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Getting Started With Default Reviewers
Version 2020.2.0
Revised 2020
Getting Started with Default Reviewers
Overview The Encompassing Visions application has the ability to generate default reviewers for the supervisor and incumbent reviews of competencies and work plans. This is controlled by system policies. By default, this functionality is enabled in the application, but the implications should be reviewed. Those implications are discussed in this document along with step by step instructions for utilizing all of the features of the default reviewers and some specific additional scenarios (e.g. Probationary Reviews, multiple supervisors). This document is written to describe processes and functionality. If you have not yet upgraded to the latest version, we strongly recommend that you do so. If you would like more information or any additional guidance, please do not hesitate to contact our Encompassing Visions support team at techsupport@encv.com. Identifying Supervisors and Incumbents The system uses the reviewer roles of Supervisor and Incumbent in the generation of the default review records. The ‘Incumbent’ is the employee to be reviewed. An employee’s ‘Supervisor’ is identified in Encompassing Visions through a series of checks based on Policy, Organization Structure and Employee Details. If the Policy (Employees>Employee Settings>Organization>Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews?) is set to ‘Yes’, then the Supervisor’s name should appear in the Employee edit screen (Employees>Employees>Employee Details) beside the new/inserted field called ‘Supervisor’. If it doesn’t, click on the ‘pencil’, search for the Supervisor’s name by typing the first few letters of their first or last name, and selecting the correct name when it appears. If the Policy (Employees>Employee Settings>Organization>Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews?) is set to ‘No’, then it is absolutely critical to ensure the Employee is 1) assigned to the correct organizational unit and 2) that the employee who is the Supervisor of that organization unit is identified by the ‘lead’ indicator in the employee details screen (Employees>Employees>Employee Details). For an Employee who is not a lead: •The Supervisor is the employee that is in the same organization unit as the incumbent (reviewee) and has the ‘lead’ indicator checked. Both of these pieces of information reside in the employee record for the supervisor. •If there are multiple leads identified in an organization unit, then all of them will be presumed to be default reviewers for all other non-lead employees (refer to the section of Multiple Supervisors for tips on dealing with this scenario). Please note: When there are multiple leads within the same organization, the software WILL NOT automatically set the default reviewers to include peer leads. •If there is no employee designated with ‘lead’ responsibilities from within the organization unit, then the algorithm for setting the default reviewer will simply work up the organization structure until it finds someone who is identified as a lead. If it gets to the top and there is no lead identified, then there will be no supervisor default reviewer record created.
For an Employee who is lead: •A supervisor can be default identified in Encompassing Visions in two different ways, depending on the policy selections of your organization. A supervisor will be recognized in the software if they are the lead of the organization unit they are connected to as showing in Employee Details (Employees> Employees> Employee Details). A supervisor will also be default identified by the software if the Policy option (Employees>Employee Settings>Organization>Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews?) is set to ‘Yes’ and the Supervisor’s name has been attached to each subordinate employee’s file (Employees> Employees> Employee Details). It is presumed that the leaders of the sub-units of an organization unit are the direct-reports of the leader in the (parent) organization unit. •If there are multiple leads identified in the parent organization unit, then all of them will be presumed to be default reviewers for the employee (refer to the section of Multiple Supervisors for tips on dealing with this scenario). •If there is no employee in the parent organization unit identified as the lead, then the algorithm will simply work up the organization structure until it finds someone who is identified as a lead. If it gets to the top and there is no lead identified, then there will be no supervisor default reviewer record created. Organizations wishing to use the Organization Structure method for setting default reviewers within the software need to ensure that the structure set up in their Payroll/HRIS system is a perfect match to the structure set up in Encompassing Visions. The organization structure and the identification of the appropriate organization unit and lead indicator on employee records are critical to the successful generation of default reviewer records. If the match is not perfect, then ability to synchronize automatic updates between your Payroll/HRIS and Encompassing Visions will not be possible. If this is the situation in your organization (i.e., the organizational information within your Payroll/HRIS was designed more for budgeting purposes than to create a detailed organization chart), then choose to say ‘Yes’ to the Policy “Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews?”. For assistance in selecting the option that bests meet your organizations current or longer term requirements, please contact the Encompassing Visions support team. Core Tables – Review Types There are several other system settings built into Encompassing Visions that are related to default reviewers and designed to facilitate any unique but required client configurations. These settings can be found in the Administration module (Administration> Reference Files> Core Tables> Review Type). Description There are 3 types of learning and growth reviews enabled by Encompassing Visions. 1.Competency - The behavioural and technical skills attached to the job each person has been assigned. Determined and communicated in the Job Description, Job Posting and Selection Interview Guides, the relative importance of each competency is based on what the person is paid to do, as determined by responses recorded in the Job Questionnaire. The specific technical skills attached to the job are also included in learning and growth reviews of the job incumbent. Competency reviews provide insight into the way the incumbent did their job, and how effective they were at applying the technical skills required in order to get the job done. 2.Business Objectives – Measures of what was accomplished during a specific period of time. Often there will be specific time sensitive projects that need to be described for expectations and evaluated for accomplishments. 3.Professional Development Objectives - Measures of personal development during a specific period of time that are important because of the employee's current job responsibilities.
