Copy of Incumbent Reviews by Supervisor

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This functionality in Encompassing Visions is designed to facilitate the learning and growth review completion process by helping Supervisors understand employee perspectives about their personal learning and growth. Copying subordinate employee self-assessments should only be done if Supervisors feel their staff can be, and typically are, objective about their competencies and work plan accomplishments.


Note to administrators: The Policy: 'Do you want to allow Supervisors to copy their employees incumbent review' must be set to Yes if your organization requires that Supervisors have the ability to copy a completed incumbent review to the supervisor review.


In every case, an Employees’ Self-Assessment will remain in the system as their (Incumbent) self-assessment. A copy of it will be created for the Supervisor, and it will now appear in the table as a ‘SUPERVISOR REVIEW’.


When a Competency Review is chosen from the Complete Review screen, a confirmation message will appear asking if you would like to pre-populate your assessment with the subordinate employee’s self-assessment.

Copy of Incumbent Review by Supervisor

The actions available on this screen are:

Yes_copy button Continue Copy the employees’ self-assessment (if there is one completed for the same review period).

No_ copy button Continue and start a blank review ,

btn_cancel_24 Cancel copy and return to the Complete Review Screen.  


Continue Copy:

Confirmation message_complete copy

If No completed 'INCUMBENT' review is found then;

Click btn_ok_24 to start a new Supervisor review.


The Competency Review screen lists all of the Competencies that need to be reviewed for this Employee (Reviewee). By default the list is sorted alphabetically by Competency.  Upon entering the review for the first time there will be no evaluation information available.

competency review_supervisor


Or, click btn_cancel_24 if you wish for the self assessment to be completed.



Continue Copy

Click Yes_copy button.


If the Employee has completed a self assessment, the Competency Review screen will display a review with all of the evaluation information completed by the Employee. This will include the justification and competency notes completed by the Incumbent.


Completed Incumbent Review


Edit Competency Evaluation

1.Click EditButtonor double-click the Review to open the Review Details screen to perform the Competency Review.

2.For all three types of evaluations,the following apply:

oThe Competency Name appears in the title of the screen.

oThe Competency Definition appears at the top of the screen.

oWhen required, the Justification box will appear underneath the evaluation line(s).

oThe Competency Notes box will appear at the bottom of the screen.

oClicking the BalloonHelpIcon beside the Competency Notes or Justification fields provides some information about what should go in each field and where it gets displayed in the Learning and Growth Reports.

3.Click one of the response options or keep the selected response made by the Employee.


When the Justification field is available, the application will prompt you to explain the rationale for choosing a High or Low response. You may choose to overwrite the Employee's comments, if one is available by the Employee, keep the Employee's comments and add to it, or accept the comment(s) as is.

4.Clickbtn_save_go_next_24 to save your progress and open the next review question. Click btn_save_go_previous_24 to save your progress and return to the previous question.


5.Click SaveButton to save any changes that have been made and, for Characteristic or Skill Evaluations, calculates the Overall Evaluation for the Competency to determine whether to show the Justification field or not.


Supervisor review

Note: If the employee has not yet completed their (INCUMBENT) self-assessment, the ‘SUPERVISOR REVIEW’ can not be created by this method. The system will advise you accordingly.


6.Click CancelButton to close the Competency Details window without saving any changes.

7.Click Close tab to close window and return to previous screen.


Important Note About Cannot Comment: If you are are unsure of how to Evaluate the Reviewee because you haven't had enough interaction with them or this particular Competency is not part of your interaction then choose the 'Cannot Comment' (or C/C) option. These responses do not get included in the evaluation of the Employee so they do not skew the results. In a Characteristic or Skill Evaluation, if greater than 50% of the responses are Cannot Comment then the overall evaluation for the competency will be set to Cannot Comment.


Continue and start a blank review

Click No_ copy button to generate a new blank review.

Based on which review type is selected,  will populate for the selected employee to be reviewed.


Copy of Work Plan Reviews by Supervisor

Follow the same process as above.


You may choose to overwrite the evaluation response or keep the evaluation response as completed by the Employee's self-assessment if it has already been reviewed/completed by the subordinate. All comments will be included in the copied review which will now be called the ‘SUPERVISOR REVIEW’.

oyou may choose to overwrite the Employee's comments,

okeep the Employee's comments and add to it,

oor accept the comment(s) as is.



Clicking the printbutton1icon  in the Competency Review screen will print the list of competencies and evaluations as displayed on the screen, incorporating filters and sort order.


To Print the Learning and Growth Report for the selected Employee:

Click on the X (right hand corner) to go to previous screen.

With the Selected Employee still highlighted, click the Reports

o to generate the filters

Print Learning and Growth filters

oClick the OK to generate the report.

oClick Cancel to close window.


See an example of a generated Learning and Growth Report