Job Levels

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The Job Level Table organizes the points assigned to a job into points ranges or bands called Job Levels. After your organization has evaluated a number of jobs and determined the job evaluation point band structure using the Automated (Job) Questionnaire, the Job Level Table can to be customized to suit your organization.  This Administrative Function allows you to maintain this Job Level Table.


Note: During the initial installation of Encompassing Visions, this table is established with one default entry called ZONE01 with points range 1 to 9999. You will have to determine if you want to keep this entry as it is and build from it or delete it and start from an empty table. You can name your points ranges according to the terminology of your organization. E.g. Job Level 1, Salary Grade A, Point Band 1 etc.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over Jobs.  

Click Job Settings and click Job Levels.


Note: If an Alternate term for Job Level is established it will be reflected on this screen.



The selected Job Level is always displayed in a black bold font and defaults to the first entry in the list.

Double click the desired Job Level or select the desired Job Level and click View Actions > Edit to edit the selected Job Level.

Click View Actions > Add New to add a new Job Level.

Click View Actions > Delete to delete the selected Job Level (you will be asked to confirm the deletion).

Click View Go>View Linked Jobs to View the Jobs (Job Listing Report) whose total points fall into the points range for the selected Job Level.

pay bands view linked jobs


Check Box to include Employees on the Report

The list of Employees whose Evaluated Job Level falls into the points range for the Selected Job Level is displayed sorted by Employee Last Name.

The selected Job Level is shown at the top of the screen.


PayBands-Employees on Report Dialogue box


Consistency Check


Consistencycheck     JobLevelgap2


The Consistency Check is determined by the value of the Jobs>Job Settings> Job Levels> Ignore gaps in the job level list. To turn the Consistency Check on or off you have to change this policy.


When adding or editing a Job Level, the Consistency Check will ensure that:

the upper and lower values of different point ranges do not overlap.

there are no point gaps between the Job Levels.

all points fields (from or to) are validated to be 1 through 9999.


If the Consistency Check fails, a message is displayed giving you the opportunity to change the point band:



Editing Job Levels


Tip: Although you can edit the Job Level Table "From Value"  and "To Value" fields, it can be somewhat complicated because of the constraints you may want on the levels, the need to keep the levels from overlapping and the consistency checks performed by the system. You may find it easier to delete some entries prior to making changes. If you would like more information, please contact the Encompassing Visions support staff for assistance (


The Edit Job Level screen is used to edit Job Levels:

edit job level screen - detail screen

The Job Level field is a Primary Key and can not be changed.

The 'NEW" Description field enables an organization to enter in the salary values for each job level.

Click on SaveButton to save changes and refresh the table.

Click CancelButton to return to the table without saving changes.


Adding Job Levels

The Insert Job Level screen is used to add Job Levels:

insert a job level

Enter the Job Level, Description and the "From" and "To" Point Band Values.

Click SaveButton to save the information into the Job Level Table and to close the Insertion Screen.

Click the CancelButton button to return to the Job Level Table without saving changes


Note: This screen allows you to insert multiple consecutive entries. Each time you click Insert the screen is cleared and ready to enter the next Job Level. Make sure you have clicked Insert on your last entry because if you click Close with information still entered on the screen it will not get saved to the table. Use the Close button only after you have finished inserting all the entries you want to insert.


Viewing Linked Jobs

There are times when it may be desirable to know what jobs fall into each Job Level. A Job Listing Report is generated to display the list of Jobs:

Job Listing Report

The list will show all of the Active Jobs which have total points within the points range of the selected Job Level sorted by Job Title.

The selected Job Level is shown at the top of the screen.


Click View Go>View Linked Jobs

Check box to Include Employees on the Report to whose Evaluated Job Level matches the selected Job Level. (Job Listing Report).

pay bands-include employees on report



  pay bands2


Job Level Group(s)

ENCV enables organizations to manage multiple pay lines within the software.  In the Job Levels table, several different and distinct point band tables can now be created to accommodate unique stakeholder demands and market realities.  With one approach to job evaluation in ENCV, results get tracked into the point band table corresponding to the job being evaluated.  This new functionality will increase efficiency and understanding by having one common ‘measuring stick’ to evaluate all jobs across the organization.  It will enable organizations to maintain each of the separate pay structures they currently manage, but now more easily because they are all in one place.  There will be no change or impact on employee compensation based on the pay band group their job description is attached to, unless the job evaluation result suggests a change is appropriate. It will enable organizational management the option and flexibility to explore moving towards a common pay line for all job families over time.  NOTE: This multi-pay band feature is enabled by Policy.  



If required, the organization may insert a Job Level Group if more than the default Job Level Table is required.

Administrator Notes:

This functionality is driven by the policy Enable Multiple Pay Band Groups? Selecting YES will allow you to assign different pay bands to jobs. (Administration>Jobs).


Pay Band Group01


After your organization has evaluated a number of jobs and determined the job evaluation point band structure using the Automated (Job) Questionnaire, the Job Level Table can to be customized to suit your organization for the new pay band group.  



Job Levels with Description01

Adding Job Level Groups

The Insert Job Level Group screen is used to add Job Level Groups:

Add Pay Band Group

Enter the Job Level Group ID and Description.

The Job Level Group ID field is a Primary Key and can not be changed.

The Description field is editable to enable new values to be entered.

Click SaveButton to save the information into the Job Level Group Table and to close the Insertion Screen.

Click the CancelButton button to return to the Job Level Table without saving changes


Editing Job Level Groups


Edit Pay Band Group

The Pay Band Group ID and Description fields are editable to enable new values to be entered.

Click on SaveButton to save changes.

Click CancelButton to return to the table without saving changes.



Administrator Note:

If by chance, the policy is set to "Yes" to Enable the Multiple Pay Band Groups? and information has been entered in the Job Level Groups, Evaluated Jobs attached with Employees; your organization may choose to only use the default job level as per the initial installation of Encompassing Visions.


To cover this possibility/reversal, a rule has been applied to the policy which will bring up the following message:


Policy Rule_Job Levels