Learning and Growth Tutorial for ENCV Administrators (Competencies Only) |
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ENCV System Administrator Guide - Competencies Learning and Growth Reviews Learning and Growth reviews will always be more accurate, objective and meaningful when input and feedback are consistently anchored to job-specific expectations. That’s what Encompassing Visions (ENCV) does. Based on the roles you and your staff are specifically responsible for, ENCV will enable each person’s contributions to be measured at the individual, team and organizational level. Let’s start by talking about Competency reviews. Competency Reviews
Competency reviews focus on the job-specific and strategically relevant behaviours and the technical skills expected to be demonstrated by each person in the organization because of the job they are in.
The importance of a competency in each job is software-identified from Job Descriptions and Job Evaluation results stored in ENCV. As soon as an employee is attached to a particular job in the ENCV database, the software is able to ensure every Learning and Growth review will always be anchored to what each job incumbent is uniquely paid to do.
As an Administrator of the software, this should save you significant preparation time (and potentially some stress) because you won’t need to figure out what should be included in competency reviews for each Supervisor/Manager or their subordinates. The software will prompt everyone involved in each person’s Learning and Growth review with the same job-specific questions.
And please remember, if at any time someone in the organization feels the importance of a specific behavioural competency is under or over-rated, or the technical skills listed in the Learning and Growth review are not the right or even the best one’s, be sure to encourage them to speak with the Human Resources Department. There may be a requirement to update the linked Job Description and Job Evaluation result.
Adding a New User If a new Supervisor or Employee needs to be added into ENCV in order for them to participate in the Learning and Growth review process, hover over Administration in the Navigation bar and select the option ‘Users’.
A list of current users populates the screen. To add a new user, select ‘Add’
The User Details form appears.
Complete the information required, keeping in mind that the UserID is a primary key for the record and cannot be altered. Note: The Password will be changed upon first log in by the user, so a generic password can be entered here. Just remember what it is to tell them! Also, if your organization is large and users are frequently needing to be added/deleted from the ENCV database, contact ENCV to ask about our Data Integration module for automatically updating your ENCV database from your organizations HRIS or Payroll system.
About ‘Profiles’ Your Human Resources Department will help you to determine the profile needed for each new user.
Completing a Competency Review 1.Supervisors/Managers (as well as their direct reports completing an ‘INCUMBENT’ review) will be navigated directly to the Complete/Print Review screen when they log in. On that screen they will see their name as well as a) the names of any direct reports and b) the names of others in the organization who have asked to receive learning and growth feedback as part of a multi-rater (360 degree) learning and growth review. Each required review will have a review period and the date by which the Competency Review is to be completed. They are encouraged to start reviews and include supporting comments at any time during the review period. If they do, they just need to make sure they save their input at the end of each session by clicking on the (SAVE) icon. As the Administrator, you just need to ensure that all reviews are entirely completed by the ‘Due Date’ showing.
Note: As mentioned earlier, the Competency Review questions they will be answering are automatically generated by the software and will always be based on what the job incumbent is specifically paid to do.
Only the most important Competencies in a person’s job will have detailed questions attached, and that threshold of what defines ‘Importance’ was set as an organizational standard by your executive management team. So, if you see a dash (‘-‘) in the Competency row, it means there are no sub-review questions because the Competency did not reach the threshold of importance in the Incumbents job.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IMPORTANT! - All competencies do NOT have to be reviewed at one time. In fact, it will possibly be better, more thoughtful feedback if the reviewer doesn’t try to do it all at once. Reviews in the Encompassing Visions software system can be saved and returned to at any point during the review period. The software will keep the review open, even if every Competency has already been reviewed, until the ‘Due Date’ has been reached.