Frequency – How often a review should be done. The various options available for selection within each type of review (Bi-Annually, Annually, Semi-Annually, Quarterly, Monthly) will determine the default dates selected by the software for the review period. Start Month – This is the month used by the software to determine what date default review periods should begin. Review Period - This is the number of days allowed for learning and growth reviews to be completed. Used to pre-populate date fields in the software, the selected number will be added to the review period “End Date” to determine the Due Date for reviews. Lock Period - This is the number of days after a review has been “Completed” that it will be locked so no further changes can be made. Note: If the review is completed before the Due Date, it will remain open until after the Due Date and Lock Period has passed.
Learning and Growth Feedback Policies Default Reviewer Policies You will find the Policies for default reviewers in the following sub-menus of the Employee Settings: •In Employees>Employee Settings>Reviews •In Employees>Employee Settings>Business Objectives •In Employees>Employee Settings>Personal Development Objectives
Additional system policies pertaining to default reviewers will enable your organization to further reflect its needs. Listed under Business Objectives, Competency Reviews and Professional Development Objectives are the following system options that can be turned on or off: •Do you want supervisors to be default reviewers for Competency Reviews? •Do you want supervisors to be default reviewers for Business Plans? •Do you want supervisors to be default reviewers for Professional Development Plans? •Do you want incumbents to be default reviewers for Competency Reviews? •Do you want incumbents to be default reviewers for Business Plans? •Do you want incumbents to be default reviewers for Professional Development Plans? When set to 'yes' (the default), default review records will be created for these scenarios. When set to 'no', they will not. It is valid to have a mixture of 'yes' and 'no' values for these different reviews depending on the needs of your organization.
Defaulting Dates Competency Reviews In the module Administration>Core Tables> Review Type>Competency, the Frequency, Start Month, and Review Period are together used to calculate the default review Due Date for Competency reviews. The Due Date is also used to determine when the next default review period will be generated by the system. For example: Frequency is “Annually”, Start Month is “January” and Review Period is “14 (days)”. If a user logs into the system on January 10th, 2018 to complete a Competency review, the system will show them all the review records as at the end of the previous period (December 31st, 2017.) If the user logs into the system anytime after January 14th, 2018 to complete a Competency review, the system will show them all the review records as at the end of the previous period (December 31st, 2017) and new Competency reviews requiring completion for the new review period. Business Objective Reviews In the module Administration>Core Tables> Review Type>Business Objectives (the system default term your organization may have changed), the Frequency, Start Month, and Review Period are together used to calculate the default review Due Date for Business Objective reviews. The Due Date is also used to determine when the next default review period will be generated by the system. For example: Frequency is “Annually”, Start Month is “January” and Review Period is “14 (days)”. If a user logs into the system on January 10th, 2018 to complete a Business Objective review, the system will show them all the review records as at the end of the previous period (December 31st, 2017.) If the user logs into the system anytime after January 14th, 2018 to complete a Business Objective review, the system will show them all the review records as at the end of the previous period (December 31st, 2017) and any new Business Objective reviews requiring completion for the current review period.
