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This function allows you to create and maintain Resource information linked to Objectives.  Resource information is shown in both the upper table and the lower table of the work plans screen in the Resource Estimate column.


Note: Each Organization decides whether Resources are included in work plan objectives. Resources are enabled in the Objective Field Configurations.


Note: Resource Information is visible based on the objective configuration in effect when the work plan and its objectives were created.  If Resource was enabled when the work plan was created, the icon will appear in that work plan detail even if it is not enabled for current work plans.


To add Resource information

1.To add resource information, you can either select the objective in the lower table and click add2 in the lower table Actions bar, or click EditButton within the Objective Details screen.

2.In the Resource details screen, select add2 and complete the new resource information.

work plan_resource_new

3.SaveButton to close Resource information.

4.Cancel to previous screen.

Note: The Resource Estimate column in the lower table will populate with the resource information entered, as will the Resource Estimate column in the upper table.


To Edit Resource information

1.Highlight the resource to edit and select EditButtonin the Actions Bar.

2.The Resource Details screen will open.

3.Make the desired changes.

4.SaveButton to close.


To Delete Resource information

1.Highlight the resource to delete and select DeleteButtonin the Actions Bar.

2.Confirm Delete – OKButton to delete.

3.CancelButton to return to previous screen.


To Print Resource information

Select printbutton1 in the Actions bar in the lower table will print the work plan objective listing.PrintButton will print the objective resource cost listing that is highlighted.