OR To facilitate the process of completing Learning and Growth Reviews, ENCV is now available as a Mobile App on your Android/iOS cell phone or tablet. See Mobile App, for more information. Copying a Completed ‘INCUMBENT’ Review Through a Policy setting in the software, Encompassing Visions can be set up to enable a Supervisor/Manager to copy the ‘INCUMBENT’ Competency review of a direct report (when the review is for the same review period and has already been completed by the incumbent). This functionality may prove valuable to Supervisors/Managers because it provides them with upfront information about staff perspectives on how well they think they did during the review period. It also has the potential to save them time in the completion of direct report Competency reviews. With copying, all responses and comments entered by the incumbent will be migrated into what will then become the ‘SUPERVISOR’ review. The original ‘INCUMBENT’ review remains in the software database, unchanged. At this point, the Supervisor/Manager can make whatever changes and comments they think are necessary in their review, knowing that it will now reflect the Supervisor/Managers perspective, and how well they correlate with the perspectives of the person being reviewed. Please note that by default the related Policy setting is set to be enabled but can be disabled by going to Administration in the navigation bar, then choosing Policies>Employees>’Do you want to allow supervisors to copy their employees incumbent review?’ and changing the Policy value to ‘No’.
Checking Your Progress!! At the top of the Competency Review screen, the reviewer will notice an indicator that shows the review status and information about how many Competencies in the review have been completed.
Print Review-to-date On some occasions it may be more convenient to print the Learning and Growth review on paper in order to complete it (i.e., when internet connectivity is limited or not possible). If that is the case, and a review (already started) is needed to be completed offline – a.In the ‘Employees module’, select the Employee name in the table with a single click of the mouse b.From the ‘Actions’ box, select c.Select the “Review” from within the reviews screen. The review will be “In-Progress.” d.From the ‘View’ drop down list select the ‘’Printable Review-to-Date.” e.Click the “green arrow” f.The Competency Review will print to the screen. g.Print, Save or Export the report
Note: The option ‘Print Review-to-Date’ displays a printable copy of the review that includes any responses and comments that were previously entered into the software by the Supervisor/Manager or Employee for that specific review. Reviews BY Subordinates for their Direct Reports This function enables Supervisors/Managers to have a look at Learning and Growth reviews being completed by direct reports who are reviewing the Manager’s indirect reports. It will tell the Supervisor/Manager whether reviews of indirect reports have been started so they can follow up in a timely fashion to ensure they get done on time. It will also enable them to potentially address any areas of concern with the review well before the review is considered complete and approved by their direct reports and the employee under their supervision. Access is restricted based on the organizational relationships of the person logged in. a.Note: For CONFIDENTIALITY reasons, this function is disabled for any direct report self-assessments (i.e., ‘INCUMBENT’ reviews).
If the Status of a review is showing ‘Not Started’, you will also notice that the Printing A Learning and Growth Report
•Scroll over the Employees header in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. •Select “Employees”.
a.Filter the employee list as required. If you need to see all the employees, simply clear filters ( b.Select the employees name (will be bolded in black). c.In the ‘Actions’ box click ‘
d.Select Employee Learning and Growth Report. e.Default Filter parameters will be displayed. Make sure the ‘Role’ and date range for when the review was ‘Completed’ are accurate. It might be of value to include comments from others if there were more than just your review completed during the selected review period. Select ‘All Reviewer Comments’ if you would like to include them in the system generated Learning and Growth report, then click the green ‘OK’ button.
Please note that only responses from the selected reviewer role will be included in the calculated Learning and Growth rating. Further, ENCV ensures that individuals printing a Learning and Growth report for themselves – regardless of the ‘Role’ they select – are limited to only seeing their personal (i.e., ‘INCUMBENT’) review. One more thing… If the Supervisors/Managers are seeing the ‘INCUMBENT’ comments showing up twice in the report, its because they didn’t delete the ‘INCUMBENT’ comments in their ‘SUPERVISOR’ review when they copied the ‘INCUMBENT’ review. Please advise them to do that now.
Ideally, before the review ‘Due Date’ has been reached, the Supervisor/Manager should plan to meet with each staff member separately to review and finalize the documentation. If they believe changes are appropriate to make following discussion(s) with the employee, the Supervisor/Manager should make them in their ‘SUPERVISOR’ review.