Professional Development Reviews In the module Administration>Core Tables> Review Type>Professional Development Objectives (the system default term your organization may have changed), the Frequency, Start Month, and Review Period are together used to calculate the default review Due Date for Professional Development Objectives reviews. The Due Date is also used to determine when the next default review period will be generated by the system. For example: Frequency is “Annually”, Start Month is “January” and Review Period is “14 (days)”. If a user logs into the system on January 10th, 2018 to complete a Professional Development Objectives review, the system will show them all the review records as at the end of the previous period (December 31st, 2017.) If the user logs into the system anytime after January 14th, 2018 to complete a professional Development Objectives review, the system will show them all the review records as at the end of the previous period (December 31st, 2017) and any new Professional Development Objectives reviews requiring completion for the current review period.
Default Review Records What are they? The default review records are best described as virtual records. They don’t physically exist in the database until a review is actually started but are shown as if they exist in reviewer maintenance and in the list of reviews that an employee needs to complete. When Are They Not Generated? Default Review records will not be created if: •The policies for Business Objectives and/or Professional Development Objectives (Employee>Employee Settings>Business Objectives or Personal Development Objectives) “Enable Business Objectives/Enable Professional Development Objectives” are set to ‘No’ •The Work Plan (Business Objectives or Professional Development Objectives) that you are expecting a default record to be generated for has not been approved. NOTE: Employee approval is only required if the policy settings for employee approvals are set to yes. Supervisor approval is always required before the default review record will be created. •The default review record has been manually deleted (a suppressed reviewer – see Suppressed Reviewers section below) •A manual review record for the reviewee and reviewer already exists.
Why Default Records Are the Way They Are The system is set up to accommodate changes in organization structure and to ensure that supervisors who should (or should no longer) be able to review subordinate staff are managed appropriately within the software. For example, if an employee who is a lead of one organizational area is transferred to another part of the organization, they will no longer show up as a default supervisor for the employees in the previous organization unit. If s/he is a leader in the new organization unit, then they will automatically show up as a default reviewer in the new unit. Once a new leader in the old organization unit is identified, then the default review records for that organization unit will reflect the new leader. Until such a time as a new leader is identified, the leader of the parent organization will be used. All this happens seamlessly due to the use of virtual review records. The Implications of Automatic Updating With the system set up the way it is, it will be necessary to manually create any review records for scenarios where a supervisor or employee may have moved to a new department and you want the former supervisor to complete a review. Example: Jane Doe is in Department A and Jim Dough is her supervisor. Mid-year, Jane is moved to Department B and now has a supervisor named Mary Doe. With the default review records, Jim Dough will no longer have to complete a review for Jane if he hadn’t started one before she transferred, but Mary will. In order to have Jim complete a review if he hadn’t started one before the transfer (which may be appropriate given that she worked for him for part of the year), it will be necessary to manually establish a review record for Jane Doe and select Jim Dough to do a supervisory review. Suppressed Reviewers Information about a deleted default review record (again, this is the ‘virtual’ record for a review that is not yet started) is stored in the system. We refer to this as a suppressed review. When a default review record is deleted, we write a record to a table (the suppressed reviewers table) that identifies the reviewee, reviewer and work plan (Business and/or Professional Development Objectives -if applicable). When we are displaying the list of reviewers for a reviewee (in Employees/ Employees/ Employee Reviewers/Reviews) or the list of reviews that an employee needs to complete (in Employees/Complete Reviews), we check the suppressed reviewers table. If there is a match between the reviewer/reviewee/work plan, then we do not show the default reviewer record. For competency reviews, this reviewer suppression is permanent – it will be checked until such a time that one of the employees is deleted from the system. For Business or Professional Development Objectives reviews, this lasts only for the particular work plan so typically will only be in place for one review period. The system currently doesn’t have a screen to show you who the suppressed reviewers are within your system. We have to send you a script that will dump the table and then, after your review, send you another script if suppressed records are to be deleted. If you are having problems with default reviewers not showing up in your system when you think they should, and you have exhausted all other explanations (i.e. employee setup, organization structure) then contact the Encompassing Visions support staff for assistance in checking if a suppressed reviewer record is the problem. It should be noted that because of the implications noted above, deleting a default review record is not advisable and should only be undertaken in scenarios where it is acceptable for the suppression of reviews is to be permanent. Again we will stress that this is the default virtual record only – one that still has the default reviewer column set to ‘yes’ on the Maintain Reviewers screen. If the Default reviewer column is set to ‘no’, then it is safe to delete the reviewer because it will not add to the suppressed reviewers scenario. In fact, if you delete the non-default reviewer record and the policy for default reviewers is turned on then the new default review record will automatically be created (assuming it meets the conditions for when a new record is to be generated).
