Objective Field Configuration |
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The Objective Field Configuration (OFC) defined in Encompassing Visions governs the information viewable and required when an employee creates their Business Work Plans or Professional Development Work Plans. One or both of the Policies: Enable Business Objectives and/or Enable Professional Development Objectives must be set to Yes for this menu option to be available. The configuration options are determined by the administrator, and the format is universal for all objectives that will be created.
Administrator note: Since the Objective Field Configurations for Business Objectives and Professional Development Objectives directly affect the amount of detail required when an Employee creates their work plan, we recommend that you carefully review and test combinations of configurations to ensure that the work plans accurately reflect your organization’s business processes. Please contact Encompassing Visions (support@encv.com) for assistance or additional information.
Note: Only one objective can be activated per day. (Activation goes by the server's clock).
Note: The OFC screen interface is a split screen with an upper table and lower table. The upper table shows the different policies for the various objectives. The lower table displays the selected objective policy in detail. Configurations – Upper Table •From the Main Menu move the mouse over the Employees module icon and click Employee Setting. •In the Employee Settings click Reports. •Mouse over the first policy, Objective Field Configuration, which will highlight in white. •Click Customize to open the Configurations screen.
Note for new clients: Since there is a wide range of options to configure for the Objective Fields, we have provided a default Business Objective and default Professional Development Objective configuration as a starting point. The default configuration for all current clients will mirror the policies your organization has set in the system prior to installing the 9.2 version.
The columns in the upper table are: •Config Id: The row ID is used to reference the specific field configurations detailed in the lower table. •Effective Date: This is the date the configuration is effective and is separate from the fiscal review period. Work Plan Objectives will be attached to the current configuration on the date the objective is created. The Effective Date must be a future date. •Objective: Indicates the type of work plan (options are Business or Professional Development) being configured. •Description: This field should contain a brief description of the configuration. Note: The text in the field will be used as the Tool tip in the Edit Objective screen. •Active: The configuration selected is active if checked or inactive if unchecked. Note: A configuration must be active before the new Work Plan configuration will be enabled.
The Actions Bar To Edit a Configuration: 1.Select the objective to Edit. 2.Click 3.The Edit Configuration screen will open. 4.The Description field can be edited. 5.If the Configuration is active, the date/time of activation and user ID are shown here. 6.Save to close. Note: The Configuration can no longer be deactivated or deleted once an objective has been attached to the configuration because it could be used to generate past learning and growth reviews.
To Add (Copy) a configuration: 1.Select the configuration that is to be copied. 2.Click 3.The Copy Objective Field Configuration screen will open. 4.Update the New Effective Date using yyyy-mm-dd format or click the calendar button and select a date. 5.Add a description of the new configuration. 6.Save to close. Note: This is the only way to create a new configuration.
To Delete a Configuration: 1.Select the configuration that is to be deleted. 2.Click 3.OK to confirm. Note: The Configuration can no longer be deactivated or deleted once an objective has been attached to the configuration.
1.Select the configuration that is to be activated. 2.Click 3.Click OK to confirm. 4.If the Configuration cannot be Activated as entered, a message will notify you that changes must be made.
To Deactivate a Configuration: 1.Select the configuration that is to be deactivated. 2.Click 3.Changes can now be made to the Objective Configuration. 4.When complete, click the Activate icon in the Actions bar (see Activate instructions above). Note: Once objectives are created with an active configuration, you can no longer deactivate the configuration.
To Print the Configuration Listing: 1.Click 2.The Print Preview screen will appear. Note: Only the information in the upper table is printed. 3.Choose to either print the report or save it.
The Filter Bar You can filter the Configurations by the following fields: •Objective – All, Business Objective or Development Objective •Active – All, Active only or Inactive only •Current – All, Current only Note: If either the Enable Business Objective or Enable Professional Development Objective field is not enabled in the Policies, that option will not appear in the filter.
Configuration Details – Lower Table Business Objectives describes the work an employee will be expected to complete in a review period and how results will be measured.
