorporated the split screen interface into these screens. The upper table lists all the relevant Work Plans while the lower table displays the specific objectives contained within the highlighted Work Plan. Objectives will be created by completing a simple form, based on the Objective Field Configurations customized by the organization (see OFC above).


Work Plan Reviews

Save and Go buttons have been added to the Review Details Screen for both Competency and Work Plan reviews. This functionality allows the Reviewer to move from one Review question to the next without having to close the screen, select the next question and open a new screen. The improvement in process flow will be immediately obvious to the end users.


Employee Maintenance

The Active and Inactive Employees menu items in the Administration Cube have been combined into simply Employees. We have updated the look and feel of the module. As a result, the most pertinent information for all employees is shown right on the main screen. The screen can easily be filtered or sorted to group various sets of Employees together. Employee information can be easily added or edited via options in the Actions Bar.


Administration Cube

We have updated the administration cube to more accurately reflect policies and configurations within Encompassing Visions.

Policies have been re-organized to more closely mirror the main menu. In Version 9.2, you will see that Policies related to the Modules are all grouped together. All previous policies related to Objective customization and Work Plans have been moved into the new Menu item: Objective Field Configuration (see New Functionality).

Core Tables
As part of the reorganization mentioned above, the Core Table Objective Types has been removed and is now incorporated into the Objective Field Configurations menu item. In addition, two Core Tables have been added: Category and Review Type.


Change Password Logic

The Change Password logic has been updated to allow users to re-use passwords. In addition, all new passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters (alpha, numeric or special character). Current users will not be forced to change their passwords, but when changes are made, the new password strategy will be enforced.