Implementing the JPS Job Questionnaire

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The JPS Job Questionnaire© is an internationally copyrighted document that asks a series of questions about what a job does. Responses are tabulated in the Encompassing Visions software system to calculate a numerical score that reflects a job’s relative ‘value’ to other jobs within the organization (for compensation purposes).  At the same time and based on the same information, the software translates questionnaire responses into importance ratings for various behavioural competencies (for employee performance review purposes.)

The Job Questionnaire is the first step in using the Encompassing Visions system for your organization.  The job evaluation process, done through the Questionnaire, allows your organization to rank the jobs according to a numeric score, as well as use the data to create a Job Description, Job Posting, and an appropriate list of interview questions.  The Questionnaire is designed to measure every aspect of every job found in any organization, and summarize the results in terms of Skill, Effort, Responsibility and Working Conditions.

The Questionnaire can be customized to reflect the language used by your organization.  As well, there are areas for justification of response, and space for notes on every aspect of the job evaluation process. These notes are your documentation should a job evaluation be appealed.

Encompassing Visions recommends that an organization use a job evaluation committee to conduct the job evaluation process when the system is being populated for the first time, or if reviewing a pre-populated database related to your industry. This process will be greatly assisted by a facilitator who is trained in the use and interpretation of the Job Questionnaire.  Our process starts with a short training session for the committee, and then moves on to the actual job evaluation work. 

Our job evaluation process is most efficient and effective when starting from the top of the organization.


If the database is NOT pre-populated: The first questionnaires to be answered in the organization will come from the interview with the most senior person in the organization. Moving through the questionnaire one question at a time for the most senior job and for each of its’ direct reports, the process will enable relative similarities and differences between executive roles to be effectively identified in the recorded questionnaire responses. Then with information now available for the senior management roles, work with each of these incumbents to complete job questionnaires for their direct reports in the same manner – question by question. With this process, efficiencies in gathering quality information about what is similar and what is different between jobs that work together is maximized.  Facilitated by an individual who can provide quality assurance checks and balances with the growing database of jobs from the organization, the relative appropriateness of responses within and across the organization can be assured. Updating system-embedded Job Questionnaire response ‘Examples’ (if required) will ensure accurate references are available for future job evaluation work.  


If the database is pre-populated: Print the system generated Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report by ‘Organizational Structure’. The first job evaluation session will be with the most senior person in the organization. Reviewing the pre-recorded responses for the most senior job and each direct report, the process will enable relative similarities to be quickly confirmed and differences easily identified in the recorded questionnaire responses. Then with information now confirmed for the senior management roles, work with each of these incumbents to review previously completed job questionnaires for their direct reports in the same manner – question by question. With this process, efficiencies in reflecting and confirming quality information about what is similar and what is different between jobs that work together is maximized.  Facilitated by an individual who can provide quality assurance checks and balances with the growing database of jobs from the organization, the relative appropriateness of responses within and across the organization can be assured. Updating system-embedded Job Questionnaire response ‘Examples’ (if required) will ensure accurate references are available for future job evaluation work.  


This process should continue through the organization until all jobs have been evaluated in a cascading fashion.  This method ensures that the jobs are being evaluated relative to other jobs in the organization, while allowing those responsible for the quality of the results to use previous job evaluation results to effectively facilitate the process.

We have provided this document to aid in the Job Evaluation process. It provides a source for all of the Job Questionnaire text in one place and some notes to assist in the completion of the Questionnaire.