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Note: These Help pages assume that you are familiar with the standard features of the screen (Search Box, Filter Box, Tool Bar and Actions Box) - and standard screen controls (selecting a row, using pick lists, using check-boxes and spell-checking). If you need additional information about how those features work please review the Help Topic: Interacting with Encompassing Visions.


Sub-Administrators are users who have Administrator level access to a particular domain.


Sub-Administrators may have system-wide security within Encompassing Visions to ‘see’ (I.e., ‘Read-only’) every job within the job database, but will have full security clearance to create/view/edit and generate all job evaluation related reports for jobs within their assigned Domain. or may be restricted to 'NO ACCESS"


On the Main Menu, move your mouse over Administration in the navigation bar to open the Administration sub-menu.

Click Users to open the user screen.

Select the user, who will be a Sub-Administrator, and click the btn_edit_24 icon to open the the user details.



Adding a Sub-Administrator


In the example, Thomas Anderson has a System-Wide access of 'None' to the application. If he were to log in, with the current credentials, he would not see the jobs module on the screen.





To add the domain, click the AddingSubAdmin2button to open the drop-down list of the available domains.




Click on the domain to add to the User. In this case, 'Communications'.

oThe following menu items, for page access levels, will be available.




Select the Access Levels for the User.

oIn this scenario, Thomas is given a:

'Y' on Able to Log in?

'5' On Jobs and Print Job Reports




Click SaveButtonto save the User details screen or btn_cancel_24 to cancel the User Details.


The User will have a check flag checkflag in the Domains column to indicate they are linked to a domain.




When Thomas logs in,  he will be able to see the specific jobs uniquely assigned to him as a department manager. His area of responsibility. 



The Actions box will have all available tasks along with the specific reports related to his area of the organization.

Note: The reports will have the branding of the domain the user is in.


Remove a Domain from a Sub-Administrator


Select the User that the domain should be removed from.

Double click or click the edit btn_edit_24icon.



Hover over domain and click the Removedomain2.

An information message will ask if you wish to proceed.



Click cancel to cancel the removal of User from the Domain or Delete to proceed.

The check flag checkflagwill be removed from the Domain column of the User.


Note: System-wide Administrators

ENCV enables Organizations the ability to give managers an appropriate (i.e., restricted) level of access in the software to seeing ONLY those jobs in their area of the organization. This will enable them to remain focused on ensuring the roles describe the current work people are supposed to be doing 1) without requiring they have access to EVERY job in the organization, and/or  2) without having to ask HR to send them the most recent job description in ENCV because they don’t have access to the Jobs database.