Competency Rating Calculations Competency ratings in ENCV are significantly influenced by two things: 1) the relative importance (from 1 to 10) of each competency in the job the incumbent is paid to do, and 2) how well job incumbents are demonstrating those job competencies. In this way, incumbents performing very important job competencies at a high level will likely realize a very good overall competency rating in ENCV, even if some lesser important job competencies are not performed at the same level of proficiency. In the Employee Learning and Growth Report, the job competency ‘Importance Rating’ assigned to each listed competency is system-generated based on the Job Description and Job Evaluation process that determined the job level / compensation range for the job. Having this direct link (unique to ENCV) helps to ensure a clear and consistent understanding of expectations and deliverables between the incumbent and their supervisor. It also guarantees that Learning and Growth ratings are truly based on what the job incumbent is paid to do, not what the employee or supervisor thought the job required. Feedback objectivity is supported by ENCV as it enables one or multiple reviewers to provide Learning and Growth feedback for individuals on their team. Objectivity is further supported with multiple detailed questions that are system prompted for every competency that has a high ‘Importance Rating’ (usually 7 or higher) in the job performed by the person being reviewed. Having detailed questions ensures measures are more consistent and reviews more thorough. Any competencies scored as ‘Cannot Comment’ are excluded from all calculations within ENCV. That ensures a person’s ‘Overall Competency Rating’ is not inappropriately effected - positively or negatively. So, lets have a look at how the calculations work... 1.In the Employee Learning and Growth Report, each listed Competency has an ‘Importance Rating’ that is unique to the job the employee is assigned. As mentioned, this ‘Importance Rating’ comes directly from the Job Description and Job Evaluation process (i.e., it is tied directly to what the job incumbent is paid to do.) 2.The report will list the number of people (# of Reviewers) who completed a Learning and Growth review for the employee during the selected review period. 3.Any reviewers who couldn’t evaluate a competency will be counted under the ‘Cannot Comment’ column. 4.The ‘Response Average (max 5 or 10)’ reflects the rating scale that reviewers used (1-5, or 1-10) to respond to Competency review questions in the Learning and Growth review. The number in this column attached to each Competency is the specific response (if one question) or the average of all detailed responses calculated by ENCV to three (3) decimal places. 5.The numbers showing in the ‘Evaluated Points’ column are the result of multiplying ‘Importance Rating’ x ‘# of Reviews’ x ‘Response Average’ - a.The total actual ‘Evaluated Points’ are calculated by the software by adding up the individual ‘Evaluated Points’ for each competency listed/reviewed; b.The total potential ‘Evaluated Points’ are calculated by the software by adding up what the total number would have been if the incumbent had received a perfect rating (5/5 or 10/10) for every competency listed/reviewed; c.Dividing the ‘total actual’ points by the ‘total potential’ points and multiplying the result by 5 (or 10, depending on the rating scale used) determines the Learning and Growth Rating to three (3) decimal places. This number is displayed under the column headed ‘Evaluated Rating’. 6.The resulting number is then mapped into the Competency Summary table displayed in the report to provide terminology and definition to the Learning and Growth rating calculated by the software. Archive and Approve a Learning and Growth Report If your organization has determined that Learning and Growth Reports are to be electronically archived and approved, the Supervisor/Manager should - 1.Generate the Learning and Growth report by selecting the ‘Complete/Print Reviews’ option under ‘Employees’ in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Select the employee from the list and be sure to include the appropriate Reviewer(s) and Review Period. 2.Click the 3.Next, click the Archive Report button in the ‘Actions’ bar at the top of the Learning and Growth Report screen.
A notice will be generated by the software advising if you want to archive the report. a.By selecting ’OK’, the system will then generate a notice advising the report has been archived. By selecting ‘OK’, the system will take the Supervisor/Manager to the archived reports list and highlight the review just archived. •The Supervisor/Manager should now request the Employee to log into the software and ask them to click on the ‘Archived Learning and Growth Reports’ option under ‘Employees’ in the header bar. The Employee should then review and complete the ‘Employee Comments’ section at the bottom of the Archived report, tick the box labelled ‘Reviewed’, and then be sure to ‘Save’ the information by clicking on the ‘Save’ icon.