Impact of Change in the System Changing the Start Month Default Review Records Changing the Start Month will automatically change the expected review date on any default reviews that have not yet been started. It will not change Start, End or Due Dates for any default Competency, Business Objectives or Professional Development Objectives reviews that were already started and/or completed. Manually assigned review records previously established before the Start Month was changed also remain unchanged. Changing the Policies for Default Reviews Turning the default review policy off part way through the review process will ‘remove’ any of the virtual default review records from the system. That is, only the ones where a review has not been started. Any reviews that have been started or completed are no longer default reviews and can’t be automatically removed in this manner. They would have to be deleted by deleting the review record from the reviewers list (Employees/ Employees/ Employee Reviewers/Reviews). Turning the default review policy on part way through the review process will add default review records to the system but only where a manual review record doesn’t already exist for the current review period. If you have been doing reviewer maintenance manually and assigning reviews, then you should complete that for the last review period. Then you can turn the default reviews policy on to generate records for the next period (note that this takes into consideration the date defaulting noted in the above section on Defaulting Dates). Keeping A Review Open All Year There are advantages to starting a review early in the fiscal year. For example, adding comments or examples in a Competency review updated throughout the year is a good way to track observations of behaviours and the application of technical skills; they may provide clues about how a person does their job, which may in turn provide insight into why the person was (or why the person was not) successful in their assigned role. Similarly, monitoring, tracking and recording status updates as they relate to Business Objectives and/or Professional Development Objectives is also important to ensuring employees have every chance to successfully meet/exceed work expectations. However, it is important to keep in mind that the default review records won’t actually show up in the system until after the Due Dates from the previous year have passed. Locking Reviews It is also important to note that if a review gets completed early, it will get locked in the system based on the Lock Period (Administration/Core Tables/Review Type). The system default is 30 days and the maximum that can be set is 60 days. A review is never locked until it is completed. If the review is completed prior to its’ Due Date, the Lock Period will start on the Due Date. This will give the reviewer the ability to make changes to the review until the lock period kicks in (i.e. after the Due Date). This is consistent with someone completing the review in the typical review window. If the event a review was not completed until after the Due Date, the Lock Period will be based on the review Completion date. If a review has not been started prior to the review period rolling over (i.e. the Due Date has passed), the Administrator will be able to create a review for the previous review period (Employees/ Employees/ Employee Reviewers/Reviews). Specific Issues For Business Objectives and Professional Development Objectives Work Plans Once any review has been started or completed for a Business or Professional Development work plan, it is no longer possible to remove the approvals from the work plan in order to change it’s content. This control is for information and review integrity reasons. If however it is critically important to change any work plan having reviews “In Progress” or “Completed”, you must first delete any/all reviewer records (Employees> Employees> Employee Reviewers/Reviews). Once the review records have been deleted, the previously set “Approvals” for the work plan can be removed (Employees/Business Objectives (or alternatively, Professional Development Objectives)) by highlighting the specific work plan in the list and clicking on the “Lock/Unlock” icon in the Actions bar. Once unlocked with Approvals removed, the Business Objectives (or Professional Development) work plan can be modified. There are two other alternatives to deleting the work plan review: 1.If a particular objective should have been removed from a Business Objective or Professional Development work plan but wasn’t, and the review process was underway, recording “Can’t Comment” will cause the particular objective to be ignored in the learning and growth report, and ensure the overall rating of objective achievements is based solely on those objectives that could be rated. 2.If there are additional objectives to be added to the work plans then a second work plan could simply be created and approved. The appropriate default review records will be generated as soon as the work plan is approved appropriately and the Learning and Growth Report will pick up both work plan reviews in the evaluation of learning and growth. Special Review Scenarios The following are some special review scenario examples with some tips on the best way to handle them in your system. Probationary, Interim or Mid-Year Review Any time you want to have more than one review completed within the review period, it is important to remember that default review records will not be generated if there is already a review completed for a date within the period. In this case, you will need to establish all of the review records manually. NOTE: It is important that you don’t just use the default review record as the probationary or interim review because it likely will not have the date that you want on it, and it makes it more difficult to distinguish from the regular review in the system. The steps to follow to create this scenario are the same for both Incumbent, Supervisor and ‘other’ reviewer roles: 1.Create a manual review record for the probationary review with the appropriate expected review date. You will want to override the system generated default dates for Review Date and Due Date. To do this, go to Employees/ Employees/Employee Reviewers/Reviews and click on the “Add” icon in the Actions bar. 2.Create a manual review record for the regular period-end review (this one can use the default dates the system generates). You have to do this because the system won’t automatically generate this default for you once you have created the manual probationary review record. 