Learning and Growth Report Options

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This function is used to customize the information that appears on Learning and Growth Reports.


Only the System Administrator can:

Turn off sections or details not used by the Organization.

Turn on sections or details that are required by the Organization.


The Learning and Growth Report Options screen is accessed through the Employees>Employees Settings>Reports


From the Main Menu move the mouse over Employees.

Click Employees Settings and click Employee Report Options: maintain learning and growth report options

The View>Drop Down List identifies which Report Options are being viewed - Job Reports or Learning and Growth Reports.

The System column apply at a System Level (to all Users - Administrators and non-Administrators) and can only be changed by an System Administrator.

The System column identifies whether the Report Options are turned on or off at a System Level; Checked checked is on, unchecked unchecked is off.

Change the selection in the box (checked or unchecked) by clicking the box.

Click btn_save_24 to save changes and return to the Maintain Job/Learning and Growth Report Options screen.

Confirmation screen appears to verify how many items have been updated.

message screen

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to previous screen without saving changes.


Administrative User Examples:

To make a report section or detail mandatory for all Users, turn on checked the System

To turn off a report section or detail for all Users, turn off unchecked the System Column.


Organization Name

The Organization Name option is available for both Job and Learning and Growth Reports. The Organization Name printed will be the Organization Name defined in the Organization Structure (see the Administration Module System Setup topic Organization Structure for instructions to set the Organization Name).


Customized Logo

The Customized Logo Report Option exists for both Job Reports and Learning and Growth Reports. This option allows the Organization's logo to be inserted onto the reports. It should be turned on only if the System Administrator has established the Logo within Encompassing Visions.


Administrator Note: Refer to the instructions for establishing the logo in the system under System Settings>Reporting Policies topic, policy "Use Logo on Reports?".


This screen sample shows the Report Options for Learning and Growth Report as they are established by default with the installation of Encompassing Visions.

Note that the Employee ID option is off. This is because, by default, Encompassing Visions installed with the System Policies set to turn off display of Employee ID except in Administrative Functions.


Note: The learning and growth report options have been re-labeled to directly align with the order of information presented in the employees personal learning and growth report.