Strategic Alignment Settings>Strategic Alignment

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From the Main Menu move the mouse over Strategic Alignment in the navigation bar and click Strategic Alignment Settings to open the Strategic Alignment Policies.

Strategic Alignment Settings_Strategic Alignment



Do you use Core Competencies?

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:


Note: Disabling this policy means that the following will be hidden for all users:

Strategic Alignment module - Competency Alignment Survey and Competency Alignment Survey Results.

Include Core Competencies as a report option within the Organizational Learning and Growth module.


Core competencies are defined by which Job Group?

Possible Values:

All Job Groups defined in the system

Default Value:



In setting the values and required competencies of the organization, it may be appropriate to select a particular Job Group whose influence and understanding is particularly critical to the achievement of the strategic plan.

The choice of the Job Group will establish which list of competencies (as surveyed in Competency Alignment Surveys) to display as the CORE Competencies of the Organization.

The Job Groups are customized in the Administration Function Maintain Reference Files "Core Tables"  Function.


Show inactive competencies in Competency Alignment Surveys?

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:



Competencies can be deactivated for the system (see Edit Competencies).

This Policy identifies whether to include inactive competencies on the Competency Alignment Survey and results.


Number of Competencies to display in the Survey Results (1-38)

Possible Values:

1 through 38

Default Value:



CORE Competencies are the particular Competencies considered to be most important to achieving organizational strategies.

This policy enables an organization to set the number of CORE Competencies it wishes to display in the Organizational Learning and Growth function of the Analysis module.

The maximum is 38, but an organization may wish to display fewer than that number in order to focus attention on those competencies deemed to be most critical.


Do you want to keep Memo Notes confidential to the team?

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:



If this policy is set to Yes then only Administrative Users, Leads of parent Organization Units in the Organization structure and members of the selected Organization unit can view the information stored in the memo notes field. This allows confidential information for the team to be entered into the field.

If this policy is set to No, all users can view the memo notes information.


Do you want to keep Employee assignments confidential to the team?

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:



If this policy is set to Yes then only Administrative Users, Leads of parent Organization Units in the Organization structure and members of the selected Organization unit can view the employee assignments for each Organizational Goal/Objective. This allows employee assignments to remain confidential to the team.

If this policy is set to No, all users can view the memo notes information.


Do you track Objective Type with your Organizational Objectives?

Possible Values:

Yes, No

Default Value:



If this policy is set to Yes, the Objective Type field will be included for viewing and data entry in the Organizational Objectives function. The Objective Type matches the field used in the Work Plans function and allows for linkage between the Organizational Objective and specific Employee Work Plan Objectives.

If this policy is set to No, the field is not shown in the Organizational Objectives function.