3.The reviews are completed during the time periods specified. 4.The following year the default reviews records will be automatically generated by Encompassing Visions - assuming that there isn’t another probationary review required. Important Note: Do not delete the default review records the system generates prior to creating your manual review records. Once you create the manual review records, the system will correctly refrain from generating the default reviewer records. If you delete the default reviewer records first, you’ll end up in the suppressed reviewers scenario and will have to manually create reviewer records from that day forward. Flat Organization Charts Encompassing Visions has a data integration capability for (among other things) loading organization information from your HRIS. By default, Encompassing Visions requires this detailed organization information in order to securely set up default reviewers based on who reports to whom. We recognize that some organizations do not have organization charts or HRIS databases that describe in detail how every reporting relationship in the organization ‘works’. This would be the scenario where department budget codes are used to define employee relationships instead of a detailed/complete organization chart. In this situation, go to Employees>Employees Settings>Organization> Do you use Employee/Supervisor relationship for Reviews? and select the option “Yes”. With that Policy change, the “Employee Details” module will now include for each employee an option for attaching the name of their immediate supervisor. These can be manually entered, or the preferable option is to include this information in the automated data integration process. HRIS databases will typically have this information available. Competency Reviews If you manually delete the default Supervisor reviewer records for the employees that do not belong to each leader, they will be permanently remembered in the suppressed reviewers table. This means that you only have to do this once and it will remain in place for as long as the employee and leader are both in the system. Work Plans Because the work plans suppressed reviewers include the work plan identifier, the suppression of the default reviewers on work plans will only last for as long as that work plan is in place – typically only one review cycle. When the new work plan is generated in the next review cycle the default reviewers will be created only for the new (and approved) work plan. In order to handle the multiple leaders, you would do the same as for the competency review except that you have to do this each year for the appropriate work plans.
Multiple Work Unit Leaders Where there are multiple peer team leads working together in the same work unit, the systems default review process will ensure that each team lead is automatically assigned responsibility for completing learning and growth reviews as an ‘incumbent’ and as a ‘Supervisor’ of all other non-team leads. In this situation, the default reviewer process will not enable team leads to complete learning and growth reviews of their peers (unless you manually set them up to do ‘Peer’ reviews). Dual Reporting Relationships There are some situations where one employee reports up to two different leaders. This can be in a dual-responsibility job, a secondment temporarily to another department, or a person doing two part-time jobs. In this scenario, it is assumed the employee is attached to the same organization unit as one of the leaders. The default reviewers will automatically generate the review records for this supervisor. For the alternate supervisor, you need to create the reviewer records manually through the Employee/Employee/Employee Reviewers/Reviews function. This can be done for both competency and work plan reviews. This will allow multiple supervisors to review the employee, and all review information will be included in all learning and growth reports generated for the employee. Tip: it may be desirable to have the reviewer role for the 2nd supervisor be called something other than ‘Supervisor’ – particularly if you want to be able to print the two supervisory reviews separately. In this instance, a second reviewer role called ‘IndReport’ or ‘AltLeader’ can be created (Administration>Core Tables>Reviewer Role function). Adding a new reviewer role here will include it in the pick list of reviewer roles that can be assigned when creating the reviewer record. At this time, you cannot enter any spaces in the reviewer role and it can only be 10 characters long. It is important to remember that no default reviewer records will be added for any reviewer roles that you add to the system yourself, and you can not delete or change any of the pre-defined reviewer roles. Note: The above scenario assumes that the two supervisors are not in the same department. If they are both in the same department, then they will both be default reviewers.
Printing Learning and Growth Reviews by Reviewer Role
Version 2021.1.0
Printing Learning and Growth Reviews By Reviewer Role
Use System Policies for Learning and Growth Feedback to turn on both the supervisor and incumbent as default reviewers (you can do this for one component of the reviews like competencies or for all three). •Employees>Employee Settings>Reviews
•Employees>Employee Settings> Business Objectives •Employees>Employee Settings>Professional Development Objectives
What this will do is cause a user to see an ‘incumbent’ review for one's self; that is, to be completed during the review period. It will also cause a ‘supervisor’ review to be on the list of reviews that the supervisor needs to complete for that employee.
