Deactivating Skills

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Any Job a skill is attached to will be impacted by deactivating a skill because only active skills should be linked to Jobs.  We recommend that you run the Linked Jobs Report prior to deactivating a skill to determine which Jobs will be affected.  If the Job Count on the Skills and Certifications screen is zero then there are no linked Jobs. This also means that the skill will not be included in any future Competency Reviews for Employees.  We recommend that you run the Linked Reviews report. If the Review Count on the Skills and Certifications screen is zero then there are no linked Reviews.


When a skill that is linked to one or more jobs gets made inactive the system will ask for additional confirmation:




Click OKButtonto proceed with the deactivation.

Click CancelButton to cancel the deactivation.


The Job Skills screen in the Jobs function can be used to verify the removal of the skills from the Job.


Making the skill Inactive will not remove it from any Competency Reviews for Employees in the Jobs.  The skills in any in progress Review can not be changed so if updating this information is critical to the Review then it will have to be deleted and re-started. This is done by deleting the Reviewer in the Maintain Reviewers function.


The following are the other places in the system where the Skills that are assigned to a Job are displayed:

Job Description

Job Posting

Interview Guide


If a skill is reactivated it will have to be manually linked back to the jobs it belongs with in order for it to appear in any new Competency Reviews or Job Reports.