Job Calculation |
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Error When Calculating the Job There are several places in the application where a job's total points and competency importance ratings are calculated: •When a job questionnaire is added, changed or deleted from a job. •When a weight is changed in the Job Questionnaire maintenance screen. •When the Calculate button is pressed in the Competency Maintenance screen.
All three call the same routine which calculates the total points for the job and slot it into a job level and the importance ratings for each of the competencies for that job.
When all aspects of the system are functioning properly, there should never be a situation where this routine will fail. However, if you have had the system for a long time or if some manual manipulation of data has occurred in the past then there is a possibility that missing or incomplete data can cause a problem in the calculation routine.
Error Received: The system can not calculate this job. Refer to the Help topic ‘Problem Solving Tips’ in the Job Calculation section for assistance.
Cause: The job has somehow been marked complete but there is no completed Job Questionnaire in the system.
Explanation: Only completed jobs are included in the calculation routine. If the job is complete with no Job Questionnaire in place this error will occur.
Correction: There are two possible corrections:
1)Delete the job. It can only be deleted if not assigned to an employee (see note below). 2) Complete a job questionnaire for the job to complete the evaluation. This will assign job points and competency importance ratings and recalculate the evaluation.
Note: If you are using Encompassing Visions for Learning and Growth Feedback the job could be linked to an employee (or employees). To confirm if this is true, from the Jobs screen, choose the job and then View - Linked Employees. If the Job is linked to an employee then you will either need to evaluate the job or link the employee to a different job. A Competency Review can not be completed for an Employee linked to a job without a completed questionnaire. This is because there will not be no importance ratings assigned to the competencies, and the Competency Review cannot determine which questions to ask.
Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report Error We often find that the Financial Questions (Questions 20, 21, 22, 23) are not applicable either for the Job or in the business process of the organization. Because of that, the Questionnaire will be considered Complete when only one of the 4 questions is answered. However, all of the questions must be answered to ensure all background calculations are completed correctly. The Job Questionnaire Cross Reference Report will fail if any responses are left blank. Therefore, we recommend that the following answers are selected for Budget Responsibility if it is not an essential element of the Job being evaluated: Budget = N/A or Minimal Responsibility (I – V) = V
Administrator Note: The policy: Do you use the financial questions (20-22) in the Job Questionnaire? is defaulted as YES in the new client database. That setting indicates that these questions are applicable for Jobs in your organization. If these questions are not applicable for any Job in your organization, you can change the policy setting to NO. At that point, questions 20 - 22 will default to N/A and V and the only question that will need to be answered is 23.
For more information about the Financial Questions, request the document: Calculating the Financials from
PLEASE NOTE: For this release, the policy indicated above is no longer available to new users. Questions 20-23 are available to the organization and the background calculations are now a Sum. If you would like to know more please reach out to