E.g. Philip Black is the leader of eRecords and GIS Solutions. Rachel Lee reports to Philip Black. When Rachel logs in and goes to the Employee>Complete Reviews screen she sees that she has an incumbent review that needs to be completed for herself:
When Philip logs in and goes to the Employees>Complete Reviews, he sees that Rachel Lee is one of the people in his Organization Unit that he needs to do a review for:
Philip sees that it is a competency review that he is expected to complete since he is Rachel’s supervisor. The reviewer role is ‘supervisor’:
When it comes time to view/print the reviews, Rachel goes to Employees >Print Learning and Growth Review where she will see only herself on the list of people she can print reviews for (if you were doing full 360 degree reviews she would also see any employees she had completed a review for e.g. reviewer role- peer or subordinate):
When Rachel prints a review for herself, it will ONLY pick up the review that Rachel did for herself (reviewer role ‘Incumbent’). It does NOT show any of the supervisor review results. This is hard coded into the system so that an employee can only ever see a review of her/himself. So, Rachel can go ahead and print this review that shows her results only.
When Philip Black goes to view/print reviews, he sees all of the people that he has done a review for – including Rachel Lee.
There are three different things that Philip can print about Rachel from here: 1.The Default – which will print all reviews that have been completed that meet the date criteria (if selected). From the view/print reviewers screen, the ‘Reviewer Role’ filter is defaulted to ‘Supervisor’ . Change the 'Reviewer Role' to 'All' so all reviewer roles are shown. This means both supervisor and incumbent in your scenario.
This option will average the results of the incumbent and supervisor reviews together for an overall learning and growth rating.
Note: that the reviews and reviewers included in the report are identified at the top of the learning and growth report:
2.The supervisor review only – in order to print just the supervisor review, you would need to choose the ‘supervisor’ reviewer role for this filter:
This will generate the learning and growth report from just the Supervisor’s review.
3.The third option is that the supervisor can print just the incumbent review by selecting the appropriate reviewer role in the filter:
This generates the learning and growth report for just the incumbent. Note: this can be used to print any single reviewer role perspective. If you wanted to print all the peer reviews for example, then we’d show only peer reviews and average the results for an overall score by the peers.
So, you see, you can do what you were asking for. The employee prints their own review of themselves. The supervisor prints the supervisor review only and then they can compare results. After making any adjustments to the review, the supervisor would then re-print just the supervisor role for filing.
Note: The same process is followed for doing work plan reviews.
One last reminder, the determination of the reviewers can be done automatically based on the organization structure when the system policies for default reviewers are turned on. However, the reviewers can also be identified manually (if the policies are turned off) through the Employees > Employee Reviewer/Review. In order to do what you have indicated, someone – either the employee, supervisor or administrator – would have to go to Employees > Employee Reviewer/Review and assign all of the appropriate reviewers with the correct reviewer roles. This requires security access to the Employees > Employee Reviewer/Review module and can be a significant effort depending upon the number of employees you are talking about.
If you want the default reviewers to be correctly identified, then your organization structure within Encompassing Visions must be error-free and must not be changed until your review period is completed or the incorrect reviewers could be identified as the defaults. That is the one advantage to a manual process.
Lastly, if you find a situation where you have two supervisors that should review the same employee (maybe the employee changed organization units half way through the year and you want to have both complete a review), then you can add the 2nd reviewer into the system manually as a supervisor reviewer role if you want the system to average the two supervisor reviews together or, if you only wanted the current supervisor’s perspective to be shown in the final printed result you may want to assign the reviewer role of ‘other’.
Note: that if you had two supervisor reviews, you could use the review completed date filters to print only one supervisor’s review (review completed date is shown in the generated learning and growth review so as long as they weren’t both completed on the same day, you would be able to filter one out).
For example, if you knew that the review you wanted to print was the one completed on September 6th, 2014, you could enter the following in the date filter to filter out all but the one completed on September 6th. This will work for any reviewer role or if no reviewer role is specified:
This last bit is a little complicated so if you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.