System Settings>Access Control

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On the Main Menu, move your mouse over Administration in the navigation bar to open the Administration sub-menu.

click System Settings to open the System Policies.


Main Menu 5


Click the Access Control icon to open the Access Control screen.



This policy governs the accessibility to Domains within Encompassing Visions, and (when enabled) for creating/viewing/editing specific Domains required by the organization.



Enable Domains? (facilitate Sub-Administration access levels)

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:




When set to Yes, this functionality enables the assigned user with secure, limited access to job-related information defined by the Domain itself.

The Administration sub-menu will now contain access to the Domains page.


When set to No, the access is unavailable.



Clicking the DOMAINS button will re-direct you to the Domains page. Here you will set-up domains as required by the organization.