Using the Help

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The Help is structured to match the High Level Modules within Encompassing Visions and the functions of each module.


Moving through the Help

Version 2019.2.0

house-main2_zoom6 , back_button_black_zoom5 ,forward_button_black,

The buttons at the top right corner of the help screens will move through the help:

house-main2 house-main2_zoom6 returns to the start of the Manual (the Introduction topic)


back_button_black back_button_black moves to the previous topic

forward_button_black forward_button_black moves to the next topic


Open/Close Topics

Topics with a questionmarkbeside them do not have any sub-topics

Topics with a ClosedBookIcon beside then have sub-topics that are not currently open

Topics with a OpenBookIcon beside them have sub-topics that are open

Click the ClosedBookIcon to open the sub-topics for that topic

Click the OpenBookIcon to close the sub-topics for that topic


Changing the Screen Size


Click on the bar between the Table of Contents and the Help Topic and move the bar left or right to change the size of the Table of Contents and Topic information.


Tips for using the Help

Items that are underlined and in blue are links. Clicking on one of these links will take you to another topic in the help that provides more information about the subject you were viewing.

Many of the links refer back to either the Glossary of Terms or sections in the Interacting with Encompassing Visions topics to provide definitions or assistance with completing the task (e.g. the word select is often a word that links back to a section of Interacting with Encompassing Visions to describe how to select a row or make a selection from a pick list).

Using the index can be a good way to find specific topics if you are unsure which module to look in. Double clicking an item in the index will take you to the relevant topic in the Help.

Important notes, tips and reminders are displayed in rust-colored italics.


For More Help

The Help is also available as a PDF file on the Encompassing Visions installation . It can then be printed as a hard-copy User Manual.


If you can't find what you are looking for in the Help, please contact Encompassing Visions Support Staff (