System Settings>Troubleshooting

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System Settings_Troubleshooting


Email Customer Support

This policy allows you to Email the Encompassing Visions Customer Support Team.


Show Details in Errors

If there is an error, make the error detail available. Usually this is turned off to enhance security.


Application Health

View Health and Technical Status Info of the Application

Click View System Settings_Troubleshooting2 to open the status screen.

System Settings_Troubleshooting3


Click the settings icon to include information of healthy items and internal checks.



For the Technical Administrators System Settings_Troubleshooting4 Version

Click this button to view detailed Version information.  This can help with diagnosing the exact version of individual components of the application (files, code, and database), which may be helpful when the version may have had hotfixes applied .


Clear caches

Remove frequently accessed data. The next time the data is needed, it will be retrieved from the database.

Some settings and data are cached, and may not be updated, especially if changes were made directly to a database by an administrator.  Click this button to clear all caches without restarting the application.


Restart Web Application

Some settings and data are cached in memory, and may not be updated, especially if changes were made directly to a database by an administrator.  Click this button to shut down the web application.  It will be automatically restarted by IIS, and all memory caches will be regenerated.