•Once the Employee has entered their comments and designated the Learning and Growth report as ‘Reviewed’, the Supervisor/Manager can now see the ‘Employee Comments’ entered, designate the report as ‘Reviewed’ by them as the ‘Lead’, and then click on the ‘Save’ icon. (Note: If the Supervisor/Manager has any issues or concerns with what the employee entered in the ‘Employee Comments’ section, these should be discussed and resolved at this time. To make any change to Employee Comments, the employee must first remove their ‘Reviewed’ designation for the archived report. They need to be logged into ENCV to do this. Alternatively, if the Supervisor/Manager has generated the report and he or she is reviewing it with the employee on their computer monitor, the employee can remove their ‘Reviewed’ status - and prove they are in fact the employee - by entering their ENCV password when prompted.) b.If “Cancel” is selected, the system will close the screen. The Archived report will have been saved, but without any comments or a ‘Reviewed’ designation in the software. That information will still need to be entered at another time. When the Reviewer and Reviewee are ready to, instruct them to follow the same simple steps outlined above (i.e., navigate to ‘Employees’, click on the ‘Archived Learning and Growth Reports’ option, select the specific Archived Learning and Growth report they are looking for, and double click the mouse.) Adding Additional Reviewers As highlighted earlier, ENCV automatically sets up the secured ability for you, and each member of the different Organizational units to do self-assessments. Called ‘INCUMBENT’ reviews in the software, this functionality enables people to communicate how well they think they demonstrated the Competencies required in their roles.
For each Supervisor/Manager or Team Lead, they will also automatically be asked to review the job-specific behaviours and technical skills demonstrated by their direct reports - called ‘SUPERVISOR’ reviews.
Sometimes it is helpful to also invite others to provide Learning and Growth feedback from a ‘Client’, ‘Peer’, or ‘Subordinate’ perspective. With more diverse perspectives about the behaviours and technical skills demonstrated, there is a heightened probability that the summarized Learning and Growth feedback will be more thorough and objective - and perceived as so.
By default, the Policy setting that allows Supervisors/Managers to add Reviewers for staff reporting directly or indirectly to them is enabled. You can change it by going to Employees in the navigation bar, then choosing Employee Settings > Reviews > Do you want to allow Leads/Supervisors to add/delete reviewers in the Complete Reviews page? and select ‘No’ as the Policy Value. 1.Identify and agree with the employee about who may be best suited to be an additional Reviewer, and request that persons permission/approval to be added as a ‘Reviewer’. 2.Go to the ‘Employees’ option in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select the option ‘Complete/Print Reviews’. On the Complete/Print Reviews’ screen, single click on the name of the employee they want to add a reviewer for, and then click on the add 3.The ‘Insert Reviewer’ screen will open. 4. The ‘Reviewee’ will be the name of the employee they have previously selected to add a reviewer to. 5.Search for the name of the person they would like to add as the ‘Reviewer’. In the ‘Reviewer’ text field, begin typing either their first or last name. The system will suggest people who match their search criteria from within. 6.Select the ‘Role’ of the Reviewer based on their relationship with the Reviewee. Click on the arrow down to see the available options. 7.Review ‘Type’ will default to the selected (highlighted) review and cannot be changed. See the example provided above. Kendal Irving and his ‘Competency’ review have been selected, which is why the ‘Competency’ review is the selected default in this filter. 8.Carefully review to make sure the review default dates (‘Start Date’, ‘End Date’, and ‘Due Date’) are correct. 9.Click the ‘Save’ icon to add the Reviewer, or ‘Cancel’ if they decide not to add them as a Reviewer.