The following fields are available to be configured: •Baseline – This field describes the measured, historical learning and growth that has already been achieved. •Target – This field describes the measurable, improved level of learning and growth that an employee is expected to achieve. •Goal - This field describes the level of learning and growth that an employee is striving to attain sometime in the future. •Actions – Detailed tasks or action items to be completed. •Stretch - This term describes a level of learning and growth that is between the Target and the Goal, yet is achievable within the current Review Period. •Percentage Weighting - The percentage weighting assigned to the objective in relation to other objectives in a single work plan. If enabled, the field is required and the weight of all objectives must equal 100%. •Priority – The order in which an objective will print on reports. If enabled and required, a number must be assigned to the objective to prioritize it. •Level of Importance - This term identifies the significance (or value) to the organization that a particular objective represents. An objective can have Some, Moderate, Considerable, High or Extreme importance to the organization. Note: This field enables standardization of defining “Importance” across the organization. •Degree of Difficulty - This term denotes the extent to which problems, obstacles and objections will create challenges in accomplishing the expected result for an objective. An objective can have Some, Moderate, Considerable, High or Extreme Degree of Difficulty. Note: This field enables standardization of defining “Difficulty” across the organization. •Category – Groups objectives together for reporting purposes. •Resource - Extra resources are sometimes required to enable an employee to accomplish an objective. Resources are grouped into Resource Categories which can be customized in Reference Files > Core Tables. •Due Date - A date assigned for when an objective is expected to be completed. •Bonus Eligible – Indicates whether the objective is eligible for a bonus or not. This field is for reporting purposes only.
Select the field to configure. Note: If the configuration is active, only the field definition can be edited. An active objective configuration needs to be made inactive to change other fields. •If Enabled is checked, the field is available for employees to enter their Business Objectives. If unchecked, field will be hidden. •If Required is checked, the field must be completed for all Business Objectives. If unchecked, the field is available, but does not have to be completed. •The Definition field is a required field and can be customized based on your organization’s needs. •The System Message maps the field to previous version definitions and cannot be edited.
Professional Development Objectives The Professional Development Objectives describes career growth goal(s) an employee will be expected to achieve in a review period and how results will be measured.
The following fields are available to be configured: •Competency – This field allows the capability to attach the Objective with the specific competency (or competencies) that it relates to. •Goal - This field describes the level of learning and growth that an employee is striving to attain sometime in the future. •Percentage Weighting - The percentage weighting assigned to the objective in relation to other objectives. If enabled, the field is required and the weight of all objectives must equal 100%. •Priority – the ranking of importance given to an objective. Objectives with a higher priority (1, 2 etc.) will print on any Work Plan and Learning and Growth Reports. If enabled and required, a number must be assigned to the objective to prioritize it. •Level of Importance - This term identifies the significance (or value) to the organization that a particular Objective represents. An Objective can have Some, Moderate, Considerable, High or Extreme importance to the organization. Note: This field enables standardization of defining “Importance” across the organization. •Degree of Difficulty - This term denotes the extent to which problems, obstacles and objections will create challenges in accomplishing the expected result for an Objective. An objective can have Some, Moderate, Considerable, High or Extreme Degree of Difficulty. Note: This field enables standardization of defining “Difficulty” across the organization. •Employee Actions - Detailed tasks or action items the employee needs to complete. •Lead Actions - Detailed tasks or action items the Lead must complete to support the employee in achieving the objective. •Due Date - A date assigned for when a Review is expected to be completed. •Resource - Extra resources are sometimes required to enable an employee to accomplish an Objective. Resources are grouped into Resource Categories which can be customized in the Reference Files: Core Tables. •Baseline – This field describes the measured, historical learning and growth that has already been achieved. •Target – This field describes the measurable, improved level of learning and growth that an employee is expected to achieve. •Stretch - This term describes a level of learning and growth that is between the Target and the Goal, yet is achievable within the current Review Period. •Category – Groups objectives together for reporting purposes. •Bonus Eligible – indicates whether the objective is eligible for a bonus or not. This field is for reporting purposes only.
Objective Field Configuration Default for new Client Build The table below shows the OFC default for new client builds: