Suppressed Reviewers

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There are some situations where it is desirable to suppress the default reviewer scenarios. These are called Suppressed Reviewers. If a default review is deleted the system thinks that relationship should be suppressed. In the case of competency reviews the suppression is forever. In the case of work plan reviews it is only for the current period (because work plan reviewers have a work plan assigned to them and work plans typically span only one period). The system does not currently have a way to show these suppressed review relationships or remove them from the database so a manual intervention by Encompassing Visions is required. Please contact for help.

Suppressing Reviewers

From the Reviewer Maintenance screen, choose the review from the employee list and then find the default reviewer you want to suppress the relationship for.

When you click on a review and delete, no matter what the status, the user will see that the review has been deleted.  This review has been put into a suppressed reviewers table.   If the reviewer goes in to do the review (the one deleted) and they are in the suppressed reviewers, the default record will not show up.

If a user is still getting the default review for an employee, who they are not suppose to be doing reviews for,  than the user needs to be unlinked from the employee.