If the Organization has chosen to ‘not’ turn on the policy for Supervisors/Managers to add a Reviewer; then you, as the ‘System Administrator,’ may add reviewers on behalf of the Supervisor/Managers. a.Identify with the Supervisor/Manager who will be required to be added as a Reviewer after ensuring that persons permission/approval to be added as a ‘Reviewer’. b.Go to the ‘Employees’ option in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select the option ‘Employees’. c.Single click on the name of the employee they want to add a reviewer for. d.On the ‘Employees’ screen, select ‘Add/Edit Reviewers for Selected Employee ( e.From the ‘REVIEWS FOR…..’ screen, click on the add f.The ‘Add Review to….’ screen will open. g.Search for the name of the person they would like to add as the ‘Reviewer’. In the ‘Reviewer’ text field, begin typing either their first or last name. The system will suggest people who match the search criteria. h.Select the ‘Role’ of the Reviewer based on the relationship with the Reviewee. Click on the arrow down to see the available options. i.‘Review ‘Type’ will default to the selected (highlighted) review. j.Carefully review to make sure the review default dates (‘Start Date’, ‘End Date’, and ‘Due Date’) are correct. k.Click the ‘Save’ icon to add the Reviewer, or ‘Cancel’ if it is decided not to add them as a Reviewer. l.When the added new ‘Reviewer’ next enters the ‘Complete/Print Reviews’ module of ENCV, they will now see the name of the employee they agreed to provide Learning and Growth feedback for. Locked Reviews Your organization will have set a time limit for the length of time that reviews are available to be edited after they are completed. This time limit could be days or weeks, depending on what the organization prefers. What this means for the reviewer is that they can complete the review in Encompassing Visions and then go back and make changes until the review is locked. The reviewer can enter responses and add notes to the Competency review throughout the review period. The review will not lock until a) the review itself has been completed, b) the review due date has passed, and/or c) the Lock period has been exceeded. As the Administrator, you can view these Policy settings for Competency Reviews by navigating to Employees in the navigation bar, then selecting Employee Settings > Core Tables > Category (pulldown arrow) > Review Type > Competency and then double click to edit ‘Lock Period’. Completed and locked reviews cannot be modified by Employees or Supervisors/Managers. If a change to a locked Review is required, it must first be unlocked by the Administrator as only they have that system authority. Please note that even for you as the system Administrator, a review can only be unlocked if it was completed/locked no later than for last year's review period. To unlock a Competency Review, go to Employees in the navigation bar, select Employees > single click on the employee name with the locked review > select ‘Add/Edit Reviewers for Selected Employee ( Note: The Review status can only be changed to incomplete (IN PROGRESS). As the Administrator you will not be able to mark the review Complete. The Reviewer must go back to the Review and make any necessary changes for the review status to be reset to Complete. Review Notifications Administrators have the ability to identify and advise reviewers (organization-wide or department-specific) of upcoming/late Learning and Growth reviews. Please consult with your IT department prior to turning on notifications. See Policies located in the Administration Module. "Administration > System Settings > Email". These policies enable notifications to be sent from the application. This function will generate system-wide E-mail notifications to remind Reviewers to complete upcoming Learning and Growth Reviews and when Learning and Growth Reviews are overdue. It uses the Expected Review Date of the Reviewers to determine which Reviewers are to be notified. Core Tables, in the Employee Module under Employee Settings, contains the E-mail Message Defaults that are available to view and customize the base text for the messages. Notifications can be sent to a selected group of Reviewers from the Reviewers Notification function in the Employees module. •Click ‘OK’ to generate (run) the Reviewer Notification Report. •Click •Click ‘Cancel’ to close.
1.Click 2.Click ’OK’ to run the notifications. After the system has processed the notifications, a status window explains how many reviewer notification message(s) have been successfully created for delivery and how many were not created due to missing (blank) email addresses.
Example of a Review Notification 1.Click 2.Click Organizational Learning and Growth Developing employees makes good business sense because it communicates a genuine interest in their future. Training builds loyalty and engagement while increasing productivity because talented people appreciate meaningful support when coaching and mentoring are made available to them. And, the most effective programs emphasize a correlation between personal development and Learning and Growth review feedback; that way, people can clearly see that their career growth and success requires evolving their expertise through training. But like other capital investments, senior management needs to know what the measurable outcomes of employee development will be so they can accurately determine rates of return. ENCV consolidates employee Learning and Growth feedback to any required level within your organization. In the process it quantifies training needs, identifies potential mentors, and enables the impact of training investments to be measured. Further, it magnifies the importance of continuing to invest in employee development when improvement is quantified and can be seen to closely correlate with the Learning and Growth targets of the organization (e.g., increased efficiency, revenue growth, expense management, productivity, etc.). The software can quickly consolidate information to show you in a dashboard graphic how well each department is performing vis-a-vis the organization as a whole. Information generated includes a detailed breakdown of competency strengths and weaknesses, and a prioritized list of training needs so the organization can immediately 1) know which training investments have the greatest potential to impact team Learning and Growth, and 2) track year over year changes in team Learning and Growth to verify that training investments had the expected impact on improving team Learning and Growth.
