Level Type Maintenance

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Level Types are the generic names given to the different levels in the Organization. The Organization Level establishes where in the hierarchy each organization unit occurs. Common names for levels are Organization, Divisions, Department and Section. These Organization Levels are established as defaults in the setup of Encompassing Visions.


Level Type Maintenance is accessed using the View>Level Type Maintenance of the Maintain Organization Level screen.

The Maintain Organization Level screen is used to perform Organization Level maintenance:

Organization structure8

By default, the Org Ref and the Description are the same.

The selected Level Type is identified at the top of the screen below the action box.

The Active column indicates whether the Level Type is Active (True) or Inactive (False).

Click btn_add_24to add a new Level Type.

Double click the desired Level Type or select the desired Level Type and click btn_edit_24 to modify the selected Level Type.

Click btn_delete_24 to delete the selected Level Type (you will be asked to confirm the deletion).

Click btn_close_16 or Close tab to return to the Organization Structure screen.


Note: Only Organization Level Types that are not linked to an Organization Unit can be deleted.  Review your Organization Structure to determine what Organization Units have been linked to this Level Type. If you try to delete a Level Type that is linked to an Organization an error message will appear.


Add New Level Types

The Add Organizational Level screen is used to add Organization Level Types:

add organizational level screen

Org Level is the Primary Key for the Organization Level Types and must be unique (this is an internal identifier that is not shown elsewhere in the system).

Enter the desired information in the text boxes. The Description is what will be displayed in the system.

The Active box indicates whether the Organization Level Type is Active or Inactive; Active is checked checked, Inactive is unchecked unchecked.

Make the Organization Level Type Inactive by clicking the Active box to make it unchecked unchecked.

Make the Organization Unit Type Active by clicking the Active box to make it checked checked.

Clickbtn_save_24 to add the Organization Level Type and return to the Maintain Organization Level screen where the new Organization Level Type  will be included.

Click btn_cancel_24 to return to the Maintain Organization Level screen without saving the Organization Unit.


Edit Level Types

The Edit Organizational Level screen is used to modify existing Organization Level Types:

edit organizational level

This screen functions exactly the same as the Add Level Types screen except:

It displays the information for the selected Level Type.

The Org Level field is the Primary Key and can not be changed.

Click btn_save_24 to save the changes to the selected Level Type and return to the Maintain Organization Level screen with the changes reflected in the list.

Click btn_cancel_24to return to the Maintain Organization Level screen without saving changes.