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This Administrative Function allows you to increase or decrease the licensing limits for Encompassing Visions. These licensing limits are called System Constraints and they can only be changed by obtaining an Authorization Key from Encompassing Visions Support Staff (


*NEW FEATURE as of Version

Expiry Date: enables the ability to control the expiry date by Job or Employees for our Subscription Model. All current clients(users) have been grandfathered in so there are no expiry dates.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over the Administration module icon and click the System Setup function Constraints to open the System Constraints screen:

Current Constraints List_expiry


Information about Jobs is shown on the left and Employees on the right

Lists the Current Job (Employees) Limit

Lists the number of Jobs (Employees) used

List the Jobs (Employees) remaining

Enter a new Authorization Key in the box and click SaveButton to apply a new key. If the Authorization Key is valid, the appropriate constraint will be updated and reflected in the counts. If the Authorization Key is not valid the constraint will not be updated and you will receive a message telling you why.

Click Cancel to clear the Authorization key field


Notes about Authorization Keys:

If you are increasing both Job and Employee limits both Authorization Keys must be entered separately.

Authorization Keys expire after one day so need to be applied the same day they are received.

Standard Copy and Paste functionality (CTRL+c, CTRL+v) can be used to copy the key from E-mail to the Authorization Key field.


When adding Jobs or adding Employees to the system, you will see messages when you are approaching and at your limit.


However, if these messages are overlooked you will be notified by confirmation messages when:

Job Constraint message


Employee Constraint message