On the navigation bar at the top of the screen, hover your mouse over the header labelled ‘Analysis’ and select ‘Organizational Learning and Growth’.
The ‘Organizational Learning and Growth’ screen enables you to select specific reports that relate to 1) summarized information about the area of organizational responsibility, or 2) employee-specific information about people who work within the area of organizational responsibility.
A filter will be displayed for determining what specific information you would like to include in the analyses based on the report being generated.
Select any area of the organization from the pull-down options that you have been asked to generate the report for.
Complete the rest of the filter options displayed to ensure ENCV generated reports will include only the information you want to see.
‘Organization’ Learning and Growth Dashboard
‘Employee’ Learning and Growth Dashboard
• ‘Strengths’ will have already been defined by your organization in ENCV. People with competency Learning and Growth evaluations at or above that definition will be identified as having a Strength in these reports. Employees with a strength in certain Competencies or Skills may be able to offer support or training to others in the organization (mentor matching). Knowing employee strengths will also help determine whether the organization is building up the capacity to support the achievement of short and longer term operational and strategic goals.
•‘Development Opportunities’ are competencies that have been identified by ENCV based on the size of the ‘gap’ between each person’s demonstrated Learning and Growth of the competency AND the importance of the competency in each person’s job. Consequently, the order displayed in graphs represents priority ranked competencies for improving individual and team Learning and Growth. Knowing employee development opportunities helps to focus individual, team and organization-wide training plans. It also enables your organization to measure the impact of training through year over year analysis of competency Learning and Growth changes – always measured to three decimal places.
Tracking Competency Strengths (Organization / Employee)
‘Competency/Technical Strengths’ reports provide the names of employees who could be potential ‘mentors’ to others based on the level of Learning and Growth they have demonstrated in their current work.
‘Competency/Technical Development Opportunities’ reports provide details about people in the organization who would benefit from specific training and development opportunities because their Learning and Growth does not indicate these important competencies/technical skills are a ‘Strength’. Succession Planning Due to the highly sensitive nature of this information, only Administrators are given access to this module. This function utilizes Learning and Growth history (the behaviours, as well as technical skill proficiencies demonstrated) to generate a prioritized list of Employees who could move into a specific job. For employees, this means Learning and Growth history counts. How Employees develop and demonstrate both job specific and organizationally relevant competencies in their current job will significantly impact their future career opportunities within the organization. For supervisors, the software identifies and prioritizes the names of the best internal candidates based on competency fit, all in a matter of seconds. It calculates the likely Learning and Growth of candidates as if they had been in the job last year. It identifies the top developmental needs they will have (based on Learning and Growth history) if they are assigned the job, enabling developmental training to begin at any time. For management, Encompassing Visions ensures that the Succession Planning process supports organizational values and the achievement of organizational objectives. It ensures that succession planning decisions reflect both WHAT is needed to be done, and HOW it is expected to be accomplished - today, and in the future. a.Go to the ‘Analysis’ option in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select the option ‘Succession Planning’. All jobs in the system are displayed sorted by Job titles. Note: Succession Planning is not available for any job not yet approved b.Single click on the title of the Job you would like to query for a candidate. c.Click the d.The ‘Succession Planning Parameters’ screen will open. This screen allows you to choose parameters to make the candidate list as meaningful as possible. If you choose to include skills, the analysis will look at the skills linked to each Employee’s file in ENCV to determine if the Employee has the skills that are required for the job, regardless of whether their current job requires those skills be applied. e.Click ‘OK’ to generate the candidates queried for the position. •The Job being queried is identified at the top of the screen. •The list of candidates is sorted by New Job Score (descending) so the Employee who is the best fit is at the top of the list. •The Current Job Score is the Employee's overall evaluation in the current job. •The New Job Score is how the Employee would score in the new (queried) job after job competencies have been adjusted for relative level of Learning and Growth (using the Competency importance ratings for the queried job).
