Maintain Employee Skills by ENCV Non-Administrators

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With this function, Leads will be able to update Skills/Certifications of their direct reports but not their own.  Non-Lead Employees will only be able to view their own Skills/Certifications. Accessibility is based on security access level.


From the Main Menu move the mouse over Employees and click Employees, opening the Employees list:

Non Admin Access only



Non-Admin Lead/Supervisor

Employee skills_Non-Admin


The Employee Skills icon, Certification  is now apart of the Action box.


Note: The edit icon has been changed to view in the Employees module. As a Lead/Non-Admin,  the Employee can view his/her Employee details but they will not be able to make changes. The add, delete, Reviewer/Reviews and print icons have been grayed out.



Employee skills_Non-Admin2    

Employee Skills

As the person logged in,

Clicking the ‘+’ icon brings forward the library of skills to identify which ones you might want to add.  

The ‘Save’ icon is disabled so you may not add a skill to your personal profile. 



For data integrity reasons, only your supervisor can add skills and certifications to your personal profile. From the Skills Library, please note the code number and name of any/all skills, certifications, licenses, memberships, etc. you believe should be attached to your personal profile, and provide that information to them.”   


To add or change Skills for their Direct Reports:

Highlight the Employee name.

In the Actions bar, select Employee Skills, Certification.

On the screen you will see what skills are currently attached to the employee. From here you can enter the skill reference number in the Search box if you know it, or click on the InsertButton in the Actions bar to review all the Skills/Certifications available.


Employee skills_Non-Admin3

Employee skills_Non-Admin4


Select the appropriate Skill or Certification and double click on it. Click BalloonHelpIcon beside the Title for the Skill or Certification to see a full description of the selected skill.

Employee skills_Non-Admin5

If it is what you were looking for, select SaveButton at the bottom of the screen. The selected skill or certification will be automatically attached to the Employee. If it was not the one you were looking for, select CancelButton.


Employee skills_Non-Admin6

The Effective date defaults to today’s date, but can be changed by clicking CalendarButton and selecting a new date.

If the Skill expires, the Expiry Date is a required field.

Complete the Memo Notes as appropriate.

To edit a Skill, select the skill and double click or click EditButton in the Actions menu.

Make any necessary changes to the effective date or Memo Notes.

SaveButton to close.

To Delete a skill, highlight the skill and click DeleteButton in the Actions menu.  


To renew a Skill:

Some Skills and Certifications expire and must be periodically renewed.

Highlight the Employee name.

In the Actions menu, select Employee Skills Certification .

Highlight the Skill to be renewed.

Click Renew button_renew.


Employee skills_Non-Admin_renew

The Renew Skill Details page opens.

The Effective Date, Expiry Date and New Effective Date will be populated based on the previous effective period.

Populate the New Expiry Date field using the calendar function.

Add optional memo notes.

SaveButton to close.

Employee skills_Non-Admin_renew1




Employee skills_Non-Admin_renew2


Print a Skill Listing for a Direct Report

Click printbutton1 to print a listing of the skills/certifications shown on the screen. The report can be printed or saved to a file.

Employee skills and certs listing report for a Direct report


Employee Skills Expiration

This report provides the Lead with a list of their direct reports whose Skills are due to expire within the time frame selected.  

Note: only Skills with Employee Expiry Tracking enabled will be shown in this report.


Click the Employee Related Reports and select Employee Skill Expiry.

Employee skills_Non-Admin_expiration

Enter the From and To date range by entering the dates in yyyy-mm-dd format or clicking on the calendar.

Determine whether you need to see all employees or just those who have expiring Skills.  Click checkedto exclude employees that do not have skills/certifications expiring within this period of time.

Click okbutton.


Employee skills expiration

The Skills and Certifications Employees Expiration Listing will populate.

The Employees Skills Expiration report lists the Employee ID, Employee Name, Job Title, Skill Reference, Skill Title, whether the Skill is Active, its Type, Effective Date, Expiration Date and whether it has been Renewed.


Employee skill and Certification Expiry




No Employees found


if there are no Skills/Certificates expiring in the selected time period.


Note: The Skills and Certifications Employees Expiration Listing will print all skills and the attached Employees whose skills expire within the selected time frame regardless of the Skill highlighted in the Skills List.

The report can be printed, saved or exported to Word.