Rules For Building Domains

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Rules Available for Building Domains

Introduction to terms:


The 6 “Attribute Criteria”:

oJob Family

oJob Group

oJob Level Group


oWork Unit

oOrganization Unit (optionally including sub-units)


Other special criteria:

oIndividual Jobs

ochild Domains


The 6 Attribute Criteria


Each criterion must be assigned with either the “and” or “or” operator.  

o(These could also be called the intersect and union operators, respectively.)

Each criterion can optionally be inverted, which is called the “not” operator.

Example: Domain A consists of:

oand Jobs in Job Family A

oand Jobs not in Job Group B

oor Jobs in Location C

oor Jobs not in Work Unit D

oNote that this doesn’t make for good English, to start the list with an “and”.  Starting with an “or” wouldn’t make sense either.  When we get to the logic rules, you’ll see how we deal with that.

Special case: if there is only one criterion, the or/and is completely ignored.  Examples:

oDomain B:  “and Jobs in Job Family E”

oDomain C: “or Jobs in Job Family E”

oBoth Domain B and C are equivalent and can both be rephrased to simply “Jobs in Job Family E”.


Rules for Individual Domains


This is the logic for how it is determined which Jobs belong to an individual Domain:


1.Additive Phase:

oFor the Attribute Criteria with Or operators (if any), all the Jobs from the criteria are added into a big pile.


2.Subtractive Phase:

oThen, each of the Attribute Criteria with And operators (if any) is considered:
any Jobs in the big pile that don’t match the Attribute Criteria are removed from the pile.

(If there were no Or criteria, the first And operator is treated as an Or, to create the initial big pile of Jobs.)


3.Explicit Whitelist: (additive)

oAny individual Jobs assigned to the Domain (without the Not operator, if any) are added to the big pile.  This step acts like a forceful whitelist that supercedes both the additive and subtractive phases.


4.Explicit Blacklist:

oAny individual Jobs assigned to the Domain with the Not operator (if any) are removed from the big pile.  This step acts like a forceful blacklist that supercedes the additive and whitelist phases.

Note on whitelist and blacklist: If it’s challenging to get the Attribute Criteria exactly right for your needs because of how your Organization has classified Jobs, you can always force the last few Jobs to be included or excluded using the whitelist or blacklist.


Note: the User Interface will restrict you from adding the Job to both the blacklist and whitelist.  The blacklist wins, so a Job will be removed from the whitelist when added to the blacklist.


Rules for Compound Domains


Compound Domains (also called parent Domains) have one or more child Domains attached.  They use a lot of the same sort of logic as Individual Domains, but with some extra steps injected for child Domains:


1.Additive Phase:

a.For the parent Domain’s Attribute Criteria with Or operators, all the Jobs from the criteria are added into a big pile, like it would be if it was an Individual Domain.

b.For each child Domain that is attached to the parent via the Or operator: the child Domain’s Jobs are added to the big pile.

2.Subtractive Phase:

a.The parent Domain’s Attribute Criteria specified with And operators are applied like they were in an Individual Domain: any Jobs in the big pile that do not match the Attribute Criteria specified with And operators are removed from the big pile.

b.For each child Domain that is attached to the parent via the And operator, its Jobs are collected into a child pile.  Any Jobs that are not in the child pile are removed from the big pile.

3.Explicit Whitelist:

a.Any individual Jobs assigned to the parent Domain (without the Not operator, if any) are added to the big pile.

b.(Child Domain whitelists aren’t considered here.  They were already applied as part of the Additive and Subtractive Phases.)

4.Explicit Blacklist:

a.Any individual Jobs assigned to the parent Domain with the Not operator (if any) are removed from the big pile.

b.(Child Domain blacklists aren’t considered here.  They were already applied as part of the Additive and Subtractive Phases.)


Additional Rules:


Domains can be nested several layers deep, in which case the above rules loop (recurse), starting with Individual Domains and working to build up the hierarchy until it can be determined which Jobs belong to the top level Domain.  

Domains cannot have themselves as descendants.