Organizational Learning and Growth Available in Encompassing Visions, these graphical and analytical reports effectively communicate and track Learning and Growth details at an individual contributor, team and organization-wide level. Reporting on job–specific behavioural and technical skills demonstrated, the software provides both detailed and summarized information about who is doing what, how well, and to what benefit.
Many of these aggregate reports are found in their related modules, and specifically in the ‘Organizational Learning and Growth’ area of the ‘Analysis’ module.
Under the sub-heading ‘Learning and Growth Review Summary Reports’, much of this detailed information about people and team Learning and Growth is available for analytical comparisons over time.
1.Go to the ‘Analysis’ option in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select the option ‘Organizational Learning and Growth’.
Employee Learning and Growth Review Summary Report The Employee Learning and Growth Review Summary Report gives a listing of the overall Learning and Growth Evaluation, as calculated in the Learning and Growth Report, for each of the selected Employees. The view for generating this report: •Competency Assessments
Completing Reviews with the Mobile App As mentioned earlier, to facilitate the process of completing Learning and Growth Reviews, ENCV is now available as a Mobile App on your Android/iOS cell phone or tablet. The new app is available from https://app.encv.com and with the latest version of Encompassing Visions.
The main menu of the app allows the user to: •Login, •See Server connection, •Open the fundamentals •Reset their password,
•Enable the 'Remember Me' function of the application. •Version of the app
The mobile app has the same functionality and feel as what the Supervisor/Manager and the Employees will see on their desktop. The
Complete/Print Reviews By default, an incumbent and their Supervisor/Manager will be set up to do these reviews. These defaults, and the terms used to define these review types, may have been altered to match procedures and terminology within your organization. The Review List screen lists all of the reviews that the Reviewer is required to complete. By default, the list is sorted so that the reviews most urgently requiring their attention - the incomplete reviews and the reviews with the earliest due date - are at the top of the list. Also by default, the list displays reviews that are for the Current Review Period being completed by your organization.
Entering the App •When entering the mobile app, the user will see the following on their Review screen: •Reviews that need to be completed, oA Progress Bar along with a percentage indicator identifies how many Competencies have been reviewed so far. •Reviews that are not started, oA line through the percentage indicator and a gray progress bar indicates the review is Not Started. •Reviews that are in progress, oThe percentage indicator marked 0% and gray progress bar indicates the review is In Progress. •Reviews that are completed. oA check mark and a dark gray progress bar indicates the review is Completed.
The Review Process is the same as completing on desktop. However, the Supervisor/Manager is not able to copy an ‘Incumbent’ review and save it as a ‘Supervisor’ review at this time.
Tooltips for Response Options The tooltips for the response options are located in the Help icon (below the navigation bar). •Click the
Note: All reviews are automatically saved to your server. This is indicated by the following:
Mobile App Updates If a new version is available, there should be a green button at the bottom of your screen:
•Clicking the “New Version Available” button reloads the app, which should update it to the latest version. •Similar functionality has been added to the About screen.
Why Encompassing Visions?... ENCV is based on the principles of Objectivity, Accountability and Respect. •Learning and Growth reviews and ratings are more Objective because they are always based on what a person is specifically paid to do - nothing more, nothing less;
•The process ensures Accountability because expectations and Learning and Growth measures can be clearly communicated before the year even begins, they don’t change unless the job does, and every aspect of what a Learning and Growth review should include – what was accomplished, and how it was done – are measured;
•Employee recognition programs and training / development plans demonstrate Respect to each person on your team because they are always based on an accurate and objective understanding of how each person’s contributions made a specific difference to individual, team and organizational success; and,
•Succession and career planning decisions are always based on the most accurate and objective information available about people and their capabilities – not who a person knows, but what a person has proven they can do. |