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This module is identified by Administration in the navigation bar (as shown above) on the Main Menu and includes all of the functions required to begin using the Encompassing Visions Application.

Moving your mouse anywhere over this icon will open the Administration sub-menu. The number of items in your sub-menus will vary depending on your security access level and if the domain policy is in use.  

Main Menu 5  OR   Admindomain


Note: This module is only available on the Main Menu to those users who have System Administrator Level access to one or more of the individual functions in the module.  System Administrators would typically have full access to all functions in this module and other users would have no access. However, it is possible to remove or add access to individual functions of this module through the user security.




System constraints are used to set the Job and Employee licensing limits for Encompassing Visions. This function is used to display and update those limits.



This functionality enables the assigned user(s) with secure, limited access to job-related information defined by the Domain itself. The policy can be found  in the System Settings under Access Control of the Administration module.



This function is used to set up and maintain user ID's, change passwords and link Users to Domains and/or Employees.

Note: Link Jobs to Users functionality has been moved into this menu item for version 9.4

This function is used to set up individuals with access to specific jobs. This access is used by the Jobs function Jobs - User Assigned Jobs.

The Profiles function is used to define and maintain User Profiles and their corresponding security accesses.


Organization Structure

This function is used to maintain the current organizational structure and reporting relationships of the organization.


System Settings

This function allow options for many different variables such as features that you can turn on or off, and the number of items displayed in certain lists. This Administrative Function allows you to maintain the Policies for the Administration module.

General - Policies for General configuration

Data Integration & Import - Policies that relate to the synchronization of data between Encompassing Visions and other sources

Notifications - Policies that relate to the use of E-Mail notifications in the application

Reporting - Policies that relate to the use of number of competencies to include in reports and the visibility of your organization's logo in reports