Work Plan Reviews

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Work Plan Reviews

Reminder: Many of the terms referred to on these screens can be customized by the System Administrator or turned off so your screen may not match these Help Pages.  


There are 2 different types of evaluations within the Work Plan Reviews: Business Plans and Professional Development Plans.  

Business Plan: The Business Plan describes the work that an Employee will complete in a review period.  The Business Plan is made up of one or more Business Objectives that are to be evaluated during the review process.


Professional Development Plan:  The Professional Development Plan details the career growth planned for the Employee during the review period.  The Professional Development Plan is made up of one or more Professional Development Objectives that are to be evaluated during the review process.  

Note: Please see the Help section Work Plans for more information.

From the Main Menu move your mouse over Employees in the navigation bar and select the Complete/Print Reviews sub-menu function to open the Review List screen.

main menu 3


The Review List defaults to current reviews.  See Filter Box below in order to view other reviews.


Note: The reviews that can be viewed on this screen are determined by the User’s Security Access.  Administrative Users and Leads will be able to view their own Reviews plus Reviews of Employees who are Subordinates in the Organization Structure, and Non-Lead Employees will only be able to view their own Reviews.

competency review_reviewer list_1

Each column in the Review List can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the column title.

The Role indicates who completed or is scheduled to complete the review.  See Reviewer Role in the Glossary for more information.

The Reviewee name format is last name, first name, middle name.

Review Type indicates whether the Review to be completed is a Competency, Business Work Plan or Professional Development Work Plan, and contains the title of the review.  

The Status column shows whether the Review is Not Started, In Progress or Completed (see Status definition in the Glossary).  The remainder of the columns are populated depending on the status of the Review.

The Due Date is the date by which the Review is expected to be completed.

The Review ID is system generated when a Review is started.

The Review Start Date populate when the Review is opened.  

The Complete Date populates when all the competencies or objectives have been reviewed.  

A check mark populates in the Locked column after the Review has been completed and locked, based on the Policy set by the System Administrator.


To Complete a Review

Double-click the Review to be completed. The Review Details screen will open.

work plan_review


For Administrators:

There are several Learning and Growth Feedback Policies that govern the Work Plan Reviews:

The Policy "How many response options do you use in Employee Learning and Growth Reviews (5/10)?" controls whether  there are 5 or 10 Evaluation Options.

The Policy "Show Tool Tips on Evaluation Options in the Employee Learning and Growth Reviews?" controls whether Tool Tips are displayed when the user moves their mouse over the various Response Options in the Work Plan Reviews. The Tool Tips for the Work Plan Response Options are maintained in the Learning and Growth Ratings function of the Administration Module and the Tool Tips for the Business Objectives and the Personal Development Plan Response Options are maintained in the Characteristic Tool Tips function. This Policy does not control the Tool Tip for the 'Cannot Comment' (or C/C) option because it is important that users know when they should use Cannot Comment as their response. This option will always display the Tool Tip "Cannot Comment - Choose this response if you haven't had enough interaction with (the reviewee) to be able to provide an evaluation".  


Work Plan Review_Rsponse Options

Start the review by selecting EditButton or double-clicking one of the objectives listed.

work plan_review2

Complete the Review Details for the objective, adding appropriate Comments.

Click save_go_next_button to save and proceed to the next Objective.  

Repeat the steps until all Objectives have been reviewed.

Click save_go_previous_button to save and return to a previous screen.

If the Work Plan Review cannot be completed at one time, click savebutton  to save your progress and close the review.

When all elements have been reviewed, the Status on the Review List will change to Completed and the Completed Date will populate.


A Note about the Evaluation Option “Cannot Comment”:  If an Objective cannot be completed due to extenuating circumstances, or if the Reviewer does not have enough information to appropriately evaluate an Objective, the Reviewer should mark “Cannot Comment” for that Objective.  The Objective will then be waived and will not be included in calculating the Learning and Growth Rating for that review.


Note:  When a review is started, the work plan becomes locked and can no longer be edited.



Work Plan Review Comments

The Competency Review Comments screen shows the general comments for the Competency Review. These comments appear on the printed Learning and Growth Report.

If the Review is locked the comments can only be viewed.

If the Review is not locked the comments can be edited.

1.Click CommentsButtonto open the Work Plan Review Comments window.

General comments_workplans

2.Click SaveButton to save the comments.  

3.Click CancelButton to close the window without saving the comments.




Click printbutton1to print the listing of objectives and evaluations as displayed on the screen.

Work plan review_print screen

Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


View Box

The additional functions available on this screen from the View Box are:


Printable Blank Review

This option displays a printable copy of the review with no responses chosen.

printable blank review_workplan


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer.


Printable Review-to-date

This option displays a printable copy of the review including any responses and comments.


printable review to date_workplan


Refer to the Report Frame section of the Help Topic Interacting With Encompassing Visions to learn how to use this Report Viewer